Tuesday 21 June 2011

Big Mother!

In Orwell's lexicon 'doublethink' denotes an ability to hold two conflicting (i.e. opposite) ideological positions at the same time.

Consider the current outcry over live animal exports.

Whilst the images broadcast on TV were terrible, such treatment does not happen across the board. In fact there are numerous abattoirs in Indonesia that practice the same advanced slaughterhouse methods as exist in Australia (incidentally do you honestly believe that everyone in Australia does the right thing?), but the protesters do not want to hear that, it doesn't fit the ideology they are wanting to impose on Australia. Their intentions are to wipe out the industry entirely and the gullible (and all to often those on the public purse) are once again swept along with the 'rights' argument. All too often in the current 'new paradigm', animal rights trump human rights, employment or economic well being.
It all seems so humane until one realises that the totalitarianist tendency's behind the loony left are all about control, and the more dependent we become on the government the more control it has over us. Robert Mugabe is on record as being a believer in reducing a country's population into a position of absolute dependence on the government, and who would want to live in an Australian equivalent of Zimbabwe?

Another hypocrisy exposed by this outcry is to reflect on how the progressives squeal when someone from the conservative side of thinking tries to introduce a moral perspective to an issue. How they whinge about 'whose morality' etc, yet what they are doing in this case is to claim the moral high ground by condemning the morality of a whole country.

Lefties eviscerate Tony Abbott for promulgating false scares, a position which could be viewed as laughable unless seen as evidence of extreme doublethink when one considers the scare campaigns waged by the left-wing in respect to heat waves, rising waters obliterating our coasts, Y2K, food riots, the depletion of fossil fuels et al, and they base these scares on spurious (at best) 'science' (usually statistical models) and then publicly flay and denigrate all doubters (skeptics )...a position which is, or should be, at the very foundation of good science.

This government is on a mission to change our economy, our behaviour, our morality, our habits, everything...Gillard has recently admitted that she wants to change what it means to be an Australian.

Never mind Big Brother, this government is more like Big Mother!

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