Tuesday, 28 February 2017


Socialist ideology doesn't work period! It most certainly doesn't work in socialist countries as those who study history can attest to, nor do socialist 'theories' work in Western countries, even when they are disguised. Take America's 'great depression' for example[emphasis mine]."
In "Out of Work," a book about unemployment in 20th century America, economists Richard Vedder and Lowell Gallaway say, "The common interpretation is that this Depression, this misery, this inequality, reflected rigidities and imperfections in the markets for goods and resources. Yet the evidence we have presented is more consistent with a far different story. The market, particularly the critical market for labor, was prevented from operating in a normal fashion by the interventions of government. These intrusions turned a severe shock that started a recession into a major depression. Government failure, not market failure, was the problem."
Consider what Roosevelt's secretary of treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jr., wrote in his diary: "We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. ... I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises. ... I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started and an enormous debt to boot!" Yet high school text books teach us that government spending, what the left today calls government "investments," pulled the economy from the abyss.
The real tragedy of the elite ruling class who governs the West today is not only that they follow and espouse failed and corrosive ideologies, for that we might merely pity them were it no so dangerous for our countries as a whole. But the real problem is THAT THEY LIE TO OUR CHILDREN BY TEACHING THEM THAT THESE FAILED IDEOLOGIES ACTUALLY WORK AND THAT TRULY P*#@!S ME OFF.


Why do the mainstream press ignore these stories? 
Are some of them complicit? 
After all Billy Clinton was a frequent flyer on Epstein's 'Lolita express' and how much did we hear about that...not until the election and the conservative press unmasked it all;
"Since President Donald Trump has been sworn in on Jan. 20, authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States. This should be one of the biggest stories in the national news. Instead, the mainstream media has barely, if at all, covered any of these mass pedophile arrests. This begs the question – why?
As a strong advocate for sex crime victims, I’ve been closely following the pedophile arrests since Trump took office. There have been a staggering 1,500-plus arrests in one short month; compare that to less than 400 sex trafficking-related arrests in 2014 according to the FBI. It’s been clear to me for awhile that Trump would make human trafficking a top priority. On October 8, 2012, Trump tweeted:
"Got to do something about these missing children grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents – fast trial, death penalty."
My suspicions were confirmed on Feb. 23 when Trump gave a press conference from the White House addressing how human trafficking is a “dire problem” domestically and internationally. He gave further confirmation when he said: “Dedicated men and women across the federal government have focused on this for some time as you know -- it’s been much more focused over the last four weeks.” Trump’s press conference was barely a blip in the mainstream media and the massive arrests have been almost completely ignored by the MSM altogether. " [Liz Crokin]



It is not advisable to take a battering ram to the foundations of civilisation and expect it to stand.

If you believe that we have arrived at our current state of ease and comforts (civilisationally speaking) and enjoy the benefits of not having to 'conform' to the structures that provide those comforts, i.e. having the freedom to disagree, having the freedom to be an atheist, having the freedoms to live irresponsibly, having the freedom to protest etc... by some sort of evolutionary osmosis....then I fear you are living in delusion.

It has been the Judeo-Christian structures of morals, behavioural codes/practices and ethics that have brought about the greatest civilisational advances in the history of the world. Contrary to your indoctrination re: the Science > Religion debate, I should inform you that without a belief in a personal and creative God who formed this world 'intentionally' and whose very being speaks of order, design and law, we would not have science. Most of the greatest scientists of the past knew this, understood it and looked for the structures of life because of it. The pagans of old had no interest because like the Muslim today whenever something happened they would just shrug their shoulders and mumble "inshallah!" meaning 'whatever God wills.' Because of this institutionalised fatalism they have no curiosity, no searching for answers, therefore no science.

Most have forgotten this or have never known it because the socialist left have denuded the educational standards in schools and education to the point where most 'graduates', particularity in the 'humanities and/or social 'sciences' basically are indoctrinates of a invidious state sponsored re-education program which usually excludes any knowledge of history or drastically rewrites it in the manner of Winston from 1984.

Civilisation does not occur 'spontaneously', nor is it an evolutionary given for the simple reason that the former produces disorder and the latter compounds that disorder into chaos. No! Our Western civilisation has been BUILT.(Genesis 1:28) I is the product of learning built upon learning, of sweat and tears and of many, many noble  people sacrificing their lives for our freedoms, of men whom George Orwell called the 'rough men' who are prepared to sacrifice for us:
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
Our most reasonable response should be gratefulness and a desire to continue the work for our children's sake...enjoy the freedom to disagree, even to protest, but do not fall into the false belief that there is a better way through socialism because even the most cursory study of history will illustrate why that has been a disaster. Do not try to destroy what has been built just because some have corrupted it or because others take advantage. Work to change it and make it better and please please please...do not turn it over to the mad mullahs or the psychopathic Greenies.

Monday, 27 February 2017


The HYPERBOLE being embraced Global warming cultists is what's TRULY 'extreme'.

I am so tired of switching on the telly to hear another LEFTIST newscaster proclaiming an upcoming 'extreme weather event' when it is just weather as normal...a few warm days IN A ROW LIKE WE HAVE HAD FOR GENERATIONS and; "we are facing the hottest days in recorded history".

Hyperbole from the AGW cultists.
It does not require the IQ of Einstein to realise that the 'extreme' weather being currently touted by the left leaning news readers has more to do with your ideology than what the actual weather is doing.


Sunday, 26 February 2017


Michael Snyder comments on Obama's subversive new 'role' in American politics.

Actually it illustrates how Barry has now shed his 'Presidential mask' and once again climbed into the scaly skin of his first role as an Alinskyite 'community organiser' fuelled with ideology's learned at the scabby teat of numerous subversives✽ who not only hate everything that America stands for, but who worked very hard to bring America's culture to its knees.

They very nearly succeeded and perhaps would have managed to reach critical mass if Hillary had made it to the dark throne, nevertheless the battle is not over and Obama is once again engaged at a grass roots level:
Throughout American history, most ex-presidents have chosen to move away from Washington, D.C,. once their terms have ended, and the vast majority of them have tried very hard not to interfere with their successors.
Unfortunately, Barack Obama has opted for the exact opposite approach. His new home is less than two miles from the White House, and from this "command center" he will be directing the activities of an army of more than 30,000 anti-Trump activists. In fact, as you will see below, this army has already been heavily involved in many of the protests and riots that have been popping up around the nation in recent days. "Sabotage" is a very strong word, but it is becoming apparent that Obama intends to do all that he can to sabotage the Trump administration, and that is very bad news for the American people.
On Saturday, the New York Post ran an excellent article by author Paul Sperry that was entitled "How Obama Is Scheming to Sabotage Trump's Presidency." In that piece, Sperry actually accuses Obama of setting up "a shadow government" to oppose Trump:

When former President Barack Obama said he was "heartened" by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes, Obama has an army of agitators—numbering more than 30,000—who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.
In what's shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn't just staying behind in Washington. He's working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular "America First" agenda.
✽Throughout his life, Obama worked with and for a variety of prominent communists and socialists. He served on numerous boards – such as the Woods Fund — with Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers, who calls himself a “small c communist.”
  • Obama launched his first campaign with a fundraiser at Bill Ayers’ house.
  • Obama’s father was a socialist economist for the Kenyan Government. His white mother was raised by socialists.
  • His African grandparents were socialists.
  • In Obama’s own biography, he says his main mentor from age 8 to 18 was Frank Marshall Davis, a card-carrying Communist Party leader (Party #47544) who hated everything America stood for. Davis practically raised Obama since, contrary to popular mythology, his father NEVER lived with him and his mother pretty much abandoned him. Moreover, Davis was involved in espionage against the West, as his FBI file indicates. Go here to read portions of it.
  • While at Occidental College, Obama travelled in the same circles as Dr. John Drew, a well known communist activist on campus. Drew says that Obama “was a Marxist-Leninist in his Sophomore year of college….” He also relates that Obama was far more radical than he was in that he actually supported a violent communist revolution IN THE USA.
  • Obama gave speeches on campus sponsored by Tom Hayden’s socialist youth group, the Students for Economic Democracy.
  • In his biography, Obama says that, during college, he was attracted to “Marxists professors.” Indeed, he attended “Socialist Scholars Conferences” in 1983 and 1984.
  • Once out of college, Obama worked for and with a number of groups associated or founded by Saul Alinsky, a nationally renowned socialist community organizer.
  • Obama is well connected to the Democratic Socialists of America, according to their own leaders. DSA members are Marxists who often work inside the Democrat Party, and the organization is the principle America affiliate of Socialist International. Obama spoke at DSA events, was endorsed by the DSA, spoke at DSA leader Saul Mendelson’s funeral, and is close with many DSA leaders including Quentin Young, Timuel Black, Rabbi Arnold Wolf, Cornel West, Danny Davis, Tim Carpenter, and others. Young was Obama’s doctor for 20 years. DSA members also served in Obama’s campaigns, and many were appointed to posts within his administration.
  • The Communist Party USA called Obama “a friend” and has boasted that many of those around him have communist backgrounds. Obama was very close to Communist Party leaders Addie Wyatt, Vernon Jarrett, and Bea Lumpkin. The Communist Party actively campaigned for Obama’s 2004 U.S. Senate race and for his 2008 presidential race and wrote a glowing endorsement of Obama in its People’s Weekly World newspaper.
  • A reporter visiting the U.S. Communist Party headquarters in New York City on the eve of the election found all the employees wearing Obama campaign buttons.
  • Sam Webb, the President of the U.S. Communist Party, announced in 2009 that “We now have not simply a friend, but a people’s advocate in the White House.”
  • “Progressives for Obama” was a group started by Obama’s campaign and was a group composed of self-described Maoists and socialists such as Barbara Ehrenreich, Bill Fletcher Jr., Tom Hayden, Mark Rudd, Todd Gitlin, and Carl Davidson, many of whom were former members of the radical and pro-Mao Students for a Democratic Society.
  • In 1999, Obama was involved with organizing a socialist think tank called Demos–and even sat on its board of trustees along with self described communists such as Van Jones.
  • Before he was president, Obama campaigned for self-described socialist Senator Bernie Sanders.
  • The Young Communist League USA (youth wing of the Communist Party) also endorsed Obama and worked hard for Obama’s 2008 campaign.
  • Obama’s pastor of 20 years, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, is also a well known socialist who hates everything America stands for; that is why he screamed “God Damn America” in that famous tape Fox News uncovered during the 2008 campaign.
  • Charles Ogletree is a radical Marxist professor at Harvard and calls himself one of Obama’s mentors.
  • Once elected, Obama appointed a slew of hardcore communists and socialists–for example, Van Jones, a long-time communist activist, and Anita Dunn, who once said mass murderer and Chinese communist dictator Mao Zedong was one of her “favorite political philosophers.” Other Marxist appointments include David Bonior, Patrick Gaspard, Mark Lloyd, and many others.
  • Obama’s presidential campaign was endorsed and promoted by communist and socialist parties and groups worldwide in 2008.
  • Many of Obama’s speeches contain classic socialist economic themes: demonizing the “rich,” claiming businessmen “didn’t build” their businesses, “wealth redistribution,” and his belief that government spending creates jobs.
  • Obama gave the highest civilian medal, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, to union leader John Sweeney. Sweeney is a socialist and a DSA member.
  • Obama was an actual member of a Chicago-based socialist party called the New Party. He attended their meetings and received their endorsement. In 1996, its newsletter stated “New Party members won three other primaries in Chicago: Barack Obama….” You can read about Obama’s socialist party membership here.
  • Obama was also a member of a socialist organization called “Progressive Chicago,” whose leadership was dominated by DSA and Communist Party activists.
  • A group called Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism split from the US Communist Party (the Communist Party was not radical enough!) and was deeply involved with Obama’s 2008 election. Many of Obama’s closest political allies were members of this self-described communist group, such as Mike Klonsky, Marilyn Katz, Bill Ayers, Earl Durham, Carl Davidson, Timuel Black, Lou Pardo, Van Jones, Congresswoman Barbara Lee, and others.

Friday, 24 February 2017


A choice of extracts from an article about the hypocrisy of Meryl Streep by Brent Bozell:
"Many Americans who chose not to vote for Hillary Clinton are now accused of being nostalgic for an America that never existed, or for an America that was a living hell of discrimination. But these accused Americans aren't exactly thinking of Civil War days. They are recalling heir own childhoods, during which the 'straitjacket' was the nuclear family, a civil society, a respect for God, uncontroversial bathrooms and televised awards shows without the blather of coddled megalomaniacs."
"Fundamentalists like Streep are celebrated by their peers as the nuanced voices, but they can only describe the agenda of their opponents in the starkest terms of an evil and emotional backlash -- forces of fear and ignorance, harassment and oppression. As artists, they claim to have the wildest and broadest imaginations, but somehow, they can't imagine that someone could arrive at an opposing viewpoint through study and reason and, dare we say, prayer from time to time."
"Finally, the silliest thing Streep decried was that 'Disrespect invites disrespect, and violence invites violence.' Before she uncorks that lecture, she should reread every disrespectful thing she has launched at conservatives. As for violence, it's hard to proclaim that you oppose bullying while accepting an unborn child getting her brains removed. God bless you all. And at the risk of being really, really offensive, God bless Meryl Streep!"



The following quote is unfortunately true and is the result of the Gramscian 'long march through the institutions':
Our colleges, universities, (and an increasing number of high schools and elementary schools) have been transformed from educational institutions into indoctrination institutions. With the left-wing takeover of universities, their primary aim has become graduating as many leftists as possible.
The vast majority of our colleges have become left-wing seminaries. Just as Christian seminaries exist to produce committed Christians, Western universities exist to produce committed leftists. Aside from the Christian-Leftism difference, universities differ in only one respect from Christian seminaries. Christian seminaries admit their goal, whereas the universities deceive the public about theirs. [Dennis Prager]
I continue to encourage my children and others to 'get educated', and by that I mean study the world, history, the classics, and any course or university subject that better equips you to fulfil your destiny.
In stating this however, I would warn against going to many of the universities for the simple reason that I agree with Pragers quote.

My reasoning is that unless you are studying for a degree in medicine, engineering or a course that is necessary to accumulate 'real knowledge' as opposed to ideological indoctrination, avoid the campus like a plague, because a plague is what it is.

I do not believe that we can change the course of these institutions, their intellectual strongholds are too strong, all we can do now is to establish alternatives to the mainstream educational system,

Colleges such as Hillsdale in the States which refuses any/all government largess and therefore is unencumbered by government control. Most Universities in the West were first established as seminary's, many began during times when knowledge was at risk and reason, learning and gathered wisdom needed a refuge from the 'barbarians' (not necessarily the 'Huns') who are to be identified as those opposing Godly knowledge and insight.

We are at the dawn of such a period!

Wednesday, 22 February 2017


If we really are, as scripture affirms; 
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them' ( Gen 1:27)
Such a claim directly confronts the post-modern doctrine of 'personal autonomy' (horror!) it also calls into question our being made in the image of God, a state which confers enormous value to our existence...instead we are to believe we are a collection of chemicals worth little more than 2 dollars and a mere accident of nature.

What you believe has everything to do with how you act.
For example: 
Have you ever heard that religion is the main cause of war in history?


Tuesday, 21 February 2017


R S McCain writes about the 'liberal bubble' and how ingrained the thought matrix of this cohort has become in 'elite' society.

The common refrain one hears since the American election of; "I am amazed, I don't know of a single person who voted for Trump!" is not only because most Trump voters kept their choice secret for fear of persecution, but it is also because so many in the 'elite' professions have been thoroughly indoctrinated into believing the same paradigm through the same source; University....thus transmogrifying the old Aristotlean adage of "give me your child until he is 7 and I will show you the man" into; "give me your young adults and I will 're-educate' them until they become the men 'elite' society wants them to become."...although I feel I should qualify this to say that since Buckley's perspective of the 'liberal conquest' of the University's was written during the 1950's, the neo-Marxists/Fabian socialists have captured the early and middle schools as well, thus perhaps rendering the 21stC university years merely the propagandist equivalent of the educational coup de gras.
“They can’t fathom that somebody disagrees with them,” he said. “And I disagree with them. So I’m not going to open up that box.” . . .
You can read the whole thing. How do these bubbles develop? It’s the universities, stupid. Go back and read William F. Buckley Jr.’s God and Man at Yale. In 1951, Buckley described the way liberalism had become an unquestioned belief system inside elite academia. Once liberalism had attained hegemonic authority on university campuses, its intellectual prestige was assured. If it is “smart” to believe in, say, Keynesian economics, then impressionable young people who want to seem smart will parrot the Keynesian orthodoxies. Bad ideas that become fashionable in academia are thus diffused into the larger society, as all the smart young people are herded off to college and indoctrinated in these ideas, before entering careers with other college-educated people.
In the hands of a skillful indoctrinator, the average student not only thinks what the indoctrinator wants him to think . . . but is altogether positive that he has arrived at his position by independent intellectual exertion. This man is outraged by the suggestion that he is the flesh-and-blood tribute to the success of his indoctrinators.” – William F. Buckley Jr., Up From Liberalism (1959)
Hans Rookmaaker the brilliant Dutch scholar, professor and musician phrased the sentence I have highlighted in his own succinct way: "manipulation only works as a hidden persuader."

Monday, 20 February 2017


Peter Smith of the Quadrant points out what you won't see in the lame-stream-press:
President Trump is doing well. Read or listen to most MSM news outlets and you would think chaos reigns. Unfortunately, that is where most people get their news. Maybe his administration isn’t yet the “fine-tuned machine” he claims it to be. But the hiccups so far are not at all unusual in the first weeks of a new administration. They are just portrayed as being worse. His splendid conservative policy agenda shines through the weeds of a few hiccups for those willing to look.


Too true James....
In the name of saving the planet, lives and livelihoods have been destroyed, landscapes blighted, jobs killed, wildlife eradicated, prosperity reduced, science corrupted, kids brainwashed: in fact, forget the class suit against VW, it's about time we all had some compensation for the deceptions of the green lobby. [J Delingpole]
Unfortunately too many people have bought into one of the most effective methods that 20th Century Marxist strategists have employed in the culture wars still ravaging the West, Anthropogenic Global Warming.

It is nothing more (or less) than a invidious scheme to redistribute money taken from the middle class Western producers of wealth and shared out amongst the carpetbaggers and Shylock's of the neo-feudalist elite.


Saturday, 18 February 2017


'Malcolm's Liberals' granted the tame Muslim apologist and ABC host Yassmin Abdel-Magied a boat-load of money to tour the Middle East in order to show our dumb Aussie sheila's that Sharia law is not what they think it is.

However, unlike our safe taqiyya sprouting Australian, someone who has actually lived (and suffered) under Sharia Law is the Sudanese-born Ayaan Hirsi Ali  and she points out, straight from the Islamic 'holy texts' a few examples of what Sharia law really means for women:
Yet what set of principles is less safe for women than sharia? As a moral and legal code, sharia law is among the most dehumanising, demeaning and degrading for women ever devised by man:
• Under sharia law, a woman’s testimony is worth half of a man’s testimony in court (Koran 2:282).
• Under sharia law, men are the “guardians” of women; women are to be obedient to men, and husbands may beat their wives for disobedience (Koran 4:34).
• Under sharia law, a woman may not refuse sexual access to her husband unless she is medically incapable or menstruating, a teaching based partly on Allah himself saying in the Koran, “Your women are a tillage for you; so come unto your tillage as you wish” (Koran 2:223)
• Under sharia law, a woman inherits less than a man, generally half as much, again based on holy writ: “Allah enjoins you concerning your children: the male shall have the equal of the portion of two females” (Koran 4.11, 4.12).
• Under sharia law, men and women who commit fornication are to be flogged. As to the punishment for fornicators, the Koran says: “Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment” (Koran 24:2).
• Under sharia law, a man may unilaterally divorce his wife through talaq, whereas women are limited to divorce either under specific circumstances, such as the husband’s impotence, or with the husband’s consent and payment of a certain amount of money (khul).
• Sharia law permits fathers to contract binding marriages for their children so long as they are minors; and although a boy married against his wishes may exercise his power to divorce his wife unilaterally once he matures, a girl’s exit from such an unwanted marriage is much more difficult.
• Under sharia law, the custody of children is generally granted to ­fathers, and mothers lose custody if they remarry because their attention is supposed to go to their new husbands.
• Although majority-Muslim countries have in practice abolished slavery (Saudi Arabia did so mainly as a result of foreign pressure in 1962), slavery still has not been abolished in sharia law. Sexual slavery was common in Islamic history and is accepted by sharia law.


When are we going to wake up from the nightmare in which the self-serving high priest/carpetbaggers of the pagan Gaian cult called Anthropogenic Global Warming continue to redistribute our hard-earned taxpayer money into the hands and pockets of those minuscule, money grubbing, hate-filled, racist, foul mouthed, activists whose sole aim in life appears to be the destruction of all we know and hold dear?

How many more lies must be swept under the carpet, how many more 'facts' need to be disproved, how many more 'experts' need to be exposed 'fiddling' the stats before they are fired (or in the safe government jobs 'promoted' to where they can no longer do any harm)?


Insanity on top of insanity.
First Labor and the Liberals pass laws to drive coal-fired power generators out of business by forcing us to use more wind and solar power instead.
Then when the obvious happens - power prices soar, the system breaks down - the Liberals decide to waste even more of our money instead.
Now it wants to force us to spend even more money on another green scheme - "clean-coal" generators. Retrofitting a Hazelwood or building a new generator to replace the onew we have already will cost even more millions - or billions.
And it is all for nothing. None of this does what it's actually all meant to do: cut the world's temperature. The difference we make is just too small. And besides: where is the evidence that a little more warming is actually bad for us, rather than good?
Oh, and haven't we learned the hard way that governments are bad at running power stations?
The cheapest solution is simply to scrap the renewable energy target to let the cheapest electricity generators stay on line and the most expensive die.
But the Government is too scared to even admit this, fearing that truth-telling this would trigger an investment strike in green power that will land electricity retailers with billions in fines for not meeting the green energy targets.
What insanity this is.  [AB]

Friday, 17 February 2017


The global warming catastrophists keep making dud 'predictions' which fail spectacularly, then they double down, which then fails spectacularly, and yet people still follow them like lemmings.
Talk about 'blind faith', seriously!

Thursday, 16 February 2017


"Conservatism is not the best hope for mankind simply because of its positive agenda. It is the best hope because it offers a limited bulwark against a progressive political class that professes to be improving the lot of mankind while almost invariably making things worse." [Peter Smith]


Bill Shorten now jumps on the self-abnegating bandwagon familiar to left-wing, 'self-identifying white colonialists' all over the West, and in doing so he doubles down by embracing lies that weaponize other destructive lies:
"The Labor leader was speaking about new figures showing our massive spending on Aborigines just isn’t making enough difference. Too many Aboriginal children are still not going to school or learning to read. Too many parents aren’t working.

To help explain that failure Shorten in Parliament accused “we” whites of committing atrocities.

“It’s time for truth-telling,” he said.

“We poisoned the water holes; we distributed blankets infested with diseases we knew would kill.

This is not truth telling at all. For a start, “we” didn’t do any of this, since none of us was born then. But I challenge Shorten to back up his other claims. We poisoned the waterholes? We distributed blankets infested with deadly diseases?

When, Mr Shorten? Where? Name a single example.

In fact, Shorten has zero proof.

Activists and far-Left historians cite only one single case where they say blankets might have been poisoned, claiming rogue soldiers or convicts in Sydney in 1789 might have used smallpox scabs kept for inoculation to cause an epidemic among local Aborigines,

But that theory has been debunked. First, not even the conspiracy mongers have any proof of a crime so at odds with how Governor Arthur Phillip dealt with Aborigines. Second, as Dr Jack Carmody from Sydney University’s School of Medical Sciences says, the smallpox scabs would have been inactive and unable to infect anyone after being kept in Sydney for so long.

The poisoned blankets myth is actually an import. Infamously, a British general, Jeffrey Amherst, in 1763 discussed spreading smallpox among American Indians using blankets. That fact was wildly exaggerated by US historian Ward Churchill, a radical activist, who then claimed US soldiers had also handed Indians smallpox-infected blankets.

Not even the conspiracy mongers have any proof of blanket poisoning, a crime so at odds with how Governor Arthur Phillip dealt with Aborigines. But Churchill was dismissed by his university after it was shown he’d simply made up his evidence. His claim was fake.

Yet Shorten now repeats an Australian version of that myth.

He also accuses “we” whites of poisoning waterholes, as if settlers dragged around huge drums of cyanide. Stan Grant, the journalist now making fiery speeches as an Aboriginal “elder”, claims just such a thing happened at Poisoned Waterholes Creek, near Narrandera — the only alleged case on the record.

Grant has written that he takes his son there to tell him of the (never-identified) land owner who “grew tired of the black people on his property” and poisoned their water, causing “many” to die “agonising deaths”. But in 1951 local man George Gow rejected the story in a long article in the Narandera (sic) Argus.

Gow had lived in the area for 57 years and had known people born there 100 years before, but none, he said, not even the local historian, thought the poisoning story true.

Gow said John Bean, a rabbit inspector who’d worked on the station containing Poisoned Waterholes Creek in the 1880s, said the name came from the baits left for dingoes, although an old drover once said he’d lost cattle there when they ate toxic weed.

Gow blamed a local, poet Dame Mary Gilmore, for spreading the poisoning myth in an article in the Sydney Morning Herald, in which she claimed a magistrate had investigated and “ordered that the holes be filled in up to a height of 12 feet above the surface”. Gilmore claimed her uncle did that filling in, but as Gow noted, the holes are still there. Gilmore’s claims were “rubbish”.

The real poison here is Shorten’s myths. Yes, Aborigines — on average — are too poor, too unschooled and too jobless, but that’s not because “we” handed out poison blankets.

Instead we hand out $30 billion a year in welfare and other aid to only 550,000 Aborigines. And if that makes too little difference it is not because whites are racist.

Whites aren’t making Aboriginal children twice more likely to wag school. Whites aren’t making Aboriginal women 34 times more likely to be hospitalised by their men.

Whites aren’t making Aboriginal children 10 times more likely to need rescuing from parents who bash or neglect them.

And whites aren’t making many Aborigines out bush choose to live where there are no jobs.

Shorten smearing whites is just diverting attention from the real issue: what to do now.

It’s also dangerous because he’s warning Aboriginal children “we” are murderously racist — too hostile to trust or join. Don’t even try.

Worse, this atrocity-mongering tells Aboriginal parents to blame racists and not themselves for the decisions they make.

The children will pay for that, too." [AB]

Wednesday, 15 February 2017


Ho hum!.....the Chicken Little's of the Globalist Warming scam are at it again.

It should merely be irritating if it were not the case that billions upon billions of otherwise useful taxpayer dollars are being wasted chasing this concatenation of perceived slights against the reigning deity (Gaia) of the hair-triggered-inner-city-latte-sipping-limp-wristed-he/se/xe-watermelon unicorns who make up Australia's feudalistic 'elite'.
The weather soon returned to normal, but by then the doomsayers and their stenographers were off and running, yelping alarums to every sympathetic journalism-school graduate they could find. As demonstrated by today’s ABC headline, “Climate change: Scientists sad, frustrated as extreme weather becomes the new norm“, the usual suspects couldn’t have moved any faster toward the nearest microphone than if the visiting Michael “Hockey Stick” Mann was offering the hem of his garment for media slobbering.
As it happens, the press pack would have had to take a number and wait its turn, as Fairfax’s Peter Hannam was first in line — and seemingly determined not to mention anything negative about the jet-setting carbon-belcher’s dubious science, his involvement in Climategate, or the defamation action against Mark Steyn for branding a huckster and disgrace to science as exactly that. Deliciously, Hannam reported the author of so much fake news as being deeply troubled by … yes … “fake news.” You couldn’t make this stuff up, except that’s what their climate careerists and their toadies to every day of the week, twice on Sundays.
So forgive me, please, for being a little down in the mouth just at the moment, especially about the increasing tendency for alarmists (and their useful idiots in the MSM) to

employ vague hyperbole in reporting weather events, thus avoiding the inconvenient truth that such record temperatures as we have been setting lately are meaningless, being smaller than the margin of error.

By emotive hyperbole I mean, for example, words like ‘scorcher’ or ‘sizzler’ to describe days that, 30 years ago, would merely have been regarded as uncomfortably hot. The latest verbal trick I have noticed this summer is the term ‘heatwave conditions’ to refer to a single day above 35 degrees. We heard it constantly last week, as in:
Residents of Australia’s East coast will suffer through scorching, “hell on earth” temperatures on Saturday as the full brunt of the lingering heatwave bites
.............You might well react with an unimpressed shrug and dismissive ‘so what?’ If it was that hot 120 years ago, what’s so special about now? Alas, we know that such unquestioned media barracking is also part of the ongoing narrative, which features a constant barrage of subliminal CAGW propaganda. Sadly, many unthinking punters out there will buy it — otherwise they would be up in arms about electricity bills stupendously inflated by subsidies and market distortions intended to cripple reliable energy, coal and gas, in favour of wind and solar.

Anyway, I thought it might be instructive to look at the history of Sydney summers vis a vis the number of days 35C or over since 1896. After all, 1896 might be an outlier and 2017 the continuation of that Dreadful Heat’s (™) upward trend we keep hearing about but never seeing in the actual record, which has flat-lined for near on two decades, despite the climate establishment’s latest desperate bid to ginger up the numbers.

Here is a histogram based on BoM records:

If the number of summer days above 35C demonstrated an CAGW signal, it is not apparent from the trend line shown above.

For example, summers with more than four days above 35C are common – 24 in this 120 year period and spread throughout the timeline. But only four have come in the last 25-odd years, the very period, we are told, of ‘ten of the hottest years on record’.

The other big story has been the record heatwave at Moree. As I write, Moree has recorded 47 days in a row above 35C, as the SMH put it “easily breaking the record of 17 consecutive days set in 1981/82.”

Even to a confirmed sceptic, such as myself, that sounds dire, seeming as if it is some of that ‘unprecedented warming’ has finally arrived, and arrived for good. Always ready to consider evidence that might prove me wrong, I decided to take a look at the historical record for Moree and what I found was very interesting. If you look at the BoM’s online long-term temperature record for Moree it only goes back as far as 1996. Not much help there, so I looked at ACORN.

ACORN is the Bureau’s official subset of 122 stations that forms the basis of our national temperature record – the data that gets shunted off to NOAA so that we can claim our rightful place in this catastrophically warming world. Moree is part of ACORN and its summary of stations shows Moree as having data back to 1910. However, when you open the datalink for Moree, it only goes back to 1957. With my limited resources I have not been able to find the data-set for Moree going back to 1910, if it exists. I wonder why not?

Anyway, I went through that data looking for long stretches over 35C. As it happens, 1957 provides the best example but unfortunately there is no data for December 1956. So let’s just look at January/Feb 1957. In that period, there were a total of 41 days exceeding 35C broken into stretches of 8 days, 16 days, 6 days and 11 days, these separated by three short periods of two or three days below 35C. Since the first ‘heatwave’ period started on the 1st of January, it’s entirely possible that the initial eight-day stretch may have been even longer, courtesy of December.

In practical terms, there is virtually no difference between what happened then what is happening this year. Interestingly, the January average for 1957 was 40.25, whereas for 2017 it was only 38.3. That may not seem meaningful but when ‘climatologists’ measure global temperature records in hundredths of a degree, well two can play at that game.

I must make a confession here. I took a small amount of licence in that I included any temperature over 34.7C (4 instances) as over 35C. Given that Moree is part of ACORN, it has undoubtedly been manipulated (sorry, homogenized) and if they can do it, why can’t I?

Why this preoccupation with days over 35C in places as disparate as Sydney and Moree? The reason is not hard to fathom: 35C is now the magic number the IPCC is using as a benchmark for ‘extreme weather’. The self-appointed Climate Council, under the stewardship of Tim “Empty Dams & Hot Rocks” Flannery, has issued a report, based on IPCC product, called Cranking up the Intensity: Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events.

Among its predictions are that the number of extremely hot days — classified as maximum temperatures of more than 35C — will climb in all capital cities. News.com.au’s Kim Stephens’ commenced her coverage of this report thus:
IMAGINE a city where 265 days a year, the temperature rises above 35C.
The residents of Darwin in 2090 will not have to imagine it, because for them, it may well be their reality.
As Australians endure the summer of the seemingly never-ending heatwave, a new report from the Climate Council essentially has one message.
Get used to it.
Other prognostications in the Climate Council report are that:

…in Sydney, the number of hot days (>35°C) per year are projected to increase from 3 to 4 per year by 2030 (relative to 1981-2010 climate), increasing to 11 per year by 2090, under a high emissions scenario (CSIRO and BoM 2015) from 11.

For Brisbane, the numbers are said to be going from 12 per year to 18 by 2030, and 55 per year by 2090. You get the picture.

Those ‘record’ years, such as 1896, 1957 and 2017, are climate outliers, not representative of the climate in general other than as manifestations of the fact that climate can throw up anomalous years for reasons that we only vaguely understand. They are not proof of ‘climate change’ or ‘global warming’ whether natural or man-made. Nor are they part of a trend, although no one is rushing to tell you that.

Monday, 13 February 2017


We live in a  world that has (or is desperately trying to) 'normalise' deviancy. For example the latest in a conga-line of attempts are the cashed-up, militant minority lobbying groups applying pressure to change the law that says there are only two sexes. They want the 'right' to call themselves anything they want. Actually that 'right' already exists, you can go around calling yourself a fried egg if you want but that is not what they really want.

What they are really demanding is that WE  be held by law to recognise their personal fantasies, they want us to be forced by law to recognise their madness (for madness it is; it used to be called body disphoria and was treatable) and if we refuse to, they want the right to sue us for; hate crimes and/or any of the recent slew of  made-up grievances they can think of in order to further feather their taxpayer funded nests.

However it is not all about the redistribution of funds from the 'normal's' pockets into the deviants, it also double dips as a means to 'pasteurise' their perverted lifestyle choices so as to eliminate moral or lawful consequences:
Earlier this week we learned that Micah Rhodes, one of the heads of Portland’s Resistance movement, is a pedophile. He was arrested for political action but then brought into court for sexual charges totally unrelated to anarchy. He’s now facing four counts of second-degree sexual abuse. His comrades can say it’s all a lie based on Micah’s recent political status, but they likely don’t know he’s already a registered sex offender in the area, responsible for first-degree sexual abuse and sodomy. This isn’t the first time he’s anally raped a young teenage boy and girl.
..............If they can create a world where weird is the norm, we won’t be as disgusted when we discover they molest 13-year-old boys. Rhodes isn’t an unusual case with the far left. It’s looking like the guy who punched alleged Nazi Richard Spencer in the face may be an S&M cuckold who lets people defecate on him. Many of my fellow Proud Boys recently had Antifa harassing their employers. We were told many of these irritating busybodies were associated with a band called Pink Mass. These guys are gay necrophiliacs who blow nail-covered dildos and whip each other dressed in leather dog masks. I don’t want their shows to be banned, but the fact that we live in a society where a phone call from them is given credence shows how normalized the abnormal is. Next time your boss says he’s been getting complaints, it’s important to ask, “From whom?” You should be allowed to bartend, sell real estate, and practice law even if GG Allin disapproves of your political beliefs.
It was only a couple of weeks ago that we learned a major figure in the #DisruptJ20 movement was renowned pedophile Luke Kuhn. He said he would burn houses down if people stood in his way. He said he does not recognize the police and will fight them if they have a problem with his lifestyle. These are normal things to believe if your raison d’être is what society abhors the most. When James O’Keefe presented these tapes to the FBI, they thanked him profusely and said they’d been following Luke for a while. Back in May, we learned about Black Lives Matter’s Charles Wade. The Washington Times pointed out, “He was listed as No. 40 on The Root’s 100 most influential black activists.” Though he pretended he was about justice and ethics and doing the right thing, he was a pimp who was caught trafficking a 17-year-old girl. In this same group, I would lump feminist activist Donna Hylton, who kidnapped a gay man and sodomized him to death over several days back in the ’80s. She gave a rousing speech at the Women’s March that was met with uproarious applause. This is the same march, incidentally, that featured 5-year-old girls carrying signs that said things like “This pussy grabs back” and “Don’t grab my pussy.”
These are the activists instigating anarchy on the streets of America and Melbourne right now, these are the same cohort who have been involved in lawfare to lower or abolish the age of consent so that they can have their way with children without fearing the 'law'. The American 'Pizzagate' incident indicates just how high-up in the elite/government circles these practices are to be found. 

Although I try to avoid twitter gossip at all costs, I am intrigued by how quickly the evidence for the pizza-gate scandal was 'debunked' as a conspiracy theory. Hard evidence is available to any with half a mind to explore the claims. It appears some facts are just too uncomfortable to be allowed on the internet....

......just imagine what it would be like to live in the left-elites vision of a Socialist country...oh, hang on; that's right...we don't have to imagine it at all...the evidence is there for all to see....just imagine living in North Korea?

Friday, 10 February 2017


The differences matter, cognitive dissonance is no longer an excuse......:
When Obama blatantly lied about our being able to keep our health plans under Obamacare the same media types who are demanding Trump’s press secretary, Spicer, resign kept silent.
And then of course there’s Benghazi. The Obama’s administration repeatedly and deliberately lied about the nature of the attacks, blaming an innocent filmmaker, in order to help ensure that Obama would be reelected. We know that the people in authority knew that there was no riot about the movie when they were telling the American people otherwise. That’s a lie.
When liberals lie people do die yet the media apparently doesn’t care. However if Spicer is factually incorrect on how many people attended/watched Trump’s Inauguration the media apparently believes that civilization is at risk.
Spicers “lies” are most likely technical errors based on bad information. For example a “lie” was that the white tarps weren’t used before when they were used in 2013. That someone gave Spicer incorrect information about this or that Spicer worked from memory and was mistaken is far more likely than that he intentionally lied.

Yet the same media who ignored the lies coming from Obama, not his press secretary, immediately declares that Spicer was intentionally lying.
We know for a fact that Obama knew we wouldn’t be able to keep our health plan, unless of course he didn’t know what was in his own bill, but it’s unclear how the media knows that Spicer wasn’t simply repeating what he’d been told.
Note the difference on how the media is treating Spicer and how they treated Candy Crowley. Crowley incorrectly “corrected” Romney in the presidential debate by saying that Obama had declared the attack at Benghazi a terrorist attack shortly after it occurred. She was factually incorrect in a major way as she later admitted yet no one in the media called her a liar. Her “lie” helped Obama get reelected while Spicer’s “lies” will have no impact on anything. Yet the voices calling for Spicer’s scalp didn’t call for banning Crowley from the media.
Remember it is a fact that the media had used a photo taken significantly before the Inauguration to try and show that attendance at the Trump Inauguration was small.

Thursday, 9 February 2017


I have attached a short extract from an article about how we conservatives are so good at 'rolling over'...in fact the very term 'conservative' has come to mean; 'conserve the status quo' which is NOT actually what a conservative is. I present this comment without further comment but I have highlighted the sections which really make my blood boil:
Neither clever nor funny and most definitely not in accord with its Charter, how had the ABC come to air this sophomoric assault on good taste? The answer is simple: because it could do so without fear of recrimination and with utter disregard for the inevitable objections. Not so long ago another alleged comedy show depicted a conservative columnist in flagrante delicto with a dog. No one was fired, despite the incident resulting in a belated apology and substantial pay-out; indeed the program’s producers have kept right on landing contracts to churn out more of the only slightly less offensive same. Chimp-buggering and dog-bothering — this is what we get, I thought, after decades of ceding our public institutions and instrumentalities to a small, tight class consisting entirely of the insistently and incestuously self-pleasuring. We pay, they play — and don’t for a moment kid yourself that the slightest attention will ever be paid to public outrage, no matter how heated or widespread.
At that moment disgust took charge – disgust with the ABC certainly, but more than that, disgust with conservatives for our supine acceptance of the left’s control of budgets, culture and the public pulpit.
And it isn’t just the ABC. We grumble and tell each other how wicked it is that a race commissioner pimps for public complaints in order harass a newspaper cartoonist who has dared to address a theme he would prefer to see left unexplored, but we do nothing to demand reform or, better yet, to scuttle the Human Rights Commission’s crew of hacks, liars and business-class jet-abouts. And sure, we notice TV ads depicting domestic violence as the sole province of white men and boys, and we share the truth amongst ourselves that if you lay the census maps charting Indigenous populations on top of those for regional crime, the overlap would make it impossible not to conclude that domestic violence is overwhelmingly an Aboriginal vice. Yet we do nothing (except mutter and grumble) while the producers of such ads feather their nests with the next grant, the next production contract, the next job lot of appointments for mates and mentors.
Let me further explain my anger on that Night of the Amorous Ape by re-winding to the previous day’s beginning, when the radio by my bed came to life at 7am with the sound of an ABC voice interviewing one of the interchangeable Trades Hall apparatchiks who have coagulated in the grease trap that is Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews’ cabinet. Great things were about to be done for the environment, apparently, as the Andrews government was re-asserting its election pledge to shut down a coal-burning electricity plant in the LaTrobe Valley. Renewables were the way to go, the Labor voice assured its interlocutor, adding it would be a terrible pity if Victoria allowed South Australia to corner all those green jobs and international kudos which wind turbines and the like are said to bestow. A few weeks later, of course, South Australia would go black as a direct consequence of all that green goodness, but on this morning it was the interviewer’s obsequious feting of “sustainable” nostrums which rankled. The plant nominated for closure produced better than 20% of Victoria’s energy. What sort of a government crimps the supply of power to industry and individual homes? More to the point, what sort of journalist neglects to raise such a key question with his or her subject?
…unless the left is challenged and confronted at every turn, there is no hope of halting the long march of its acolytes, the machinations of its social engineers.

Indeed, unless we begin to wake up to the insidious and dangerous ideologies that inspire such treasonous follies we will fall just like Russia, like Germany, like China, like Zimbabwe, Venezuela etc,etc...into the hands of tyrannical socialism.

Ask yourselves, Do we want to live in cultures that have produced those societies?

Obviously Western culture exhibits much to be alarmed at, that is the price of  individual freedom of choice...of course the undermining of our foundational Judeo-Christian worldview has not helped....but even with this systemic destabilisation, even with the relativised decadence, with the plethora of mountebanks and carpetbaggers and the money hungry grubs who are undermining our financial institutions etc, etc, with all of this negativity, do we honestly believe that we would be better served by a rapacious, tiny, bureaucratic elite who grow rich and powerful at the expense of the masses even though they say that they are 'for the people'...words are cheap, actions tell the true story and just look at the history's and the failings of the aforementioned countries and ask yourself: Is this what I want for me and my children?

Wednesday, 8 February 2017


Christopher Carr nails the media hypocrisy:
"Bernardi chose the clean and more honest break and attracted such vicious opprobrium, one suspects, largely and simply because he is a conservative. Would a Coalition defection to the Greens, the Labor Party, let alone as a left wing defector on the crossbenches, attract condemnation from the ABC or Fairfax Media? What if a Liberal senator chose to defect because, say, he opposed the withdrawal of taxpayer subsidies to the renewable energy sector? Would the usual suspects describe him as a rat or as a hero? There is no prize for the right answer. As Andrew Bolt so often reiterates, for the Left, it is side, never principle, which counts. This also explains why, when brothel-creeping union corruptocrat Craig Thomson left the Labor Party, he was able to remain in the House without adverse comment from the Left’s media cheer squad."
The post modern media have become nothing more than shills for whichever side serves their purposes of financial gain, promotional prospects or ideological perspectives. 

What is the difference between the main stream media these days and any of the myriad of internet sites and why would anyone bother paying for such opinion?

Monday, 6 February 2017


E M Oblomov writing about this thing called the 'intelligentsia', a Russian word, speaks about his childhood in Russia and therein makes an observation I found rather telling [emphasis mine]:
In my parents’ circle, these were mostly engineers and scientists, with a smattering of musicians and doctors. None had any sort of formal connection to academic social science or the humanities, since in the U.S.S.R. these fields were political minefields, difficult for decent people to negotiate.
Telling in that this has most definitely become the norm in Western Universities today.

I would define 'decent' folk as those who believe in traditional marriage and families made up of the traditional male, female roles with children, those who view mendacity and licentiousness as wrong, who do not believe that illegal drugs are a good thing, who wish to live in peace and leave others to do the same, who believe that the governments role is to curb the baser nature of humanity in order to maintain that peace, and not to indulge in wealth creation because bureaucracy's are demonstrably weak at such things, who also believe that crime should not pay and that criminals should be punished rather than re-educated, that schools should be places of learning particularly the 3R's rather than centres of ideological propaganda etc etc....in other words these 'decent' folk are what the 'progressive elites' call the 'deplorables'.

But what does this shift indicate in describing the modern Western experience?
Perhaps we have become so socialistic in our thinking that we have lost sight of what made us successful in the first place.
I believe that is indeed the case and unfortunately even though Trump has appeared on the horizon and is trying, in part to 'undo' much of the apparatus built up to further the aims of these socialistic ally inspired ideals, I fear it is too little, too late and may well hasten the slide into chaos.
These entrenched powers are not going to give up their power easily, witness the shrieking, the baseline fascistic behaviour taking place in the name of 'anti-fascism', and the outpourings of hate in the name of anti-hate.

Unfortunately someone like Trump will not suffer such fools gladly and his baser nature could erupt into the type of  authoritarian government that many fear.  Perhaps it has even reached the stage where the civil war the real demagogues like Soros are hoping for might begin to manifest, because it is men like him who always make a financial killing from humans killing each other and chaos. And of course all of this will be laid at the feet of the 'conservatives' just like terrorism is laid at the feet of the West who 'caused' these 'poor people' to kill, rape, and rampage through the streets of the Western nations.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn was a prophet of his time and in seeing so clearly the state of the intelligentsia in Russia he foreshadowed the same lamentable collapse of the Western elites:
The most devastating critique of the Russian intelligentsia was mounted by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in a 1974 essay called Educationdom (Obrazovanshchina). Solzhenitsyn traced the sources of the Bolshevik revolution and its cataclysmic aftermath to the vices of the old intelligentsia, which included “a sectarian, artificial distancing from the national life,” unsuitability for practical work, an obsession with egalitarian social justice that “paralyzes the love of and interest in truth,” and a “trance-like, inadequate sense of reality.” There were other, darker vices, too: “fanaticism, deaf to the voice of everyday life”; a hypnotic faith in its own ideology and intolerance for any other; and the adoption of “hatred as a passionate ethical impulse.” Worse still for Solzhenitsyn was the intelligentsia’s fervent rejection of Christianity, replaced by faith in scientific progress and a mankind-worshiping idolatry. This atheism was all-embracing and uncritical in its belief that science is competent to dispose of all religious questions, finally and comprehensively. In Solzhenitsyn’s view, the intelligentsia had yielded to the temptation of Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor—may the truth rot, if people are the happier for it.
I do not believe there could be a clearer denunciation of the dark 'faith' espoused by the 'intellectual/political/media elite in the West than this.

Once more I end with a prayer that wise heads will prevail in dealing with these uprisings and that we might be afforded a few more years to live in relative peace and to spread the gospel of Christ.

Sunday, 5 February 2017


Victor Davis Hanson on what FAKE NEWS really is and how it distorts reality to feed an ideology:
Yet all politicians fib and distort the truth—and they’ve been doing so since the freewheeling days of the Athenian ekklesia. Trump’s various bombastic allegations and claims fall into the same realm of truthfulness as Obama’s statement “if you like your health plan, you can keep it”—and were thus similarly cross-examined by the media.

Yet fake news is something quite different. It is not merely a public figure’s spinning of half-truths. It is largely a media-driven, and deliberate attempt to spread a false narrative to advance a political agenda that otherwise would be rejected by a common-sense public. The methodology is to manufacture a narrative attractive to a herd-like progressive media that will then devour and brand it as fact—and even lobby for government redress.
Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen has never been to Prague to negotiate quid pro quo deals with the Russians. Trump did not watch Russian strippers perform pornographic acts in the bedroom that Barack Obama once stayed in during a visit to Moscow. Yet political operatives, journalists, and even intelligence officers, in their respective shared antipathy to Trump, managed to lodge these narratives into the public consciousness and thereby establish the “truth” that a degenerate Trump was also a Russian patsy.
No one has described the methodology of fake news better than Ben Rhodes, a deputy national security advisor for Barack Obama and brother of the president of CBS News, David Rhodes. Ben Rhodes cynically bragged about how the Obama administration had sold the dubious Iran deal through misinformation picked up by an adolescent but sympathetic media (for which Rhodes had only contempt). As Rhodes put it, “The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns.
That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”
Translated, that meant that Rhodes and his team fed false narratives about the Iran Deal to a sympathetic but ignorant media, which used its received authority to report those narratives as “truth”—at least long enough for the agreement to be passed before its multitudinous falsehoods and side-agreements collapsed under their own weight. “We created an echo chamber,” Rhodes bragged to the New York Times: “They [reporters] were saying things that validated what we had given them to say.”
Obama’s healthcare advisor Jonathan Gruber likewise saw the virtues of fake news in pushing a political agenda. Gruber assumed that the public, not just the media, was stupid and easily conned: “Lack of transparency,” he said, “is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever.”


Peta Credlin: "If President Trump’s first few weeks in office have told us anything, it’s that there’s a new way of doing things in Washington and Australia’s not immune.

"But this shouldn’t really be a surprise, after all, a rich businessman turned politician, who likes to bully and leak, is hardly new to politics."
Elegant. And a point missed by several Trump haters in the media who are defending Turnbull

Saturday, 4 February 2017


The election of President Trump is proving to be rather helpful re: my recent determination to detox myself from technology.

Trump derangement syndrome is alive, metastasising and becoming more unbelievable by the day and it is causing me to switch off the various talking heads and even the TV which gives me more time to focus on the positives in life, many of which are looking decidedly 'sweeter' since the election of Trump.

Germany's Der Spiegel magazine takes the OTT cake with its two covers of Trump...Illustratively clever but completely propagandising and re-enforcing the lies of the lame-stream-press, that is unless you have swallowed the Kool-aid on Trump yourself. What we are witnessing in most of the Western Press of today is what I imagine the Soviets had to deal with and what we in Apartheid South Africa definitely had to deal with. Blatant lies in the service of an evil and invidious ideology.

I for one am so sick and tired of the platitudes, the pig-ignorance, the whining, the hypocrisy, the violence in the name of tolerance, the hate in the name of love, the ignorance masquerading as intellectualism and am overjoyed to see all these left-wing snowflakes twisting in the wind (when they are not smashing things up)...its about time someone found the balls to stand up and face down the manipulative and ultimately freedom destroying, Tofu-socialist elites who fly around the globe lecturing us 'deplorables' on what we are supposed to feel, what we are allowed or not allowed to do, or say, how to behave, what to believe and even how to think.

If you are happy and contented with what is going on, if you really believe that Barak Hussein Obama was a good and positive influence on America and the world and that Hillary Clinton would have been the better choice of president of the USA....then in my humble opinion you are either completely delusional having drunk the MSM kool-aid, or...you are immoral, a fool, and basically clueless of both history and the consequences of Marxist ideology on free societies.

Friday, 3 February 2017


Theodore Dalrymple (a psychiatrist and doctor who has spent a long career dealing with inmates and patients) has an interesting perspective gained over a long life of dealing with some of the most banal as well as a few of the more extreme cases of mental health/pathology on multiple continents. His reflection in this case is on the changing meaning and uses of words and how these words are transforming the worldviews of those who use them[emphasis mine]:
 There is something to be said here about the word ‘depression’, which has almost entirely eliminated the word and even the concept of unhappiness from modern life. Of the thousands of patients I have seen, only two or three have ever claimed to be unhappy: all the rest have said that they were depressed. This semantic shift is deeply significant, for it implies that dissatisfaction with life itself is pathological, a medical condition, which it is the responsibility of the doctor to alleviate by medical means. Everyone has a right to health; depression is unhealthy; therefore everyone has a right to be happy (the opposite of being depressed). This idea in turn implies that one’s state of mind, or one’s mood, is or should be independent of the way that one lives one’s life, a belief that must deprive human existence of all meaning, radically disconnecting reward from conduct.
A ridiculous pas de deux between doctor and patient ensures: the patient pretends to be ill, and the doctor pretends to cure him. In the Process, the patient is wilfully blinded to the conduct that inevitably causes his misery in the first place. I have therefore come to see that one of the most important tasks of the doctor today is the disavowal of his own power and responsibility. The patient’s notion that he is ill stands in the way of his understanding of the situation, without which moral change cannot take place. The doctor who pretends to treat is an obstacle to this change, blinding rather than enlightening.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017


Interesting, I read about Michael Photios' [the liberal lobbyist head of the Libs 'moderate' (nee Left) faction in NSW] affairs and partying lifestyle some time ago when he first set out to wreck Abbott's Prime-ministership. 

I have no doubt that Photios despises Tony not only because he(Tony) is a more demonstrably moral man, but that he was also a danger to the activist Agenda 21 embraced by the leftist section of the Liberal elite. For example Photio's now 'wife' (his former lover and party animal) has recently resigned from the Liberal party because the majority continue to refuse recognition of the 'dangers' of Climate Change which 'terrifies her'. Equally the majority of Liberals still oppose open borders and unfettered 'multiculturalism' both of which offend the hardliners in the left-wing faction headed by Photios......(and here I must protest at the press using the term 'moderate' to describe these bobbleheads....they are about as moderate as Stalin was in comparison to Hitler.)

Anyway seeking further evidence that the Photios' and their cronies in the elite-left wing of the Liberal party are not actually Liberals at all but are 5th columnists intent on destroying everything the Libs stand for  I decided to revisit his antics as advertised on google only to discover that all of Photios' excessive partying and affair laden sites have been 'removed' the only things remaining are a few photos.....


I find that extremly disturbing. 
The fact that potentially compromising material on a leftist power-broker has been 'erased' brings to mind the job of Winston in Orwell's 1984.  

This is a development that appears to give weight to the rumours that Mark Zuckerberg has appointed leftist 'fact-checkers' whose sole intent appears to be 'correcting' erroneous views' espoused by conservatives on Google.

I sincerely hope that this is not the case for the one arena in which we can search for and find some modicum of truth* is the internet, if that is threatened then we are indeed in the 'last days'.

*Although it goes without saying that you have to have your wits about you when searching through the many lies, for example, someone hunting a little information on British 'human rights lawyer' and man of the left Phil Shiner might well come across any one of multiple ABC profiles and be led to believe he is an upright and honourable man, rather than the scoundrel who has been recently and so thoroughly exposed. Unless and until the ABC adds a footnote to those reports -- an unlikely prospect, one suspects -- Shiner's archived reputation will remain wreathed in approving words for evermore.