To those who believe in the mystical myth of wind-power and would consign enormous amounts of finance better used elsewhere (almost anywhere else!), please do us all a favour and read this article:
Every person is entitled to their own opinions, but no one is entitled to their own facts.
Thursday, 27 December 2012
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
Through a mirror darkly.
It is fine to watch the ABC because the adverts are less frequent, but it is also very important to understand that Australia's national broadcast media is ideologically corrupt; that is they claim to be unbiased whilst being un-apologetically so. Consider this article:
When Robyn Williams recently equated skeptics to paedophiles on the ABC “Science” Show the skeptic-most-targeted was Maurice Newman, former chairman of the ABC itself. Newman responds to these deplorable and unscientific insults in today’s Australian and throws down the challenge to the current board.
ABC clique in control of climate
On November 24, Robyn Williams intoned to his audience on ABC’s The Science Show, “if I told you that pedophilia is good for children, or asbestos is an excellent inhalant for those with asthma, or, that smoking crack is a normal part and a healthy one of teenage life, you’d rightly find it outrageous. Similar statements are coming out of inexpert mouths again and again, distorting the science”. My article was given as an example of an anti-scientific position.Really? Questioning climate science is like advocating pedophilia, abetting mesothelioma and pushing drugs to teenagers? Well yes, according to the ABC’s science man. Stephan Lewandowsky, a guest on the program, asserted that those with a free market background were, according to his research, more likely to be sceptical of science. As well as climate science, “they are also rejecting the link between smoking and lung cancer; they are rejecting the link between HIV and AIDS”, the professor said. Happily, it was extremely difficult to detect people on the “Left side of politics who are rejecting scientific evidence”.
- From: The Australian
- December 18, 2012 12:00AM
Williams confirmed that after “a learned lecture” by one of the world’s most famous scientists, bankers remained unconvinced.
So there you have it. No more proof needed. Free marketers, bankers and science contrarians are simply despicable flat earthers. Best to keep away from them.Ordinarily it should be unnecessary to object to such appalling commentary. It should have been automatically withdrawn. But no. An ABC response used sophistry to satisfy itself “that the presenter Robyn Williams did not equate climate change sceptics to pedophiles”. Tell that to his listeners.
Newman points out this is more politics than science: No deceit is too great. Character assassination is the name-of-the-game and he found comments from a skeptical scientist who once lived under a communist regime to be apropos.
Lubos Motl, a climate commentator and string theory physicist, said about the ABC’s Science Show: “We used to hear some remotely similar (Czech) propaganda programs until 1989 … but the public radio and TV simply can’t produce programs that would be this dishonest, manipulative, hateful and insulting any more”.
The ABC Charter is clear, it is supposed to represent all Australians:
ABC editorial policies require a diversity of perspectives to be presented so that “over time no significant strand or belief is knowingly excluded or disproportionately represented”. They also speak of “a balance that follows the weight of evidence”. But who does the weighing? Who re-weights and when? Or is it set and forget?
We have seen the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change discredited. We know the science is less robust. And, for the past 16 years, mother nature has been kind to the sceptics. Because Williams says the entire globe is threatened in a way that is pretty dire doesn’t make it so. Yet the “weight of evidence” argument is often used as a licence to vilify holders of alternative views. As a taxpayer-funded organisation, the ABC shouldn’t even have a view on global warming. What it does have is a duty to all Australians to broadcast honestly the best available evidence on both sides of the argument so that we can make up our own minds. This is not happening.
I retain a deep affection for the ABC. But, like the BBC, there are signs that a small but powerful group has captured the corporation, at least on climate change.
It is up to the board and management to rectify this
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
Cuckoo, cuckoo!
And these are the sort of people that call people like me nuts:
David Hume’s John Stewart Mill’s philosophy of ‘the greatest good for the greatest number’ (in this case the as yet unborn), and Adolf Hitler’s ‘final solution’ and its potential application to ‘the denier problem’. Richard Tol wryly refers to Parncutt’s DeSmogBlog denier list link as ‘Death Row’.)
Needless to say his take on abortion would, I suspect, not equate it with murder at all. The only people monsters like this want to kill are people who are helpless or who dare to disagree with them.
If his 'logic' is really what passes for logic in today's world, and I think that this might be the case, then his logic is like the logic found in Alice's Wonderland. The logic of a madman!
Why do so many of today's most notorious 'intellectuals' (and most deceived) come from Australia?
And why are Eco activists and 'human rights' nutters beginning to show their true totalitarian colours?
UPDATE from Jo Nova's site:
His (Parncutt) killer “maths” (if you could call it that)
Apparently it didn’t occur to him that if skeptics are right, and the world doesn’t warm, hardly anyone will die from global warming. That’s “zero”, right? (I know children in infants-school who can get this.)
Worse, the failure of his theory could kill far more people than the failure of skeptics: hundreds of thousands of people in the third world have already starved as we fed their corn into cars, kids are suffering from green pollution in Brazil, others will die waiting for medicine or mosquito nets while we build sea walls to hold back a tide that may never come. Others are suffering a life of blindness, dysentery, malaria, or dehydration and could be cured if we spend money on doctors, or clean water supplies, rather than solar farms. If the world cools and we are not prepared, millions will starve from wheat crops that were killed by frost.
How meaningless is a Professorship at a university these days? Where “higher education” doesn’t teach people to reason, doesn’t teach them the value of free speech, and doesn’t teach them the humility to say nothing when they know nothing.
I don’t think it’s worth writing to a man who can’t reason, but there are people at his university who need to know what Parncutt is saying. Is the University of Graz a serious university?
Prof Parncutt also thinks we need global taxes on wealth (guess that means a global bureaucracy, to manage those global funds?). Since he recommends The World Future Council, that’s a red-flag, I recommend skeptics read it carefully. They say they’re the voice of future generations. But they’re not speaking on behalf of my descendants.
Peter Miller
The death penalty
In this article I am going to suggest that the death penalty is an appropriate punishment for influential GW deniers. But before coming to this surprising conclusion, please allow me to explain where I am coming from.
I have always been opposed to the death penalty in all cases, and I have always supported the clear and consistent stand of Amnesty International on this issue. The death penalty is barbaric, racist, expensive, and is often applied by mistake. Apparently, it does not even act as a deterrent to would-be murderers. Hopefully, the USA and China will come to their senses soon.
Even mass murderers should not be executed, in my opinion. Consider the politically motivated murder of 77 people in Norway in 2011. Of course the murderer does not deserve to live, and there is not the slightest doubt that he is guilty. But if the Norwegian government killed him, that would just increase the number of dead to 78. It would not bring the dead back to life. In fact, it would not achieve anything positive at all. I respect the families and friends of the victims if they feel differently about that. I am simply presenting what seems to me to be a logical argument.(an example of eco-fascist thinking from Richard Parncutt, a Professor at the University of Graz, Austria. Parncutt, an expert on the psychology of music, originally from Australia, has an interesting take on combining the precautionary principle with
Needless to say his take on abortion would, I suspect, not equate it with murder at all. The only people monsters like this want to kill are people who are helpless or who dare to disagree with them.
If his 'logic' is really what passes for logic in today's world, and I think that this might be the case, then his logic is like the logic found in Alice's Wonderland. The logic of a madman!
Why do so many of today's most notorious 'intellectuals' (and most deceived) come from Australia?
And why are Eco activists and 'human rights' nutters beginning to show their true totalitarian colours?
UPDATE from Jo Nova's site:
His (Parncutt) killer “maths” (if you could call it that)
… given the inherent uncertainty surrounding climatic predictions, even exaggerated accounts must be considered possible, albeit with a low probability. Consider this: If ten million people are going to die with a probability of 10%, that is like one million people dying with a probability of 100%.He repeats this:
For the purpose of argument, let’s give the GW deniers the benefit of the doubt and imagine that the scientists are wrong with a high probability, say 90%. If they are right, some 100 million people will die as a direct result of GW. Probably more like a billion, but this is a conservative estimate. If the probability of that happening is only 10%, then effectively “only” 10 million people will die. These are the numbers that GW deniers are playing with while exercising their “freedom of speech”.So even if “Deniers” are right, they are still murderous and should still be executed. Ooo-K
Apparently it didn’t occur to him that if skeptics are right, and the world doesn’t warm, hardly anyone will die from global warming. That’s “zero”, right? (I know children in infants-school who can get this.)
Worse, the failure of his theory could kill far more people than the failure of skeptics: hundreds of thousands of people in the third world have already starved as we fed their corn into cars, kids are suffering from green pollution in Brazil, others will die waiting for medicine or mosquito nets while we build sea walls to hold back a tide that may never come. Others are suffering a life of blindness, dysentery, malaria, or dehydration and could be cured if we spend money on doctors, or clean water supplies, rather than solar farms. If the world cools and we are not prepared, millions will starve from wheat crops that were killed by frost.
How meaningless is a Professorship at a university these days? Where “higher education” doesn’t teach people to reason, doesn’t teach them the value of free speech, and doesn’t teach them the humility to say nothing when they know nothing.
I don’t think it’s worth writing to a man who can’t reason, but there are people at his university who need to know what Parncutt is saying. Is the University of Graz a serious university?
Prof Parncutt also thinks we need global taxes on wealth (guess that means a global bureaucracy, to manage those global funds?). Since he recommends The World Future Council, that’s a red-flag, I recommend skeptics read it carefully. They say they’re the voice of future generations. But they’re not speaking on behalf of my descendants.
Peter Miller
December 24, 2012 at 10:12 pm
Sounds like systematic musicology is one of those utterly useless subjects, whose practitioners delight in surrounding themselves with what they hope is an almost impenetrable barrier of gobbledegook, designed to impress/mislead the uninformed into thinking that it is something useful.
Hmm, so systematic musicology is similar to ‘climate science’, as it is practiced today
Hmm, so systematic musicology is similar to ‘climate science’, as it is practiced today
Monday, 17 December 2012
Ideas have consequences
What a massive tragedy this slaughter of so many innocent children is. I cannot imagine the depths of grief that these parents are experiencing and can only pray that Gods amazing grace will settle over their lives.
I partially sympathize with the calls for gun law and agree that there should be tighter controls on the sale of weapons of wholesale slaughter. What 'hunter' needs automatic machine guns, sniper rifles and/or combat shotguns? Unfortunately though the facts show that excessive gun control does not work the way we would like it to:
Which rams home the unfortunate truth which is that worldviews not guns are at the very centre of this tragedy. Guns are the tool, worldview is the motivation.
Unfortunately Our PC society is quick to blame everything else but the deliberate destruction of the Judeo-Christian philosophy that used to underpin American society. Someone wise once said that when the fabric of the 'inner policeman" i.e. conscience, has been ripped apart, no amount of community policemen will be able to control the ensuing anarchy:
Unless there is a change of direction in the Western world at large the inevitable result is going to be increased chaos:
If chance be
the Father of all flesh,
disaster is his rainbow in the sky
and when you hear
State of Emergency!
Sniper Kills Ten!
Troops on Rampage!
Whites go Looting!
Bomb Blasts School!
It is but the sound of man
worshipping his maker.
Steve Turner, “Creed,” his satirical poem on the modern mind
UPDATE: To those who wish to eliminate guns consider this morsel:
I partially sympathize with the calls for gun law and agree that there should be tighter controls on the sale of weapons of wholesale slaughter. What 'hunter' needs automatic machine guns, sniper rifles and/or combat shotguns? Unfortunately though the facts show that excessive gun control does not work the way we would like it to:
Thomas Sowell puts it this way: “You might never know, from what they and other gun control advocates have said, that there is a mountain of evidence that gun control laws not only fail to control guns but are often counterproductive. However, for those other people who still think facts matter, it is worth presenting some of those facts.
“Do countries with strong gun control laws have lower murder rates? Only if you cherry-pick the data. Britain is a country with stronger gun control laws than the United States, and lower murder rates. But Mexico, Russia and Brazil are also countries with stronger gun control laws than the United States – and their murder rates are much higher than ours. Israel and Switzerland have even higher rates of gun ownership than the United States, and much lower murder rates than ours.
Which rams home the unfortunate truth which is that worldviews not guns are at the very centre of this tragedy. Guns are the tool, worldview is the motivation.
Gun control advocates will call for a crackdown on guns and petition President Obama for reform to make it more difficult for people to buy their hardware but how many Americans will address the shredding of the fabric of their society.
It has not gone unnoticed that this murderer came from a broken home, as did Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik, the man who killed 77 people in a bombing and shooting rampage in July, 2011, as have almost every mass killer in modern times.
This is not to say that most single mothers are not capable of raising a child alone, just that the record shows that killers are more likely to have been raised in single parent homes.
Single parent homes are rapidly becoming the norm in the US – they are a symbol of the social collapse.Boldly said Piers.
....But as the parents of the fortunate survivors hug their children to them, Americans should consider the greater risk their society faces, the loss of the family and ultimately the bonds that make a civilisation.
Unfortunately Our PC society is quick to blame everything else but the deliberate destruction of the Judeo-Christian philosophy that used to underpin American society. Someone wise once said that when the fabric of the 'inner policeman" i.e. conscience, has been ripped apart, no amount of community policemen will be able to control the ensuing anarchy:
"Banning guns or knives or box cutters or stones will not prevent such attacks. Evil is what must be addressed, and evil does not lie in guns or rocks but in every human heart. As Solzhenitsyn once rightly said, “It was only when I lay there on rotting prison straw that I sensed within myself the first stirrings of good. Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either, but right through every human heart, and through all human hearts.” (Bill Meuhlenberg)
Unless there is a change of direction in the Western world at large the inevitable result is going to be increased chaos:
If chance be
the Father of all flesh,
disaster is his rainbow in the sky
and when you hear
State of Emergency!
Sniper Kills Ten!
Troops on Rampage!
Whites go Looting!
Bomb Blasts School!
It is but the sound of man
worshipping his maker.
Steve Turner, “Creed,” his satirical poem on the modern mind
UPDATE: To those who wish to eliminate guns consider this morsel:
There are photos of Israeli teachers with guns slung around their bodies. Strangely, Israel does not have a mass shooting in a school every so often:
“Israel began the program of armed citizen guards in the schools after the Maalot massacre in the 1970s, when a large number of children were slain in a terrorist incident. The volunteer parents work in plain clothes, armed with concealed semi-automatic pistols, and are trained by Israel’s home guard. It is significant that in the more than a quarter century between Maalot and the incident mentioned above when the citizen guards shot down the terrorist in the school in 2002, not a single child was murdered in an Israeli school!
The reason is that Israel wisely publicized the fact that the civilian volunteer guards, indistinguishable from the regular teaching and administrative staff, would be in place. It served as a tremendously effective deterrent.”
Friday, 14 December 2012
Alas, poor baby boomers!
This tongue-in-cheek 'observation' on the decline of Western 'culture' shines a spotlight onto the ills that plague the arts and education in Australia today.
A perspicacious take when considered against the backdrop of recent statistics regarding the examination of the level of reading/comprehension education amongst year 4's.
Australia scored last amongst developed nations and on the same level as non-English speaking countries like Slovenia, Lithuania etc. This besides the fact that the labor government have poured countless billions into 'education'.
Surely any thinking person would question why these results are as they are. Unfortunately most are blinded by the Gramscian assault on the 'instituions of meaning'. The minority (consciously or unconsciously neo-Marxist) subversives have won this long march through the institutions.
What now remains to be seen is whether or not the silent majority have been sufficiently brainwashed to allow it to continue. Time will tell.
In the meantime this excerpt exposes our current 'educational' paradigm for what it is.
Ho Ho Ho! Amusing but sadly very true.
I know,as a practitioner of the fine arts how 'politically correct' (insert neo-Marxist here) the art-world is and how confining the unwritten (but strictly enforced) 'rules' are.
Anyone confessing to an orthodox Christian worldview need not even apply.
All heterosexual white males from the age of 50 need to understand that they are the perpetrators of all the disgusting crimes visited upon all of the 'innocent' cultures (Avatar!), and are therefore not in a position to contribute, assess, judge or participate in any future 'cultural' activities...thank you very much!
"Off with their heads" cry the matriarchal queens.
When is too much enough. Rise up Gideon!
A perspicacious take when considered against the backdrop of recent statistics regarding the examination of the level of reading/comprehension education amongst year 4's.
Australia scored last amongst developed nations and on the same level as non-English speaking countries like Slovenia, Lithuania etc. This besides the fact that the labor government have poured countless billions into 'education'.
Surely any thinking person would question why these results are as they are. Unfortunately most are blinded by the Gramscian assault on the 'instituions of meaning'. The minority (consciously or unconsciously neo-Marxist) subversives have won this long march through the institutions.
What now remains to be seen is whether or not the silent majority have been sufficiently brainwashed to allow it to continue. Time will tell.
In the meantime this excerpt exposes our current 'educational' paradigm for what it is.
Longfellow, wrong fellow
by Christopher Akehurst December 12, 2012
I came across some lines by Longfellow I remember my mother singing in the kitchen, a song learnt in her schooldays at University High in Melbourne in the late 1920s. They seem to me to illuminate some of the changes in our society since then.
Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time;
Footprints that, perhaps another,
Sailing o'er life's solemn main,
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Seeing, shall take heart again.
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time;
Footprints that, perhaps another,
Sailing o'er life's solemn main,
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Seeing, shall take heart again.
Inspiring though they were considered in the past, if anyone today suggested singing those words in a school, or anywhere, imagine the objections. Patriarchal language - men, brother. Elitism - great. Discredited top-down history - lives of great men all remind us. Judgmentalism towards diverse lifestyles - forlorn and shipwrecked brother. How can we know that the brother's lifestyle is not an alternative one with which he is perfectly content, and is merely perceived as forlorn and shipwrecked by those blinded by bourgeois notions of success?
Sexism - why shouldn't the "brother" be a sister, or transgender? Seeing? Well, there are other ways of apprehending, and "seeing" might just be a bit inappropriate towards the visually impaired. Take heart? [S]he doesn't need to take heart, whatever that means, just to have her/his human rights recognised, to be affirmed as a person and to have a suitable recompense paid for the disadvantages inflicted by "society" in the course of shipwrecking her/him.
As for footprints on the sands of time, well, we would be told there have been quite enough of those, thank you, in the form both of the culturally genocidal footprints of colonisers and imperialists the world over and the carbon sort we selfishly leave today. What we want today is fewer footprints, not the encouragement to leave more.
If Longfellow were writing today he would be instructed, at the risk of losing an arts grant, to put some lines together not about our egotistically aspiring to make our own lives sublime, but exhorting us to devote our efforts to restoring to the planet the sublimity it had before all those "great men" came along and with their discoveries and inventions mucked it up.
Ho Ho Ho! Amusing but sadly very true.
I know,as a practitioner of the fine arts how 'politically correct' (insert neo-Marxist here) the art-world is and how confining the unwritten (but strictly enforced) 'rules' are.
Anyone confessing to an orthodox Christian worldview need not even apply.
All heterosexual white males from the age of 50 need to understand that they are the perpetrators of all the disgusting crimes visited upon all of the 'innocent' cultures (Avatar!), and are therefore not in a position to contribute, assess, judge or participate in any future 'cultural' activities...thank you very much!
"Off with their heads" cry the matriarchal queens.
When is too much enough. Rise up Gideon!
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Rabbits beware
We live in a
world inundated with mad hatters, unreasonable queens and sycophantic assistants;
such is the reality of our fallenness. However, despite all of our human
frailties and weaknesses it is also a world that has borne fruit such as Mother
Teresa, William Wilberforce and C S Lewis. If the Christian scriptures are to
be believed, both the former as well as the latter are bearers of the Imago Dei as remarkable as such a claim
might appear.
There are more
and more ‘intellectuals’ who would have us believe that this concept of the Imago Dei is not only wrong but a
potentially dangerous ‘virus’ infecting the worldviews of many, and that this
virus is the leading cause of the violence, madness and ‘specieism’ that is
destroying ourselves and the natural world that we inhabit (it's only a matter of time before Christians are classified as mentally disturbed). According to
the acolytes of this worldview we ought to approach life on the basis of
equality with all living things and only by adopting that stance can we guarantee our existence and save Gaia. These are the same loons who argue that inter-specie' ‘sexual-relations’
are also acceptable as are assorted other madness’s.
A leading
proponent of these notions of ‘equality’ and ‘anti-speciesism’’ is the Movie
director James Cameron, and his powerful position as an imagination 'implanter' within popular culture
makes his worldview of significant importance, particularly in how the concept
might be ‘massaged’ into the mainstream consciousness.
In his hit
movie ‘Avatar’ (a word that means a Hindu deity) the Na’vi live in trees,
worship mother earth and like Gaians today talk of an energy that flows through
all living things. They chant around a tree that whispers of their ancestors
and they are unusually non sexist for a forest tribe but like the most fashionable
of Hollywood stars hold Buddhist-like views of reincarnation and ‘life-energy’.
These Na’vi also live a technology free life enjoying “the wealth all around us”,
they are free of greed and competition, and live compassionately within a low emission
paradise. The only menaces to their paradise are the almost uniformly sadistic 'humans'. Misanthropy on display?
Nothing new
in the basic concept, Thomas More wrote of a similar paradise in 1516 calling it Utopia.
In perfect
harmony with the acute blindness that seems to be part and parcel of the
messianic preachers of the Anthropogenic Global Warming disorder, Cameron depicts his creation scorning material
possessions and living ‘close to nature’ while he himself lives in capitalistic
overabundance and plain old fashioned greed. He creates a race who shuns
technology whilst himself creating and benefiting from a technological marvel.
He decries consumerism whilst stoking an advertising and marketing bonanza. The
hypocrisy could fill (shrivel) pages and pages.
His entire
philosophy is built on smoke and mirrors; but reflects the philosophy of the ‘populist
worldview’ a worldview that many who inhabit our global society are attracted
to and is in short, an unreflective and unexamined worldview.
An inconvenient truth
Miranda Devine hits the unfortunate nail on the head:
Perhaps those who desire the church to return to a 1st century dynamic are about to have their wishes granted.
Judeo-Christian ethics underpinned our society and gave people a code of behaviour to live by.
But along with religion, we have been dispensing with manners and mores as if they are quaint and unnecessary in a modern connected world, when they probably have never been more needed.
As society becomes less harmonious we have had to invent all sorts of new laws to stop us irritating each other. They are the imperfect artificial replacement of social norms, which only heighten aggravation. And now all sorts of impolite and anti-social behaviour once forbidden by community consensus must be tolerated, from swearing in public and spitting to road rage and cheating.
We are witnessing the Boratisation of our culture, where decent people are deliberately offended and taken advantage of to enhance the social standing of their tormentors. In the movie Borat, a fictional journalist from Kazakhstan travels around America being rude and making fun of real people. He pulls such pranks as defecating in plastic bags and pretending it is the custom in his country so that his hosts seem ridiculous when they are courteous in return.
The movie’s contemptible schtick was to exploit the politeness and hospitality of Americans and show them up as gullible rubes. It divides the world between the cool insiders who are in on the joke and the excluded idiots who aren’t.
The movie was hailed a great hit but it was peppered with lawsuits by people who felt humiliated. Once we understood that to humiliate and shame those in a less powerful position was bullying behaviour. Now it is just harmless fun.
After all, the whole point of a radio prank call is to hold up to ridicule people who are trusting or gullible, exploiting good will for a cheap laugh, corroding the bonds of trust and friendship in society.
In our rush to free ourselves of the constrictions of morality, we have created a society increasingly overrun by laws and regulations, less free than ever, and certainly less gentle. (this truth illustrates the paradox in 2 Peter 2:19)You don't have to think of yourself as a grumpy old man (or women) to notice that the level of manners/discipline/civility and/or common decency within the public at large has deteriorated significantly. Sure there are still good 'kids' and decent adults in the community, lots of them, but in general I do not think that it is being to pessimistic to notice the general decline in culture.
Perhaps those who desire the church to return to a 1st century dynamic are about to have their wishes granted.
Friday, 7 December 2012
Is the end nigh?
I am aware that the New Testament has awarded first place to those who believe in Jesus as the Way the Truth and the Life, but having said that I do not for one moment believe that God has abandoned his first family, the Jewish people (Ephesians 3:6). In fact I believe that the Genesis curse (Gen 12:4) still applies.
Therefore it is with a heavy heart that I read of the Judeo-phobia that has broken out in the West because of the stranglehold that the left-leaning (read: Neo-Marxist): main-stream-media types, Hollywood-ites, craven politicians and most education 'authorities' exercise, on reporting what they deem as 'news' and of the propaganda they promote as 'education'.
I abhor the vehicle for smut and degradation that the net has become, but I welcome its 'democratisation' of the news. At least there is a semblance of different perspectives regarding world events being broadcast through the WWW.
Interestingly this is also under attack by government's who do not want the truth of their deceptions and graft to become widely known. Why are we surprised when countries like Russia, China and North Korea are a the forefront of policing the web efforts. What is truly shocking are the Western countries who are lining up to support these moves. Western countries who now seem to be firmly in the hands of left-wing (and surprisingly incompetent) ideologues.
Note well the atrocities taking place in Edinburough at the higher 'seats of learning' that these days are little more than hotbeds for Islamic radicalisation:
These are so many instances of similar experiences that I cannot even attempt to list them all.
I am sure that generations past have imagined their days to be the last ones, and I could imagine that during the second World War many would have had far more reason to think so that we do now. But I cannot help think of how so many revelatory 'signs' seem to be coming together for these to be near, if not at, the end.
I am certainly praying more earnestly for those I know and love to make a commitment now.
Therefore it is with a heavy heart that I read of the Judeo-phobia that has broken out in the West because of the stranglehold that the left-leaning (read: Neo-Marxist): main-stream-media types, Hollywood-ites, craven politicians and most education 'authorities' exercise, on reporting what they deem as 'news' and of the propaganda they promote as 'education'.
I abhor the vehicle for smut and degradation that the net has become, but I welcome its 'democratisation' of the news. At least there is a semblance of different perspectives regarding world events being broadcast through the WWW.
Interestingly this is also under attack by government's who do not want the truth of their deceptions and graft to become widely known. Why are we surprised when countries like Russia, China and North Korea are a the forefront of policing the web efforts. What is truly shocking are the Western countries who are lining up to support these moves. Western countries who now seem to be firmly in the hands of left-wing (and surprisingly incompetent) ideologues.
Note well the atrocities taking place in Edinburough at the higher 'seats of learning' that these days are little more than hotbeds for Islamic radicalisation:
These are so many instances of similar experiences that I cannot even attempt to list them all.
I am sure that generations past have imagined their days to be the last ones, and I could imagine that during the second World War many would have had far more reason to think so that we do now. But I cannot help think of how so many revelatory 'signs' seem to be coming together for these to be near, if not at, the end.
I am certainly praying more earnestly for those I know and love to make a commitment now.
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Be of good cheer, tis the season to be jolly.
The hard truth of this world is that reason really matters very little.
Yes our post-modern society has set up a paradigm where perception counts for more than truth, but I think the problem is much more simple than that. There is a god who rules this world and he has blinded minds (2 Corinthians 4:4).
Truth and facts matter very little to those who believe fanatically. One only has to think of the Islamicists amongst us. Of course many religious fanatics of all persuasions would fall into this category as well, including those of the no-fixed-religion type such as; environmentalists, human rights campaigners, animal right activists and misanthropes in general.
We can but keep our fingers in the dyke to enable as many as possible to be saved from drowing in this cesspool we call the world.
And now on a lighter, more economical note a message from another doomsayer:
| If everyone in America had read Stephen Moore's new book, "Who's
The Fairest of Them All?", Barack Obama would have lost the election in a
landslide. (Buy the book for 39% off the cover price by clicking here or in KINDLE at a 44% discount, $12.04
by clicking here)
There is nothing
mysterious about this. At high tax rates, vast sums of money disappear into tax
shelters at home or is shipped overseas. At lower tax rates, that money comes
out of hiding and goes into the American economy, creating jobs, rising output
and rising incomes. Under these conditions, higher tax revenues can be collected
by the government, even though tax rates are lower. Indeed, high income people
not only end up paying more taxes, but a higher share of all taxes, under these
Yes our post-modern society has set up a paradigm where perception counts for more than truth, but I think the problem is much more simple than that. There is a god who rules this world and he has blinded minds (2 Corinthians 4:4).
Truth and facts matter very little to those who believe fanatically. One only has to think of the Islamicists amongst us. Of course many religious fanatics of all persuasions would fall into this category as well, including those of the no-fixed-religion type such as; environmentalists, human rights campaigners, animal right activists and misanthropes in general.
We can but keep our fingers in the dyke to enable as many as possible to be saved from drowing in this cesspool we call the world.
And now on a lighter, more economical note a message from another doomsayer:
A book that could
have booted Obama from office was all but ignored. It shouldn't be any longer
By Thomas Sowell
The point here is not
to say, "Where was Stephen Moore when we needed him?" A more apt
question might be, "Where was the whole economics profession when we
needed them?" Where were the media? For that matter, where were the
Since "Who's The
Fairest of Them All?" was published in October, there was little chance
that it would affect this year's election. But this little gem of a book
exposes, in plain language and with easily understood facts, the whole house of
cards of assumptions, fallacies and falsehoods which constitute the liberal
vision of the economy.
Yet that vision
triumphed on election day, thanks to misinformation that was artfully presented
and seldom challenged. The title "Who's The Fairest of Them All?" is
an obvious response to liberals' claim that their policies are aimed at
creating "fairness" by, among other things, making sure that
"the rich" pay their "fair share" of taxes. If you want a
brief but thorough education on that, just read chapter 4, which by itself is
well worth the price of the book.
A couple of graphs on
pages 104 and 108 are enough to annihilate the argument about "tax cuts
for the rich." These graphs show that, under both Republican President
Calvin Coolidge and Democratic President John F. Kennedy, high-income people
paid more tax revenues into the federal treasury after tax rates went down than
they did before.
This is not just a
theory. It is what hard evidence shows happened under both Democratic and
Republican administrations, from the days of Calvin Coolidge to John F. Kennedy
to Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. That hard evidence is presented in clear
and unmistakable terms in "Who's The Fairest of Us All?"
Another surprising
fact brought out in this book is that the Democrats and Republicans both took
positions during the Kennedy administration that were the direct opposite of
the positions they take today. As Stephen Moore points out, "the
Republicans almost universally opposed and the Democrats almost universally
favored" the cuts in tax rates that President Kennedy proposed.
Such Republican
Senate stalwarts as Barry Goldwater and Bob Dole voted against reducing the top
tax rate from 91% to 70%. Democratic Congressman Wilbur Mills led the charge
for lower tax rates.
Unlike the
Republicans today, John F. Kennedy had an answer when critics tried to portray
his tax cut proposal as just a "tax cut for the rich." President
Kennedy argued that it was a tax cut for the economy, that changed incentives
meant a faster growing economy and that "A rising tide lifts all
If Republicans today
cannot seem to come up with their own answer when critics cry out "tax
cuts for the rich," maybe they can just go back and read John F. Kennedy's
A truly optimistic
person might even hope that media pundits would go back and check out the facts
before arguing as if the only way to reduce the deficit is to raise tax rates
on "the rich."
If they are afraid
that they would be stigmatized as conservatives if they favored cuts in tax
rates, they might take heart from the fact that not only John F. Kennedy, but
even John Maynard Keynes as well, argued that cutting tax rates could increase
tax revenues and thereby help reduce the deficit.
Because so few people
bother to check the facts, Barack Obama can get away with statements about how
"tax cuts for the rich" have "cost" the government money
that now needs to be recouped. Such statements not only promote class warfare,
to Obama's benefit on election day, they also distract attention from his own
runaway spending behind unprecedented trillion dollar deficits.
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Ignore History = repeated mistakes.
Whilst the frappacino fruitloops flap their limp wrists about regarding the next centuries 2 degree heat 'crisis' (a belief without evidence or credence) a real calamity is already upon Europe and is growing like a virus in Australia. Note what that prescient British 'bulldog' said more than a hundred years ago:
Sir Winston Churchill in his book The River War (1899)
"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.
The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.
A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity.
The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.
No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome."
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Hey big spender...
An interesting take from Selwyn Duke on the difference between a conservative thinker and a 'progressive' (think labor in the UK and Aus, Liberal in the USA) and the sad reality that these 'progressives' are always big spenders; of other peoples money that is!
Hey, idiots, they're not going to stop spending. Capisce?
Yes, I screamed that. How do I know they won't stop? Ooh, maybe because they haven't stopped for 50 years? Maybe because the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior? It's also because a liberal is a liberal is a liberal. A scorpion stings, a cuttlefish expels ink, a skunk sprays mercaptan fluid, and a liberal spends. It's what the species does.
Many conservatives don't grasp this, however. They make a common mistake: they assume that others think as they do. They're largely rational, so they expect rational behavior from their fellow man. But as I explained recently, emotion prevails in people's decision-making far more than you may think. What feels right often trumps what is right, even when the former is downright stupid.
Monday, 3 December 2012
Absurd Greenalism
I am well aware that as a practising Christian HATE is a dirty four letter word and we are to avoid this emotion assiduously. However I am really beginning to hate the false religion masquerading as environmentalism a.k.a. Green.
Therefore I thought that printing this blog entry in its entirety serves as the perfect example of the absurdity that is greenalism:
Tim Blair Monday, December, 03,
2012, (10:06am)
Therefore I thought that printing this blog entry in its entirety serves as the perfect example of the absurdity that is greenalism:
New South Wales has a long tradition of exporting trash to Queensland. This
is generally referred to as Schoolies Week.
But we also export actual garbage. Huge reeking truckloads of it, hauled for hundreds of kilometres along highways by diesel-burning semis before being deposited in Queensland garbage dumps.
Naturally, this environmentally-harmful circumstance came about due to a desire to improve the environment. The NSW Waste and Environment Levy was introduced during the 1990s, requiring waste facilities to pay for the garbage unloaded at their sites. “The levy aims to reduce the amount of waste being disposed of and promote recycling and resource recovery,” the government’s website reports.
Problem is, the levy keeps going up. It’s now reached a point where recycling and resource recovery are giving way to elemental market forces. “The government here has created a waste levy of $95.20 per tonne,” Tony Khoury, executive director of the Waste Contractors and Recyclers Association of NSW, told the ABC last week. “It’s increasing by $10 plus CPI every year.” And Queensland, which imposes no waste levy, suddenly becomes an option.
“When the waste levy in Sydney was $70 per tonne, there was no talk of waste going to Queensland,” Khoury continued. “When the levy was $82.20 per tonne, there was talk of waste to Queensland.
“At $95 per tonne, the trucks are on the road.”
And thus we have the latest case of environmental do-goodery leading to both greater costs for consumers and no environmental benefit. This is an almost universal outcome for any environmental initiative. Consider Labor’s carbon dioxide tax, which was supposed to change Australian buying habits. “There will be price impacts,” Prime Minister Julia Gillard promised in 2011. “The whole point of pricing carbon is to say that goods that have got a lot of carbon pollution in them get relatively more expensive.”
Now the government is gloating that the impact of the carbon tax is sufficiently concealed so as to have no impact on consumer behaviour. What with a welter of wealth-shifting compensation arrangements, the “whole point”, as the Prime Minister put it, has been missed.
Similar examples abound. Solar power sounds just dandy, until you strip away government rebates. There’s also the matter of where most solar panels are manufactured. China’s environmental record with photovoltaic cells is remarkably anti-environmental. Last year villagers in Zhejiang stormed a solar panel maker accused of dumping toxins in a local river. Local solar fans have the blood of innocent fishes on their hands.
Wind turbines are great for … well, I’m not sure they’re great for anything, unless you enjoy turning birds into mince ‘n’ feathers. Or setting fire to bushland, as sometimes happens when these pointless turbines ignite.
Battery-assisted hybrid cars offer marginal fuel economy advantages, but this is offset by complexity of manufacture and eventual disposal. And the greater purchase cost, which basically erases all of your fuel economy benefits. It’s much cheaper to buy a used V8.
The introduction of bike lanes in Woolloomooloo sure helped the environment. Too bad they were built so wide that they stopped buses from using Bourke st.
Remember the Port Kembla sea-power experiment that scored nearly $3 million in federal funding? It sank after just two months, causing a 45-minute power outage as it gurgled towards the ocean floor.
South Australia’s ban on sales-point plastic bags led to a boost in purchases of plastic bin liners. The same thing happened when Canberra banned plastic bags. Also, Canberra shoppers began driving to nearby Queanbeyan, where no ban applied.
Nobody is immune from the tyranny of unintended green consequences. The faith’s leader, former US vice president Al Gore, went on a greening binge a few years ago after investigators discovered that his Nashville mansion was a massive energy gobbler. But, as the Beacon Center of Tennessee reported in 2008: “Despite adding solar panels, installing a geothermal system, replacing existing light bulbs with more efficient models, and overhauling the home’s windows and ductwork, Gore now consumes more electricity than before the green overhaul.”
Gore has always been a perfect symbol of the green movement: wealthy, bossy, impractically idealistic, hypocritical and utterly unaware of various economic realities. But now, thanks to NSW environmental regulations, he finally has a rival.
The next time someone pitches up some kind of clean-green planet-saving notion, simply imagine the likely outcome. History is your guide. Instead of ecological harmony, an accurate image of life under green law may be found as you drive along the Pacific Highway.
It’s a semi-trailer, blowing diesel smoke and loaded with garbage.
But we also export actual garbage. Huge reeking truckloads of it, hauled for hundreds of kilometres along highways by diesel-burning semis before being deposited in Queensland garbage dumps.
Naturally, this environmentally-harmful circumstance came about due to a desire to improve the environment. The NSW Waste and Environment Levy was introduced during the 1990s, requiring waste facilities to pay for the garbage unloaded at their sites. “The levy aims to reduce the amount of waste being disposed of and promote recycling and resource recovery,” the government’s website reports.
Problem is, the levy keeps going up. It’s now reached a point where recycling and resource recovery are giving way to elemental market forces. “The government here has created a waste levy of $95.20 per tonne,” Tony Khoury, executive director of the Waste Contractors and Recyclers Association of NSW, told the ABC last week. “It’s increasing by $10 plus CPI every year.” And Queensland, which imposes no waste levy, suddenly becomes an option.
“When the waste levy in Sydney was $70 per tonne, there was no talk of waste going to Queensland,” Khoury continued. “When the levy was $82.20 per tonne, there was talk of waste to Queensland.
“At $95 per tonne, the trucks are on the road.”
And thus we have the latest case of environmental do-goodery leading to both greater costs for consumers and no environmental benefit. This is an almost universal outcome for any environmental initiative. Consider Labor’s carbon dioxide tax, which was supposed to change Australian buying habits. “There will be price impacts,” Prime Minister Julia Gillard promised in 2011. “The whole point of pricing carbon is to say that goods that have got a lot of carbon pollution in them get relatively more expensive.”
Now the government is gloating that the impact of the carbon tax is sufficiently concealed so as to have no impact on consumer behaviour. What with a welter of wealth-shifting compensation arrangements, the “whole point”, as the Prime Minister put it, has been missed.
Similar examples abound. Solar power sounds just dandy, until you strip away government rebates. There’s also the matter of where most solar panels are manufactured. China’s environmental record with photovoltaic cells is remarkably anti-environmental. Last year villagers in Zhejiang stormed a solar panel maker accused of dumping toxins in a local river. Local solar fans have the blood of innocent fishes on their hands.
Wind turbines are great for … well, I’m not sure they’re great for anything, unless you enjoy turning birds into mince ‘n’ feathers. Or setting fire to bushland, as sometimes happens when these pointless turbines ignite.
Battery-assisted hybrid cars offer marginal fuel economy advantages, but this is offset by complexity of manufacture and eventual disposal. And the greater purchase cost, which basically erases all of your fuel economy benefits. It’s much cheaper to buy a used V8.
The introduction of bike lanes in Woolloomooloo sure helped the environment. Too bad they were built so wide that they stopped buses from using Bourke st.
Remember the Port Kembla sea-power experiment that scored nearly $3 million in federal funding? It sank after just two months, causing a 45-minute power outage as it gurgled towards the ocean floor.
South Australia’s ban on sales-point plastic bags led to a boost in purchases of plastic bin liners. The same thing happened when Canberra banned plastic bags. Also, Canberra shoppers began driving to nearby Queanbeyan, where no ban applied.
Nobody is immune from the tyranny of unintended green consequences. The faith’s leader, former US vice president Al Gore, went on a greening binge a few years ago after investigators discovered that his Nashville mansion was a massive energy gobbler. But, as the Beacon Center of Tennessee reported in 2008: “Despite adding solar panels, installing a geothermal system, replacing existing light bulbs with more efficient models, and overhauling the home’s windows and ductwork, Gore now consumes more electricity than before the green overhaul.”
Gore has always been a perfect symbol of the green movement: wealthy, bossy, impractically idealistic, hypocritical and utterly unaware of various economic realities. But now, thanks to NSW environmental regulations, he finally has a rival.
The next time someone pitches up some kind of clean-green planet-saving notion, simply imagine the likely outcome. History is your guide. Instead of ecological harmony, an accurate image of life under green law may be found as you drive along the Pacific Highway.
It’s a semi-trailer, blowing diesel smoke and loaded with garbage.
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