Tuesday 2 December 2014


A fundamental proposition amongst post-modern thinkers on popular culture is that the seedy side of life is more authentic and ‘real/genuine’ than the refined and cultured side, and most certainly more glamorous than the bourgeois and respectable side.
These ‘thought experiments’ from despoiled neo-Marxist ‘intellectuals’ have been force-fed into  the population by way of the socialist union dominated fields of education, the lame-stream-media and the stupid, unreflective narcissism of Hollywood and is a primary contributing factor to why so many ‘ordinary’ children have adopted what used to be the attitudes and accoutrements of the underbelly of civilisation.

That is; prideful ignorance, a lupine aggression aimed at any or all perceived authorities, bodily disfigurements previously restricted to particular gangs and groups, i.e. Tattoos and piercings, the debased use of language, casual cohabitation and the resultant ‘one parent household’ poverty trap, an orgy of senseless violence towards arbitrary others and usually motivated by extreme sensitivity of ego, and all of it undergirded by a dismissive air of deniability with regards to responsibility; it’s always ‘society’, or parents, or “he/she made me do it” or racism, homophobism, capitalism, or anyone of a myriad of reasons why the lawbreakers are not responsible for the choices they make.
“This I the lie that is at the heart of our society, the lie that encourages every form of destructive self-indulgence to flourish: for while we ascribe our conduct to pressures form without, we obey the whims that well up from within, thereby awarding ourselves carte blanch to behave as we choose. Thus we feel good about behaving badly”. [Theodore Dalrymple, Life at the Bottom, 2000, p.122]

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