You might question what such 'freedoms' mean, given that you can observe the depravity, sinfulness, greed and all of the other unpleasantness that this so-called freedom delivers on any given day.
Some in Russia look back to the days of Bolshevik rule as the 'good old days', just as some black folk in South Africa say that their lot was better under the Apartheid regime. Both groups are deceived and I have no doubt that both are in the minority even though the main-stream-press, who have an agenda to push, would have us think that these 'when-we's' are in the majority.
You might disagree with the sad state of affairs in the world today, you might think that to do nothing would be to invite a better world to come, I believe you are wrong. Irrespective of how bad you might believe this world to be, if you live in the English West you are still living in the most peaceful, abundant and free period in the history of the world.
We still enjoy freedom of movement, of ownership, of gathering with friends, of worship, of thought and although it is being whittled away there still remains some freedom of speech in the West.
These things should not be taken for granted and everyone of these current freedoms are being challenged by a philosophy which promises utopia but delivers unimaginable evil.
These things should not be taken for granted and everyone of these current freedoms are being challenged by a philosophy which promises utopia but delivers unimaginable evil.
We must fight the culture wars in whatever capacity we are able because:
Prayer is vital and essential but actions are part of the solution.
"But don’t be fooled: Small groups of violent leftists have done significant damage to countries in the past.Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but it can sometime take the form of opposition against evil men and women.
The Bolsheviks were a tiny group of determined thugs who took over Russia. The Nazis were a distant second in the 1932 election, yet a year later – through threats and violence – they were in power. On paper, Mao and his allies should have been defeated easily by Chaing Kai-shek and his much larger forces and western supporters, but it went the other way.
History has shown a small group of people, especially when they’re willing to oppress others and commit violence against their fellow countrymen, can attain power. This dance is made easier when both sides sit silently – one out of fear, the other of impotence." [Derek Hunter]
Prayer is vital and essential but actions are part of the solution.