Tuesday 29 January 2019


A perceptive peroration by Max Hyams about the 'Covington affair':
The unfortunate fate that the boys encountered and the Orwellian dishonesty and public Two Minutes Hate that followed hew to a broader and increasingly familiar trend of exacting revenge on historically privileged groups for the secularized original sin imputed to their unalterable characteristics, without regard for truth, consequences, or even simple human decency. Whether it be the paucity of evidence corroborating the Kavanaugh allegations or the miscarriages of justice handed down by Title IX kangaroo courts, vindictive tribalism is being allowed to determine individual and institutional actions. Regardless of one’s political orientation, we will all suffer if this vengeful distortion of reality is allowed to get any further out of hand. A course correction that returns to a sober assessment of the facts before rushing to judgment is long overdue.
In short, our new world order is blindly racist, anti-science and tribalist in the worst sense of the word yet adheres to a self-belief that such a position exemplifies tolerance, love and peaceful cohabitation.

Go figure!

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