Yet now living in Australia I feel like a fish out of water primarily because I cannot and will not adopt the stupidity that is daily/weekly/monthly/yearly evidenced as 'progressive thinking' (an oxymoron if ever there was one).
Consider as a pertinent example, the effects of 'progressive thinking' on the American city of Detroit and how much of that tragic cities collapse could so easily have been avoided had the 'rulers' (a word used deliberately) of the Detroit metropolis used but a modicum of good sense, the same good sense and philosophical foundation that originally built it for example.
However the 'elites' chose another way, an anarchic destruction of all the positive virtues that established America and then embraced that peculiar platform of greedy (and I use that word to describe the union movement[check the facts] rather than the boring demonisation of 'big business') nihilistic, syphilitic, negative, racial hyperbole, 'green' apocalyptic claptrap and immigration 'compassionata' rhetoric that passes for intelligence amongst the 'progressives' and in a surprisingly short period of time look where they ended up.
Be very careful if you think that the same cannot happen here. Just review Gillard's brief 'reign' and the immense damage it has wrought and will still be causing many years from today to catch a glimpse of where the 'progressive' agenda leads...and if you truly believe that Krudd is any better, then you are obviously no history student. In fact it would be quite rational to consider you barking mad; because the very definition of mad is someone who insists on doing the same thing day in and day out yet expecting a different result each day.
The Downfall of Detroit
It took only six decades of “progressive” policies to bring a great city to its knees.
One of the thousands of blighted homes in Detroit.
.......Given their respective starting points, one has to conclude that Detroit’s Democratic party makes a far more comprehensive wrecking crew than Emperor Bokassa ever did. No bombs, no invasions, no civil war, just “liberal” “progressive” politics day in, day out. Americans sigh and say, “Oh, well, Detroit’s an ‘outlier.’” It’s an outlier only in the sense that it happened here first. The same malign alliance between a corrupt political class, rapacious public-sector unions, and an ever more swollen army of welfare dependents has been adopted in the formally Golden State of California, and in large part by the Obama administration, whose priorities — “health” “care” “reform,” “immigration” “reform” — are determined by the same elite/union/dependency axis. As one droll tweeter put it, “If Obama had a city, it would look like Detroit.”