Saturday 18 February 2017


When are we going to wake up from the nightmare in which the self-serving high priest/carpetbaggers of the pagan Gaian cult called Anthropogenic Global Warming continue to redistribute our hard-earned taxpayer money into the hands and pockets of those minuscule, money grubbing, hate-filled, racist, foul mouthed, activists whose sole aim in life appears to be the destruction of all we know and hold dear?

How many more lies must be swept under the carpet, how many more 'facts' need to be disproved, how many more 'experts' need to be exposed 'fiddling' the stats before they are fired (or in the safe government jobs 'promoted' to where they can no longer do any harm)?

Insanity on top of insanity.
First Labor and the Liberals pass laws to drive coal-fired power generators out of business by forcing us to use more wind and solar power instead.
Then when the obvious happens - power prices soar, the system breaks down - the Liberals decide to waste even more of our money instead.
Now it wants to force us to spend even more money on another green scheme - "clean-coal" generators. Retrofitting a Hazelwood or building a new generator to replace the onew we have already will cost even more millions - or billions.
And it is all for nothing. None of this does what it's actually all meant to do: cut the world's temperature. The difference we make is just too small. And besides: where is the evidence that a little more warming is actually bad for us, rather than good?
Oh, and haven't we learned the hard way that governments are bad at running power stations?
The cheapest solution is simply to scrap the renewable energy target to let the cheapest electricity generators stay on line and the most expensive die.
But the Government is too scared to even admit this, fearing that truth-telling this would trigger an investment strike in green power that will land electricity retailers with billions in fines for not meeting the green energy targets.
What insanity this is.  [AB]

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