Monday, 30 May 2016


All hail the prophetic insight of H G Wells

Marxism, Islam and LGBTIQ represent the misshapen dark ‘trinity’ hoovering up the over/under ‘educated’ youth, spoiled and disaffected Uni students, welfare ferals and the rusted on Fabian groupies of Australia. This ideologically inept group are stumbling roughshod over the very values (haemorrhaging quietly away) that form the foundation of their current freedoms to question, demonstrate against and complain about.

Media morons who marinate themselves in nihilism and hedonism, thus unwittingly preparing themselves for the closet totalitarians crouching in the political/philosophical sewers just biding their time until that moment when the insipid ‘counter-culturalists’ reach their lowest ebb.

Being unwilling to sacrifice for anything; a white feather becomes the inevitable response.

Eloi vs. Morloch: Game, set & match!


The Culture of the Arts World

A complete repost from the CULTURE OF THE ARTWORLD BLOG which shows that the hypocrisy of the lefty artworld is so malignant it requires a massive exercise in cognitive dissonance to ignore the obvious:
Posted: 28 May 2016 08:24 PM PDT
Whenever there's some potential change to current trade policies that means Australian arty types will have to compete on a more equal footing with their counterparts overseas, local lefties suddenly do a massive U-turn and get all patriotic on our arses. They say we Aussies need to protect "our culture" from being flooded by imports. We need to hear "our stories" told in "our voices".
This gargle from Pirate Pete Fitzsimons is an example of this emotive, disingenuous and self-serving line of argument. He and his earnest comrades in, er, arts are spooked by the latest proposal to change territorial copyright laws.
It is, I grant you, a complex issue but the bottom line is this. It is our united view that, beyond all matters of commerce, it is the  duty of the federal government – be it the Turnbull or Shorten government – to support the Australian campfire where Australian stories are told, to Australians.
Jeez. Ya couldn't get more dinky-di Strayan than that now, could ya cobber? Fair dinkum, 'ken oath!
I always find this amusing because much of the rest of the time they're zealously advocating multi-culturalism, viciously and often falsely accusing non-lefties of racist thought-crime for not kowtowing to their politically correct demands.
If they sincerely believe the pronouncements they make when in peak luvvie virtue-signalling mode then surely they would welcome all stories, from all cultures, told in all accents, wouldn't they? 
Nope. Not when their massively inflated incomes are at risk of being lowered a tad by genuine competition, they won't.  


Strange to watch as the Apartheid 'spirit' which caused so much misery and conflict in South Africa is alive and growing by the minute in Australia:
Mr Shorten got a rousing applause after declaring this was and always will be Aboriginal land.
Are the rest of us always to be considered mere tenants, disqualified from ownership by the race of our ancestors?
Another minority forcing their will on the rest of the country's inhabitants and always in the name of 'separate development'. How long before the bulldozers, dompass, and 'township' housing becomes the norm?

Friday, 20 May 2016


A rather revealing passage by a confused young man, which serves to illustrate the how the current generation of dysmorphics have overcome their problems/addictions/deviances not with medicine, but by demanding that 'normal' society provide them not only with acceptance, but also that their 'difference' should be rewarded with a litany of 'rights'.

The extract is number 5 of a modest 6 rights (to begin with):

5. I Have the Right to Claim Resources that Should Have Been Mine
I have a confession: I love to steal — meaning, I love to take what’s mine.
Given that all kinds of things are denied to me because of my race, gender, sexuality, politics, or any combination of those facets of me, I am simply taking the rightful redistribution of resources into my own hands.
As such, I should be allowed, if not encouraged, to ask for compensation for the forms of labor I provide, whether that be emotional, educational, artistic, or otherwise.
In fact, I should be being paid more than those who may share less marginalized identities because money naturally flows in directions that feed disparity.
It is controlled by people who are put in power through power structures that look most favorably upon white, thin, non-disabled, wealthy, cis, straight men.
I already work every day for free anyway. I’m already consistently educating people for free daily about the existence of non-binary people and on my experience as a Vietnamese femme. I am already delivering all of the lessons that America deliberately forgot to teach people.
Money is one tangible thing that can be used to support marginalized people. It needs to be used more often especially by settlers of “America” to support Indigenous and Black resistance efforts and survival.


Classic socialism at work (cue the Labor faithful). Instead of examining their own failures to govern rationally, the Venezuelan cabal blames private business for the collapse of its economy.

Orwell was a more accurate prophet than Nostradamus by far:
As Venezuela’s economy continues to plummet, it was announced at the end of last month that the country’s largest food and beverage supplier, the Polar Group, would be halting the production of beer. The decision to discontinue beer production came as a result of government mismanagement, which has made barley harder and harder to obtain. As other necessities like food, medicine, and toilet paper have already been in short supply, adding beer to this list only served to escalate the civil unrest in Venezuela.
Avoiding any responsibility for the situation, President Maduro announced this weekend that there will be new policies enacted for Venezuelan businesses who have halted production, like the Polar Group. The new emergency decree would allow the government to confiscate the property of any company who has halted production during this time of economic turmoil, regardless of why they have done so. Additionally, business owners guilty of stopping production would be sent to prison.
The Polar Group’s owner, Lorenzo Mendoza, has been a vocal opponent of Maduro and his policies, which has led Maduro to accuse Mendoza of political sabotage. Though it may seem obvious that Mendoza’s decision to stop the production of beer was a direct result of the president’s economic policies, clearly Maduro does not view it in this light.
Addressing the sea of red-clad onlookers, President Maduro said Saturday, "Anyone who wants to halt (production) to sabotage the country should get out, and those who do must be handcuffed and sent to the PGV (Venezuelan General Penitentiary).