How do we know that there is no evidence?
Because can you imagine the media uproar if there had been?
It would have been spread about on every front page of every main stream publication from America to Timbuktu.
What evidence has emerged however is that there is indeed collusion between some major American players and the Russians. Collusion that involves the transfer of some 100's of millions of dollars being 'donated' from Russia to a highly suspicious American charity 'foundation' (which spends some 94% of its intake on 'administration', just 6% going to suspicious charitable causes). What changed hands?
Nothing less than 20% of Americas nuclear fissionable material Uranium, sold to their greatest Cold-War enemy. It is nothing less than treason in many respects. And who are the Americans at the very heart of these whom am I referring?

The evidence is there, hard evidence in the form of manuscripts, telephone calls even video documentation and to top it all off human intel, an eye-witness who is willing to testify and who is being held in protective custody (good luck to him).
And what has been the response of the media?
Can you hear the Crickets!
They have changed so swiftly from shouts of "Impeach Trump!, Impeach Trump!" to their default position of " move along, nothing to see here", so quickly that they left a sonic boom in their wake....and then - crickets.
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