Tuesday, 31 July 2018


You have got to give it to Kurt Schlichter, he doesn't hold back at all on how he thinks about issues.
Personally I admire that approach irrespective of the views expressed:
Today's millennial socialist dilettantes might consider consulting with some of us who have personal experience with this ideological cancer, but millennials tend to prefer to rely upon their arbitrary feelz rather than on boring old facts, evidence, and history.
What the boring old facts, evidence, and history demonstrate, beyond any rational dispute, is that socialism is a bloodstained abomination with north of 100 million corpses to its accursed credit. The It Girl of the current commie/Democrat daisy chain, wide-eyed half-wit Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, doesn’t let bourgeois concepts like “knowing things” stop her from sharing her sophomore-grade insights all over the left-wing media, which is to say “the media.” Gulag Barbie is a clown, and even the late nite hack hosts stare back at her adolescent babbling, amazed as she tosses an incoherent word salad about her workers’ paradise.
Why, it will be just like Switzerland. Or Sweden. One of those. Like, are they different?
I would much rather face off against someone who believes entirely differently from my worldview and is not ashamed to tell it like it is according to their perspective. That I can deal with.

The ones who really 'get my goat' are those who claim to be one thing and act like another. Two faced hypocrites who hide their true worldview behind an 'acceptable' facade. My gorgeous daughter is fighting just such a scourge at the university she is attending. She might not have the skills as yet to win the arguments, (but she soon will) but she is providing a model of courage for those in her classes who might believe differently to the lecturer but lack the courage to stand up and who as a result might be in danger of having their faith undermined.

A 'Pagan' College masquerading as Christian.
Perhaps in this topsy turvey and severely compromised world it might in fact be better to attend a non-Christian university where pagan worldviews and lies are to be expected and thus guarded against.

Some of the 'academics' who teach at her College have chosen a particular sin-path (a.k.a. the 'broad road'; Matthew 7:13) and now work at 'normalising' that sin to justify their embrace of it, and they do so by undermining the pillars upon which the Christian faith has been established.

In order to do this effectively these cancerous clowns of academia attempt to relativise the lake of truth with buckets of poison. Unfortunately they are well aware that most of their 'victims' are young and unformed either rationally or scripturally so the task is fairly easy given the levels of 'uneducation' dished out in the school system these days.

What really galls is that they freely throw around the logical fallacy of argumentum ad verecundiam (science as authority) like a club to establish their dominance, an approach which has garnered unfortunate credulity in our new educational world order of propaganda and rewriting history or what I earlier referred to as the 'uneducation' of the masses.

I suppose the actual Christian thing to do would be to pray for their souls (which I shall do) however I would also point out to them that James 3 is quite a sobering passage for teachers and one which they should be mindful of, even if they claim that the bible is nothing more than a book of myths, because as C S Lewis reveals; myth is the way ancient cultures embodied truth.

BTW In actuality their 'club' is not science at all because true science is predicated on theoretical substance open to refutation:

No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong. [Albert Einstein]

Instead these 'geniuses'  make claims of scientific 'absolutes' which is not science at all but scientism, i.e. an ideology.

Saturday, 28 July 2018


Trevor Noah Asks Ocasio-Cortez: 'How Do You Pay for All These Ideas?

She then proceeds to trot out all the tired cliches of Marxist dogma attached to the latest inner-city pagan myth of 'global warming' thrown in for good measure...all ideologies guaranteed to wreck any economy and plunge millions into abject poverty and tragic lives, just as illustrated in so many countries around the world during the last and current, centuries. 

But of course she believes that she could do it better, that "this time it will work!" Just like the madman trying the same thing over and over and hoping each time will be different.

She also believes that if prince Gallant of Kwa-Utopia would just ride in on his white unicorn and sweep her off her feet then she could be the queen of all she surveys.

What is it about so many of the young today that their ideals are so obviously founded on propaganda and wishful thinking?
  • Poor education, 
  • a paucity of logic,
  • a lifestyle of ease and plenty which leads to taking things for granted, 
  • emotionalism wrapped in virtue signalling, 
  • and of course the idealism which is OK in the young provided it doesn't end up influencing the running of a country. 
In my humble opinion citizens shouldn't even be allowed to vote until they have a financial stake in the country and/or children.

Friday, 27 July 2018


Post modernism in education has destroyed the logical faculties of millions.
It is currently possible to hold two directly opposing views simultaneously without going mad, such is the 'magic' of PoMo thought...for example; the latest young, Labour 'disciple' of Marxism in Britain, the inestimably stupid (naive?) Ash ("I'm literally a communist") Sarkar who believes in capitalistic communism:
But hey, cheer up. For Ms Sarkar tells The Guardian: “My communism isn’t about authoritarian bureaucracy, suppressing freedom or everyone wearing burlap sacks. It’s about the desire to see the coercive structures of state dismantled, while also having fun.” Wow! You can literally be a communist and destroy your country without expropriating people, starving them to death or having to wear hideous clothes! How does that work, then? Easy. As Ms Sarkar tells her fans: “We’re selling ‘I’m literally a communist’ T-shirts.” All becomes clear. She’s literally a capitalist, you idiot. [Melanie Phillips]
Orwell must be spinning like a turbine in his grave.


Brendan O'Neill illustrates how erudite sarcasm neatly deflates the pretensions of the high and mighty panjamdrums populating that rarefied atmosphere of what might loosely be termed 'academia' these days:
"Some of us were lucky enough never to have heard of Ms Sarkar before this TV ding-dong (and the vast majority of Britons still enjoy this privilege, of course). But five minutes of Googling tells me she is a middle-class academic who appropriates black street slang to appear more authentic than she is? Blacked-up university leftism is where we’re at now, guys. How more Britons do not die from cringing, starting with Ms Sarkar’s own students, I will never figure. She also apparently writes for Novara Media, which is a kind of Vice for bourgeois leftists; socialism for Shoreditch Shitheads. And now, of course, she is the woman who said ‘I’m literally a communist, you idiot’ to Piers Morgan’s wobbling face, which is nice: 15 minutes of fame and all that. The clickbait industry wrote it up, tweeted it, and waited for students and unemployed people to provide them with the clicks that help them keep going. And so is the mad cycle of online noise sustained, sadly."

Monday, 23 July 2018


The 'wicked' West needs a few more Trumpian 'terminators' to wipe the globalist grins from Marxist mouths.

Friday, 13 July 2018


A mere snippet from one of the many, many important issues excised from 'educational curricula' in schools/colleges/Uni's these days:
My name-changing friend did not know that slavery occurred on every continent except Antarctica. Europeans enslaved other Europeans. Asians enslaved Asians. Africans enslaved other Africans. Arabs enslaved other Arabs. Native Americans even enslaved other Native Americans.
He accused me of "relying on white historians" who, he insisted, had a "vested interest to lie."
What about Thomas Sowell, the brilliant economist/historian/philosopher, who happens to be black? Sowell writes: "Of all the tragic facts about the history of slavery, the most astonishing to an American today is that, although slavery was a worldwide institution for thousands of years, nowhere in the world was slavery a controversial issue prior to the 18th century.
"People of every race and color were enslaved -- and enslaved others. White people were still being bought and sold as slaves in the Ottoman Empire, decades after American blacks were freed."
Sowell also wrote: "The region of West Africa ... was one of the great slave-trading regions of the continent -- before, during, and after the white man arrived. It was the Africans who enslaved their fellow Africans, selling some of these slaves to Europeans or to Arabs and keeping others for themselves. Even at the peak of the Atlantic slave trade, Africans retained more slaves for themselves than they sent to the Western Hemisphere. ... Arabs were the leading slave raiders in East Africa, ranging over an area larger than all of Europe."
and.............."I asked my friend if his anger over slavery extended to countries like Brazil.
"Brazil?" he said.
Harvard's Department of African and African American Studies professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. -- who also happens to be black -- wrote: "Between 1525 and 1866, in the entire history of the slave trade to the New World, according to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World. 10.7 million survived the dreaded Middle Passage, disembarking in North America, the Caribbean and South America. And how many of these 10.7 million Africans were shipped directly to North America? Only about 388,000. That's right: a tiny percentage. In fact, the overwhelming percentage of the African slaves were shipped directly to the Caribbean and South America; Brazil received 4.86 million Africans alone!"  [Larry Elder]
And to those who constantly carp (incorrectly) that Christianity supports slavery they fail to acknowledge that before Christianity slavery was as much a fact of life as marriage, and that it took a Christian politician; Wilberforce, to campaign against it and with the help of Christianised consciences, he won! Freeing multitudes within the Western nations and around the world.

Although only an idiot believes that it does not still take place.

Wednesday, 11 July 2018


The recent win by a left wing activist in a New York Democratic primary merely exemplifies the tragic superficiality of politics in the new age:
But he added that Ocasio-Cortez’s win was less an endorsement of her leftwing ideology than a reflection of Democratic voters’ current preference for fresh faces and female candidates. [Lauren Gambino]
Unfortunately many vote on these unsubstantial issues and in doing so open the door to massive ideological impositions on the entire population, and most (I would daresay) do not like what they think they want when they get it; i.e. the French revolution, the Russian revolution, the Maoist revolution, the Cuban revolution, the Cambodian revolution, the Venezuelan revolution ...etc etc ad nauseum.

Freedom is not something to be taken for granted. We in the West should not believe that our relative freedom to disagree or to do as we want within the law as an automatic 'right' bestowed upon us by some egalitarian overseer such as the United Nations. It has been a hard won right, usually involving the sacrifices of many, but it is very easy to lose. 

The Marxist view and its impact on society has been well documented throughout the twentieth century and though many of the young people who wish to try it on in the West are starry eyed romantics, those who thump the drum behind the scenes are fully cognisant of what the totalitarian imposition of absolute power means: it means power and position to the overseers.  
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.  [Winston Churchill]

Wednesday, 4 July 2018


This is a sampling of some of the Sydney University 'intellectuals' who oppose a centre for the study of Western Civilisation @ Sydney University...it doesn't take an Einstein to work out why:
"Nick Riemer, who appears to be a driving force behind the opposition, specialises in semiotic theory... In addition to what is a decidedly postmodern area of study, ­Riemer’s publications also reveal a cultural-left inclination. Titles include The Roots of Islamophobia in France, where he argues hostility towards Islam, instead of being caused by terrorism, “grew out of elites’ need to manage working-class resistance”.

Riemer’s other publications deal with the plight of refugees on Manus Island and “why racist John Howard doesn’t deserve an honorary doctorate”.

Linda Connor, who co-wrote the attack on Howard with Riemer, is also not an academic specialising in Western civilisation. Research interests include a “study of environmental change and energy transitions” and her qualifications include a PhD in anthropology dealing with “fieldwork in Indonesia, on transformations in Balinese religion, and ritual, healing and spirit possession”.

Professor John Frow['s]... research interests include “cultural studies”, “post-structuralist theory” and “the sociology of literature”. Publications include Marxism and Literary History.

Fiona Lee, also within the ­Department of English, expresses an interest in teaching prospective students about “critical theory, particularly in the areas of post­colonial, race/ethnic, gender, and queer studies”.

Not to be considered passe, Olivia Oliver-Hopkins, who also signed the letter opposing Ramsay, lists her research area as ­“examining the significance of the southern imaginary in modern American horror film through the lens of queer theory”.
PS....the irony is that these will be the first 'useful idiots' to be annihilated by the totalitarian regime should Australians be foolish enough to embrace their ideology.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018


Thirty percent of all American children grow up with only one parent and yet the leftists are whinging like brain damaged galahs about illegal immigrant children being separated from their parents. 

However a basic research of the data reveals that 90% of these 'children' ARRIVED in America without their parents.....whaaaaaat?

Oh, and the picture doing the twitter sewercircuit of children in wire cages was from the OBAMA era! whaaaaaaat?

It's all just a beat up, fake news, a nothing-burger in the words of a fake news expert.

Trump derangement syndrome on full alert. 
Snowflake blizzard. 

Monday, 2 July 2018


Telling the truth about issues just doesn't cut the mustard these days. Politics is better served with lies and power is what's truly important[sarc], just ask Nietzsche:

  • Arthur Phillip did not employ cannons and landing craft to shell and storm the shore (hence there was NO 'invasion').
  • So far, hold onto your britches, catastrophic climate change has greened the planet.
  • Pacific islands are not sinking. The Pacific nation of Tuvalu, for example, “long seen as a prime candidate to disappear as climate change forces up sea levels—is actually growing in size” – Nature Communications, February 2018.
  • Each year millions of people flee or try to flee to countries whose culture is — or was — based on Judeo-Christian values; there is no reverse fleeing.
  • Immigrants who have knocked on the door and been let in are nowhere near the same as interlopers who sneakily break in.
  • Unemployed white people living in the opioid-afflicted Rust Belt in the United States are not privileged.
  • Capitalism has brought untold riches and lifted swathes of humanity out of poverty.
  • Trump’s mannerisms when confronted by a report from Serge Kovaleski of the NYT – whose right arm is partially withered – were no different from the same convulsive mannerisms he has used on numbers of occasions to express befuddlement. This has been well documented by those who don’t hate Trump.
I choose not to mention the state of the Great Barrier Reef, except to say that relatively speaking its death throes put the length of Jimmy Cagney’s death scenes in the shade. It has been forever dying to my memory. Think about it. Would the budget have allocated half a billion dollars to protect a healthy, robust and resilient reef? Hardly likely