Personally I admire that approach irrespective of the views expressed:
Today's millennial socialist dilettantes might consider consulting with some of us who have personal experience with this ideological cancer, but millennials tend to prefer to rely upon their arbitrary feelz rather than on boring old facts, evidence, and history.
What the boring old facts, evidence, and history demonstrate, beyond any rational dispute, is that socialism is a bloodstained abomination with north of 100 million corpses to its accursed credit. The It Girl of the current commie/Democrat daisy chain, wide-eyed half-wit Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, doesn’t let bourgeois concepts like “knowing things” stop her from sharing her sophomore-grade insights all over the left-wing media, which is to say “the media.” Gulag Barbie is a clown, and even the late nite hack hosts stare back at her adolescent babbling, amazed as she tosses an incoherent word salad about her workers’ paradise.I would much rather face off against someone who believes entirely differently from my worldview and is not ashamed to tell it like it is according to their perspective. That I can deal with.
Why, it will be just like Switzerland. Or Sweden. One of those. Like, are they different?
The ones who really 'get my goat' are those who claim to be one thing and act like another. Two faced hypocrites who hide their true worldview behind an 'acceptable' facade. My gorgeous daughter is fighting just such a scourge at the university she is attending. She might not have the skills as yet to win the arguments, (but she soon will) but she is providing a model of courage for those in her classes who might believe differently to the lecturer but lack the courage to stand up and who as a result might be in danger of having their faith undermined.
A 'Pagan' College masquerading as Christian.
Perhaps in this topsy turvey and severely compromised world it might in fact be better to attend a non-Christian university where pagan worldviews and lies are to be expected and thus guarded against.
Some of the 'academics' who teach at her College have chosen a particular sin-path (a.k.a. the 'broad road'; Matthew 7:13) and now work at 'normalising' that sin to justify their embrace of it, and they do so by undermining the pillars upon which the Christian faith has been established.
In order to do this effectively these cancerous clowns of academia attempt to relativise the lake of truth with buckets of poison. Unfortunately they are well aware that most of their 'victims' are young and unformed either rationally or scripturally so the task is fairly easy given the levels of 'uneducation' dished out in the school system these days.
What really galls is that they freely throw around the logical fallacy of argumentum ad verecundiam (science as authority) like a club to establish their dominance, an approach which has garnered unfortunate credulity in our new educational world order of propaganda and rewriting history or what I earlier referred to as the 'uneducation' of the masses.
I suppose the actual Christian thing to do would be to pray for their souls (which I shall do) however I would also point out to them that James 3 is quite a sobering passage for teachers and one which they should be mindful of, even if they claim that the bible is nothing more than a book of myths, because as C S Lewis reveals; myth is the way ancient cultures embodied truth.
BTW In actuality their 'club' is not science at all because true science is predicated on theoretical substance open to refutation:
No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong. [Albert Einstein]
Instead these 'geniuses' make claims of scientific 'absolutes' which is not science at all but scientism, i.e. an ideology.