Tuesday, 29 January 2019


A perceptive peroration by Max Hyams about the 'Covington affair':
The unfortunate fate that the boys encountered and the Orwellian dishonesty and public Two Minutes Hate that followed hew to a broader and increasingly familiar trend of exacting revenge on historically privileged groups for the secularized original sin imputed to their unalterable characteristics, without regard for truth, consequences, or even simple human decency. Whether it be the paucity of evidence corroborating the Kavanaugh allegations or the miscarriages of justice handed down by Title IX kangaroo courts, vindictive tribalism is being allowed to determine individual and institutional actions. Regardless of one’s political orientation, we will all suffer if this vengeful distortion of reality is allowed to get any further out of hand. A course correction that returns to a sober assessment of the facts before rushing to judgment is long overdue.
In short, our new world order is blindly racist, anti-science and tribalist in the worst sense of the word yet adheres to a self-belief that such a position exemplifies tolerance, love and peaceful cohabitation.

Go figure!

Sunday, 27 January 2019


During the latter period of the 80's and 90's in America, elites in Congress used the Community Reinvestment Act and anti-discrimination laws to coerce banks into making mortgage loans to low-income borrowers with lousy credit ratings and in some cases, no down payment.

Why? because they were trying to make a silk purse out of a sows ear.  The idea was to promote minority home ownership by redistributing finances...an ideological gambit tried extensively throughout the 20th Century and which has delivered a 100% failure rate.

So when the Sun rose in the East and failure became the name of the game what happened?

Did those legislators apologise to the banks for forcing them to throw their money away on ideological merry-go-rounds?


How very Soviet Russian of them. Blame it on the capitalists!

No one denies the excess and greed that motivates large segments of the banking world. Welcome to planet earth. Governments are supposed to regulate and police these greedy bastards and they used to do it quite well until the anti-Western elites began to inject their poison into the system removing morality from the educational and workplace environments.

When the population then begins to act without restrain and like the 'accidental mistakes from the primordial slime' that they are constantly informed is their 'heritage' and that 'true freedom' is the freedom to do anything you 'feel' like doing i.e. acting like pagans; the keepers of the new relativistic morality cry foul.

Its self-contradictory madness on a stick!

In the states democratic demiurge Maxine 'loon' Waters has just assumed the chair of the House Financial Affairs Committee together with her Marxist colleagues Acasio-Cortez expletive-shouting Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., Elizabeth 'Pocahontas' Warren acolyte Katie Porter, D-Calif., and progressive Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.

Welcome to the inmates running the institution!
Looking forward to some real intelligent actions on the part of this Marxist cabal.[sarc]

Unfortunately a similar bevy of short-sighted socialistic femme fatales and their emasculated myn-friends are approaching election hour in Australia and are so far favoured to win the 2019 elections. If so look out for similar attacks on this countries capitalist underpinnings.

BTW, All of this is taking place under the world news of Venezuela and Zimbabwe literally collapsing under the same ideological madness.

The mind boggles.

Wednesday, 23 January 2019


I have just today finished reading a novel and a non-fiction book on the horrors of the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. Both bought tears to my eyes.

The inhumanity of man towards his fellow creatures and the tragic reality that because of 'total depravity' we are all capable of becoming the monsters that peopled the SS and those who supported them. In fact the in the book 'Ordinary Men' the point is made that it was not only the SS that undertook these horrors, but ordinary everyday men and women as well.

After the second world war many thought that such a thing could never happen again.
Unfortunately it did, very quickly, and if possible far, far worse.

Solzhenitsyn bore witness to that.

Lenin, Stalin and their successors made the Nazi horrors look piffling.
Mao outdid them all.
Pol Pot annihilated one third of his country.
Mugabe plunged his country into starvation and a chaos which is accelerating as I write.
Hugo Chavez caused one of the richest countries in South America to flounder towards its deathbed.
Fidel and his brother ransacked and impoverished Cuba.

These are but a few legacies of the ideology which made the Nazi's look mild in comparison.....


How is it possible one might ask, that given all the historical and experiential evidence that has been amassed over the past 100 years that anybody, never mind millions of free people, could once more be seduced by such a demonic philosophy.

It has to be more than blindness and stupidity....I confess it escapes my birdbrain, though perhaps this discussion might shed some light on the issue:


Friday, 18 January 2019


Some hard truths for those who believe that 'peace' just magically appears like the unicorn at story time:
"See, the vast majority of the world does not have the time or inclination for this kind of frivolous campus pap. The real world is hard and ugly, not the soft, safe and secure urban zone cleared and protected by the toxic males (and females – there are gloriously toxically masculine women too) in uniform that these SJWs despise. Toxic masculinity created a safe space here in the west where fundamentally silly people can freely express these ridiculous notions. But out there, there are real monsters, not mere childish boogeymen like “manspreaders.” And the only thing that keeps them at bay are those infused with toxic masculinity (some of them women) with bayonets." [KS]
Please do not believe that the stability and comforts we enjoy in the West emergeD as the result of some evolutionary process. 
They have been won by strong people with strong values not the mealy mouthed, limp wristed, non-binary's currently infesting the news.

Unfortunately if History has any bearing on the future (I believe it does) these weak bodied fantasists will be amongst the first to be annihilated when the tyrants emerge to control the chaos fermented by the anarchists and cultural self-haters.

Take a look at Zimbabwe right now...do you really want to go down that path?
Take a look at Venezuela right now...ditto?

Right now you and I can cut these socialist Utopians off at the pass before they reduce our culture to warring tribal entities...JUST DO IT...( in Schwarzenegger accent) now before its too late.

Wednesday, 9 January 2019


So well articulated that I cannot bring myself to paraphrase it...therefore allow me to quote Dr. Everett Piper:
Welcome to 2019.
This is no longer the United States of America, but the Divided States of Arrogance: A land that celebrates division and not unity; a society where science is denied and due process is dead; a country where the female is social construct rather than a concrete fact; a culture without a binding “cult”; a land of more and more laws and less and less liberty.
This is no longer the republic of Jefferson and Adams, but rather the dystopia of Huxley and Orwell.
Welcome to a brave new world.
Take your Soma. Listen to the music of the Ministry of Truth. Trust Big Brother. Slip into your dream (though it be a nightmare).
Welcome to a time when the delusions of powerful men strangle the freedoms of powerless women.
Welcome to a country where diversity crushes dissent.
Did I say it was 2019?
I stand corrected.
Welcome to 1984.
Do yourselves a favour. If you haven't already read these two classic volumes, then 'just do it!"
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
1984 - George Orwell