Sunday, 30 April 2017


There exists an unfortunate reality that if you want to enjoy the freedoms you have you might have to work for them.
You might question what such 'freedoms' mean, given that you can observe the depravity, sinfulness, greed and all of the other unpleasantness that this so-called freedom delivers on any given day.

Some in Russia look back to the days of Bolshevik rule as the 'good old days', just as some black folk in South Africa say that their lot was better under the Apartheid regime. Both groups are deceived and I have no doubt that both are in the minority even though the main-stream-press, who have an agenda to push, would have us think that these 'when-we's' are in the majority.

You might disagree with the sad state of affairs in the world today, you might think that to do nothing would be to invite a better world to come, I believe you are wrong. Irrespective of how bad you might believe this world to be, if you live in the English West you are still living in the most peaceful, abundant and free period in the history of the world.

We still enjoy freedom of movement, of ownership, of gathering with friends, of worship, of thought and although it is being whittled away there still remains some freedom of speech in the West.

These things should not be taken for granted and everyone of these current freedoms are being challenged by a philosophy which promises utopia but delivers unimaginable evil. 
We must fight the culture wars in whatever capacity we are able because:
"But don’t be fooled: Small groups of violent leftists have done significant damage to countries in the past.

The Bolsheviks were a tiny group of determined thugs who took over Russia. The Nazis were a distant second in the 1932 election, yet a year later – through threats and violence – they were in power. On paper, Mao and his allies should have been defeated easily by Chaing Kai-shek and his much larger forces and western supporters, but it went the other way.

History has shown a small group of people, especially when they’re willing to oppress others and commit violence against their fellow countrymen, can attain power. This dance is made easier when both sides sit silently – one out of fear, the other of impotence." [Derek Hunter]
Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but it can sometime take the form of opposition against evil men and women.
Prayer is vital and essential but actions are part of the solution.

Friday, 28 April 2017


"We intended to stand between them and those who they wanted to intimidate. We intended to block out their hate and shut down their violence," a leftist militia leader said in a surreally Orwellian quote. They were going to "shut down" perceived hate, violence and intimidation through genuine hate, violence and intimidation."
In Orwell's frighteningly prophetic and increasingly important book 1984 , we see how the Government of 'Airstrip One'(UK) invented a new, confusing jargon with which to communicate called 'Newspeak'.

We have entered that realm in real-life. The  Post Modern intellectual elite have successfully invented their own 'Newspeak' currently called 'fake news' and like the savages of 'Ingsoc' (English Socialism in 1984; the ruling elites) these post modern dictators wield their power with obfuscation, lies, stand-over tactics, intimidation and savage violence.....and they do it all in the name of peace and democracy.

It would be laughable if it were not so serious. Reading the (non-fake) news is like reading from the novel; ie. the above quote from TownHall's Guy Benson.

The truth of the matter is that the culture of the West for all its faults (and there are many as with All human activity), has managed to bring about a standard of living and a generosity towards all other cultures unequalled in human history. Unfortunately that very success has engendered a weakness, which is, and I am sure has been experienced by most parents, safety and comfort breed complacency and entitlement and it is every parents task to educate these failures out of their children or to leave them to discover the consequences of these errors themselves.
But with the miraculous advances of the previous few decades (and the particular achievements of the men and women of God and science who were rightly recognised as the 'Greatest Generation' of all) having all but vanquished the dire consequences of disease, hunger, poverty, and physical pain, an ideology that sought to re-create Paradise by eliminating rational thought was able to find fertile ground. [Evan Sayet]
We are witnessing this 'syndrome' writ large in the culture and unfortunately allowing our children and children's children to experience the consequences might instead mean that they will never again know what real freedom is.
The consequences of a failure to defend this civilisation could mean a real 'dark age' to  come.

Thursday, 20 April 2017


The New York Times has outed itself as a propagandist, fake news outlet(again) about shooting yourself in the foot...

Still, most on the increasingly strident 'left side' of the zeitgeist really couldn't care two hoots about 'truth'. They have been indoctrinated in the Wests equivalent of Pol Pot's 're-education camps' (University Humanities departments) to believe that truth is merely a social construct (except their truth of course) and that all 'compassionate' and intelligent people must believe what they do or else they are not just wrong, but immoral!

These 'social justice warriors' have embraced the old Marxist trope of dividing people into tribes, victims, races, creeds or anything that defines them as 'oppressed others', and that the Western civilisation is the one that brings imperialism, degradation, destruction etc. This flies in the face of most of the observed facts but this is not enough to sway an ideological convert who sees only what their manipulators want them to see. 

At homeschool I have been walking my youngest through the history of medicine as he wants to be a doctor. History is always revealing in the ways of human interactions and thought processes as history usually is. This revealing of humanity is one of the main reasons why most new millennium university courses no longer offer history as a subject or if they condescend to do so it is often heavily redacted in favour of atrocities real or concocted and/or manipulated to engender a negative emotional reaction to the; ruling, patriarchal, capitalistic, imperialistic, misogynistic, racist, regime!!!!...

but back on point... studying the history of medicine we noted many cases of intelligent and learned people believing only what their teachers or the 'textbooks' (Galen/Hippocrates) have taught them. In many cases these original teachers did not intend for their works to become the holy writ that they did become, but it appears humanity, particularly those in power at certain times prefer certainty to experimentation, hence the; '97% of experts agree', phenomena of manipulation towards a particular ideal.  Often this injunction to place your faith in the 'experts' flies in the face of observable evidence but to those who seek a certain outcome that is of little consequence, for example let us examine the case of Galen:

He was a Greek Doctor during the Roman period who became the Emperor's physician. He was gifted, opinionated and a prolific writer authoring more than 125 books on medicine; books that together with Hippocrates formed the canon of medicine for a thousand years:
Galen's affect upon medicine grew, rather than became less, with time. His views came to be regarded as the final authority in medicine. During the Middle Ages in Europe, scholars avoided experimentation and direct experience. Instead they simply looked for answers in Galen's books. His dead hand held medicine in its grip with a firmness never matched before of since. [Tiner, J H (2014) The History of Medicine, Master Books, p.10]
Although Galen warned doctors to study firsthand for themselves, his advice went unheeded. Galen, the successful doctor, stated his views with force and confidence. Doctors who followed him frowned upon independent study. Medical Schools used Galen's books as textbooks for more than a thousand years. He became the undisputed authority. No one dared to even differ with him. [ibid, p.14]
Jacobus Sylvius is the typical surgeon of the middle ages. He relied on Galen and Hippocrates' books more than what he observed with his own eyes. [ibid, p.16]
If the corpse and the book don't agree, then the error is in the corpse! No one would dream of doubting Galen. [ibid, p.16]
But thankfully for us, some did eventually challenge and question the perceived wisdom of the 'experts':
Vesalius kept a copy of Galen's books on hand and marked changes in them. He found over two hundred mistakes in the ancient books -mistakes still being taught by the doctors of his day. [ibid, p.20]
We have become bogged down in the same sort of fanatical adherence to 'expert wisdom' today. History teaches us (if we allow it to) that times change, technology advances, information increases BUT HUMAN NATURE REMAINS THE SAME.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017


An interesting and I believe quite logical opinion on the Trump military strikes in Syria and Afghanistan:
This week’s raids on Syria and on Isis in Afghanistan have been framed by the media as Trump swinging wildly from isolationism to hyper-interventionism. Not so.
The point about the Syria raid which has barely been mentioned (but was pointed out here by America’s former ambassador to the UN, John Bolton) is that Syria was in violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention – to which Russia and Iran along with the US, UK and others are also signatories, as well as being members of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).
Any violation of an international agreement designed to eliminate chemical weapons directly threatens anyone targeted by state or other actors who may ever get their hands on such weapons. America, along with everyone else, is therefore threatened by Syria’s use of chemical weapons. Russia, however, vetoed America’s attempt to bring this violation to the UN Security Council. By striking the Syrian air base, Trump was not only defending American interests but also upholding international order.
The benefits of this extend far beyond damaging the capacity of Isis to carry out more attacks. It also sends a crucial signal to Iran, North Korea, Russia, China and anyone else who may want to attack America that, after years of supine surrender by the Obama administration to the enemies of the free world, the US will now actively defend itself once again – and will furthermore hit such aggressors harder than they can ever hit America.
This is neither liberal interventionism nor pull-up-the-drawbridge isolationism. It is the necessary defence of the national interest by military means where that is required to preserve life and liberty. The willed erosion of that fundamental doctrine of national survival has empowered the enemies of the free world to run rampant during the past decade.
This was the week in which that lethal erosion was ended. [M Phillips]

Sunday, 16 April 2017


The Marxist drive to undermine the Western worldview has reached new depths of political madness in the transgender myths poisoning the minds and bodies of young, emotionally driven tragics:
"Adults should be free to make decisions about their sexuality and their bodies. But children should not be subjected to the whims of politically driven adults when it comes to massive bodily mutilation that impairs function for a lifetime -- all before the child has experienced puberty. And society should not be obligated to obey the gender theory nonsense of the radical left, which seeks to confuse as many children as possible in the name of an anti-biological program in service to a political agenda." [B Shapiro]

Tuesday, 11 April 2017


I am becoming more and more convinced each day whilst traversing the net, that the absolute insanity of Trump  Derangement Syndrome and other equally shallow, wacky conspiracy theories is the result of many in the Wests political/media/academic population, having lost their collective (pun) minds.

I blame it on a shallow and baleful education received at the feet of 'academics' whose lives are in thrall to the twin Marxist theories of political correctness and textural deconstruction. Our centres of higher 'learning' have been captured by the left in their 'long march through the institutions' and the resultant watering down as well as downright denial, of the knowledge that has made our civilisation the most effective and successful one in the history of mankind, has proven to be catastrophic to logical thinking and its concomitant 'everyday' expression; common sense.

In essence 'common sense is common no longer.

Saturday, 8 April 2017


An insightful comment on youth culture by Nobel laureate in literature; Mario Vargas LLosa:
"Fashionable bands and singers attract huge crowds to their concerts, which, like the Dionysian festivals that celebrated irrationality in ancient Greece, are collective ceremonies of excess and catharsis, worshipping instinct, passion and unreason. The same can be said of the packed electronic music parties, raves, where people dance in the darkness, listen to trance-inducing music and get high on ecstasy. It is not too far-fetched to compare these celebrations to the great religious popular festivals of old. We find in secular form, a religious spirit that, in keeping with the spirit of the age, has replaced the liturgy and catechisms of traditional religions with these displays of musical mysticism where, to the rhythm of raw voices and instruments, both amplified to an inaudible level, individuals are no longer individuals; they become a mass, and unwittingly return to the primitive times of magic and the tribe."
To which the millennial reply's in a bored voice: "whatever!"

Sunday, 2 April 2017


The tactics being rolled out to delay and/or try to stop the Keystone pipelinde development in America are exactly the sort of actions we see being taken in delaying or trying to stop the UK's Brexit. The forces behind both are the same, forces that seek to overthrow the West and replace it with a new neo-Marxist feudalism (see: Agenda 21). We are watching it unfold with ideological fury in Australia as well. The hard-line Socialist state government in Victoria and the softer more insidious same in South Australia.