"The immediate consequence of the CIA torture report is a call for compensation for all detainees at Guantanamo.
The longer-term consequence is an even more dangerous world in which we lack the resolve to defend ourselves. You only have to look at the fate of the poor people of Syria and the persecuted Christians and Yazidis of Iraq to see where that leads."[M.D. 13.12.14]
This 'torture' report is so one-sided and biased that it makes you want to puke. It is little more than distortions and lies mixed in with some regrettable truths, but taken out of context and presented to a partisan 'committee' of infernal fifth columnists whose desire is to destroy everything they hate from the inside (
ala Alinsky's 12 Rules for Radicals).
Unfortunately these infernal traitors are not only in America, but are alive and kicking in Australia as well.
Take this latest attack for example.....the 'siege of Lindt' in Sydney. The '
compassionata' (Left wing pollies, TV personalities and lame-stream-media) are all clambering for a quote; 'peaceful resolution'.
What the flaming heck!!!!!
This is anything but a 'peaceful act' on the part of the terrorist, because irrespective of whether he is associated with an 'official' terrorist cell or not, his actions are terrorising the innocent.
At the risk of being called a right-wing fascist might I observe that the quickest and least expensive option (in this age of cutbacks) would be to send a single, cheap, sniper round into the terr's left eye socket thus ending the siege 'peacefully', at least for those he has been terrorising.
Horror of horrors! screech the swooning Oprah acolytes.
Their 'peaceful solution' would be a cap-in-hand (by the authorities that is, not the terrorist) handover of the nations testicles to a glowering terrorist with his flag draped nonchalantly across his shoulders like a new, middle aged, Che Guevara; on camera, in front of a worldwide audience of luvvies, swiftly followed by Julian Burns offering his favours
pro bono, an agent with a lucrative book deal, an ABC funded movie on the sinful actions of the society that drove him to it...all the while anticipating a rapid acquittal from some compliant, Green-voting, 'judge' on a spurious legal technicality resulting in not only legal action against the City of Sydney with an enormous 'out-of-court settlement' but the attendant glory of being feted at the writers festivals like his jihadist brother-in-arms; Mohammed Daw-hood
a.k.a. David Hicks.
We- the silent conservative majority (shrinking) are our society's own worst enemy, and the real tragedy of this softly softly approach is that one day the fruit of such an approach will be that we will have no choice but to counter the bullies with extreme force and that many, many innocent youngsters are going to have to pay the ultimate price because of the moral cowardice of the few politicians and their philosophical apologists who hide behind their 'cowardly, false compassion'.
The lessons of the second world war have not been learned by this new generation. Surprise surprise, most children these days don't even know who Hitler was, never mind that his destruction of so many lives and the destruction of his own nation could have been short circuited by perspicacious and courageous individuals:
"....but because he believed the “miserable little worms” he opposed had no chance of defeating him. In that sense his behavior, as opposed to his principles, followed a rational-actor model of pushing until encountering firm resistence, then pushing a little longer to test the firmness.
Deterrence, in the general sense of establishing boundaries in “if-then” contexts, had corresponding potential for modifying Hitler’s behavior, at least in the short run. For deterrence to succeed, however, it requires a high level of coherence and coordination, backed by an objectively credible threat of force. Distracted and disarmed, Hitler’s opponents were unable to meet either criterion."*