During the latter period of the 80's and 90's in America, elites in Congress used the Community Reinvestment Act and anti-discrimination laws to coerce banks into making mortgage loans to low-income borrowers with lousy credit ratings and in some cases, no down payment.
Why? because they were trying to make a silk purse out of a sows ear. The idea was to promote minority home ownership by redistributing finances...an ideological gambit tried extensively throughout the 20th Century and which has delivered a 100% failure rate.
So when the Sun rose in the East and failure became the name of the game what happened?
Did those legislators apologise to the banks for forcing them to throw their money away on ideological merry-go-rounds?
How very Soviet Russian of them. Blame it on the capitalists!
No one denies the excess and greed that motivates large segments of the banking world. Welcome to planet earth. Governments are supposed to regulate and police these greedy bastards and they used to do it quite well until the anti-Western elites began to inject their poison into the system removing morality from the educational and workplace environments.
When the population then begins to act without restrain and like the 'accidental mistakes from the primordial slime' that they are constantly informed is their 'heritage' and that 'true freedom' is the freedom to do anything you 'feel' like doing i.e. acting like pagans; the keepers of the new relativistic morality cry foul.
Its self-contradictory madness on a stick!
In the states democratic demiurge Maxine 'loon' Waters has just assumed the chair of the House Financial Affairs Committee together with her Marxist colleagues Acasio-Cortez expletive-shouting Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., Elizabeth 'Pocahontas' Warren acolyte Katie Porter, D-Calif., and progressive Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.
Welcome to the inmates running the institution!
Looking forward to some real intelligent actions on the part of this Marxist cabal.[sarc]
Unfortunately a similar bevy of short-sighted socialistic femme fatales and their emasculated myn-friends are approaching election hour in Australia and are so far favoured to win the 2019 elections. If so look out for similar attacks on this countries capitalist underpinnings.
BTW, All of this is taking place under the world news of Venezuela and Zimbabwe literally collapsing under the same ideological madness.
The mind boggles.