Friday 20 May 2016


A rather revealing passage by a confused young man, which serves to illustrate the how the current generation of dysmorphics have overcome their problems/addictions/deviances not with medicine, but by demanding that 'normal' society provide them not only with acceptance, but also that their 'difference' should be rewarded with a litany of 'rights'.

The extract is number 5 of a modest 6 rights (to begin with):

5. I Have the Right to Claim Resources that Should Have Been Mine
I have a confession: I love to steal — meaning, I love to take what’s mine.
Given that all kinds of things are denied to me because of my race, gender, sexuality, politics, or any combination of those facets of me, I am simply taking the rightful redistribution of resources into my own hands.
As such, I should be allowed, if not encouraged, to ask for compensation for the forms of labor I provide, whether that be emotional, educational, artistic, or otherwise.
In fact, I should be being paid more than those who may share less marginalized identities because money naturally flows in directions that feed disparity.
It is controlled by people who are put in power through power structures that look most favorably upon white, thin, non-disabled, wealthy, cis, straight men.
I already work every day for free anyway. I’m already consistently educating people for free daily about the existence of non-binary people and on my experience as a Vietnamese femme. I am already delivering all of the lessons that America deliberately forgot to teach people.
Money is one tangible thing that can be used to support marginalized people. It needs to be used more often especially by settlers of “America” to support Indigenous and Black resistance efforts and survival.

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