Tuesday 11 April 2017


I am becoming more and more convinced each day whilst traversing the net, that the absolute insanity of Trump  Derangement Syndrome and other equally shallow, wacky conspiracy theories is the result of many in the Wests political/media/academic population, having lost their collective (pun) minds.

I blame it on a shallow and baleful education received at the feet of 'academics' whose lives are in thrall to the twin Marxist theories of political correctness and textural deconstruction. Our centres of higher 'learning' have been captured by the left in their 'long march through the institutions' and the resultant watering down as well as downright denial, of the knowledge that has made our civilisation the most effective and successful one in the history of mankind, has proven to be catastrophic to logical thinking and its concomitant 'everyday' expression; common sense.

In essence 'common sense is common no longer.

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