Friday 27 July 2018


Post modernism in education has destroyed the logical faculties of millions.
It is currently possible to hold two directly opposing views simultaneously without going mad, such is the 'magic' of PoMo thought...for example; the latest young, Labour 'disciple' of Marxism in Britain, the inestimably stupid (naive?) Ash ("I'm literally a communist") Sarkar who believes in capitalistic communism:
But hey, cheer up. For Ms Sarkar tells The Guardian: “My communism isn’t about authoritarian bureaucracy, suppressing freedom or everyone wearing burlap sacks. It’s about the desire to see the coercive structures of state dismantled, while also having fun.” Wow! You can literally be a communist and destroy your country without expropriating people, starving them to death or having to wear hideous clothes! How does that work, then? Easy. As Ms Sarkar tells her fans: “We’re selling ‘I’m literally a communist’ T-shirts.” All becomes clear. She’s literally a capitalist, you idiot. [Melanie Phillips]
Orwell must be spinning like a turbine in his grave.

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