Monday 12 February 2018


Since the middle of the 19th Century, the 'intelligentsia' influenced by Marx, Lenin, Engels, Freud, Dewey, Wendell Holmes, Mills, et al have rejected the idea of nationhood and borders. 
They think of it as primitive and unsophisticated.
The United Nations for example is actually NEWSPEAK for Globalisation.

The only differences these elites view as important are class, ruler/worker, race, and currently 'victim-hood' in the form of sexual differences. They are working hard to divide us into these little 'tribes' because tribes are so much easier to pacify and control. How many of you view yourselves as a member of a 'tribe' before you do as a member of a country?

Nationalism has become a dangerous and dirty word, as have borders. Most people now equate Nationalism with the Nazi's which is a false equivalence.

What is really amazing/amusing about that is that most of the 'intelligentsia' (do not confuse this word with intelligence, because most of these folk are probably quite stupid, with few exceptions) are not even familiar with the second part of the Nazi meme which is; socialism, and in fact most of these people and the sheeple they are indoctrinating through the education departments and the university's view socialism through the prism of creating a brave, new-world 'Utopia'. And the worst of it is that almost all of these people not only have huge walls around their properties (borders) but they also employ armed guards to keep the rif-raf away.

And yet too many do not even see these glaring anomalies, or if they do, they have been seduced into thinking that these 'celebrities' are a cut above us 'deplorables' so therefore they should be excused their hypocritical behaviour, just as a good serf would be expected to think.

I am reading a history book about the world before Christianity and the everyday depredations visited upon the 'ordinary' people of that era. We take our worldviews for granted these days. The majority believe that the benefits and the 'rights' and freedoms that we currently enjoy are somehow the result of 'evolutionary history'. They could not be more wrong.

The natural state of humankind historically has always been one of war, strife, brutality and dominance of one group over another. The freedoms and benefits that we currently enjoy have been philosophically sown throughout centuries of theological enlightenment, logical thinking, correcting mistakes, and scientific advances as well as hard won freedoms accomplished by many willing to lay down their lives for  others.

We are pissing our Western civilisation away because a few elites have captured the high ground of education, politics, entertainment and the media and have seduced the many into believing their toxic propaganda. And what really gets my goat is that so many are willing to sacrifice the freedoms won by Western civilisation for an ideology that has proven many times to be toxic and devastating to people, economy's and the environment (the last one is really funny because so many of the 'eco-retards' are Marxist), Socialism.

Well I have no doubt that the end result of that will be the same as the end result of the French revolution. Like most revolutions the instigators turn on themselves and devour each other until absolute chaos prevails and the only way to restore some semblance of order is to bring in a dictatorship, in the French case, Napoleon, which then ensured that a few generations of young men's lives were thrown away in pursuit of his grandiose, expansionist agendas.

The only way to prevent this devolution of society is to re-educate the young about the roots of our civilisation, the benefits it has accorded us and the need to protect what has been so hard won.

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