Monday 13 February 2017


We live in a  world that has (or is desperately trying to) 'normalise' deviancy. For example the latest in a conga-line of attempts are the cashed-up, militant minority lobbying groups applying pressure to change the law that says there are only two sexes. They want the 'right' to call themselves anything they want. Actually that 'right' already exists, you can go around calling yourself a fried egg if you want but that is not what they really want.

What they are really demanding is that WE  be held by law to recognise their personal fantasies, they want us to be forced by law to recognise their madness (for madness it is; it used to be called body disphoria and was treatable) and if we refuse to, they want the right to sue us for; hate crimes and/or any of the recent slew of  made-up grievances they can think of in order to further feather their taxpayer funded nests.

However it is not all about the redistribution of funds from the 'normal's' pockets into the deviants, it also double dips as a means to 'pasteurise' their perverted lifestyle choices so as to eliminate moral or lawful consequences:
Earlier this week we learned that Micah Rhodes, one of the heads of Portland’s Resistance movement, is a pedophile. He was arrested for political action but then brought into court for sexual charges totally unrelated to anarchy. He’s now facing four counts of second-degree sexual abuse. His comrades can say it’s all a lie based on Micah’s recent political status, but they likely don’t know he’s already a registered sex offender in the area, responsible for first-degree sexual abuse and sodomy. This isn’t the first time he’s anally raped a young teenage boy and girl.
..............If they can create a world where weird is the norm, we won’t be as disgusted when we discover they molest 13-year-old boys. Rhodes isn’t an unusual case with the far left. It’s looking like the guy who punched alleged Nazi Richard Spencer in the face may be an S&M cuckold who lets people defecate on him. Many of my fellow Proud Boys recently had Antifa harassing their employers. We were told many of these irritating busybodies were associated with a band called Pink Mass. These guys are gay necrophiliacs who blow nail-covered dildos and whip each other dressed in leather dog masks. I don’t want their shows to be banned, but the fact that we live in a society where a phone call from them is given credence shows how normalized the abnormal is. Next time your boss says he’s been getting complaints, it’s important to ask, “From whom?” You should be allowed to bartend, sell real estate, and practice law even if GG Allin disapproves of your political beliefs.
It was only a couple of weeks ago that we learned a major figure in the #DisruptJ20 movement was renowned pedophile Luke Kuhn. He said he would burn houses down if people stood in his way. He said he does not recognize the police and will fight them if they have a problem with his lifestyle. These are normal things to believe if your raison d’être is what society abhors the most. When James O’Keefe presented these tapes to the FBI, they thanked him profusely and said they’d been following Luke for a while. Back in May, we learned about Black Lives Matter’s Charles Wade. The Washington Times pointed out, “He was listed as No. 40 on The Root’s 100 most influential black activists.” Though he pretended he was about justice and ethics and doing the right thing, he was a pimp who was caught trafficking a 17-year-old girl. In this same group, I would lump feminist activist Donna Hylton, who kidnapped a gay man and sodomized him to death over several days back in the ’80s. She gave a rousing speech at the Women’s March that was met with uproarious applause. This is the same march, incidentally, that featured 5-year-old girls carrying signs that said things like “This pussy grabs back” and “Don’t grab my pussy.”
These are the activists instigating anarchy on the streets of America and Melbourne right now, these are the same cohort who have been involved in lawfare to lower or abolish the age of consent so that they can have their way with children without fearing the 'law'. The American 'Pizzagate' incident indicates just how high-up in the elite/government circles these practices are to be found. 

Although I try to avoid twitter gossip at all costs, I am intrigued by how quickly the evidence for the pizza-gate scandal was 'debunked' as a conspiracy theory. Hard evidence is available to any with half a mind to explore the claims. It appears some facts are just too uncomfortable to be allowed on the internet....

......just imagine what it would be like to live in the left-elites vision of a Socialist country...oh, hang on; that's right...we don't have to imagine it at all...the evidence is there for all to see....just imagine living in North Korea?

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