Tuesday, 21 May 2019


The end is nigh, the sky is about to fall on our heads, Woe is us for the apocalypse is upon us....we may have defeated Labor short term but the scaremongers and deceived among us have not been swayed in the least from their 'lets all destroy Australia for the sake of an invisible gas that is essential to life on earth as we know it.

Do not be deceived by the 97% of scientists agree baloney, that was disproved years ago as a pea and thimble trick by a student and has been used to hype the outright lie that has made many of those at the top of the pyramid very, very rich. 

I switched on my computer this morning to find another petition calling for IMMEDIATE ACTION ON THE CLIMATE EMERGENCY!
"More than 60 per cent of Australians agree with the sentiment that "Global warming is a serious and pressing problem. We should begin taking steps now even if this involves significant cost". Even those who voted for the Liberal or Nationals identify climate change as a major concern.
Now, I am deeply afraid that our government is more influenced by large polluting companies and by short term financial gain, than by the virtually unanimous advice of scientists who advise that we must act now to mitigate climate destruction.
We have been given 12 years to drastically reduce emissions, lest our world warm to the point where humans face an existential threat. We cannot wait until the next election."[Kate Ahmad]
Phuleeeezze! The old 'big capitalists trick' has worn very thin...its more like the 'big crony capitalists' who are fleecing the ordinary small business and even large business folk who provide jobs and ironically the taxes which keep these shrill chicken little's in the money they do not deserve.

Whilst I am sure that kindly Kate is truly terrified of the almost upon us catastrophe, I would question her bold claim of 60% of Australians being just as terrified as she is. Perhaps only those children who have been propagandized out of their tiny little minds...because I would have thought that this election illustrates rather clearly that furphy, but then again Climate alarmists are not known for their clear and logical thought processes:
This was a “climate change” election and Australians voted No
Even ABC commentators admit the central role of climate change and are baffled.
....and the REAL 60%:
Australians want the Adani coal mine built and running. They also aren’t willing to vote for climate change action, even in some of the wealthiest inner city seats (see Kerryn Phelps). All the badly designed polls supporting “climate action” mislead the pundits. If only they had read skeptical blogs, they’d have known that people can tick the believer box free of charge, but when it costs, climate action always ranks at the bottom, and no one wants to pay for it themselves, not even $10 a month. If people don’t even pay for carbon flight offsets or donate to environmental causes, they certainly won’t consciously vote to lose jobs and spend billions. Ultimately, even in 2019, more than half of all Australians don’t buy the UN climate scare. It was only 2017 when 60% of Australians said they were OK with dumping Paris if they could cut their electricity bills. [J Nova]
As for the '12 years before Doom' claim, haven't we all heard that before? 
Categorically YES! 
And more than once or even twice, three times, four times, five times, endless repetition. 
We have been told that the world is cooling catastrophically, that the Y2 bug would reduce the West to chaos, that the polar bears are dying, that oil will run out, that food will be in such shortage that by the late 20th Century hundred of millions of 'hunger refugees' would be swilling around the world. We were also warned that because the Pacific Islands are sinking millions of 'Climate refugees' would be washing up on our shores.

Has any of this happened? 
NO....emphatically NO......but many, many snake oil salesmen and pyramid scheme honchos have made millions, billions off the stupidity of the cultists. 

The whole scheme is nothing less (or more) than a thinly disguised plot to redistribute money into the pockets of a few elites who deserve nothing less than our contempt.

Friday, 17 May 2019


The historical re-cycling of killing babies...the hidden holocaust:
Approximately 2000 years after creation, the government of Egypt made a decree, “You can kill the babies!”. However, the midwives of the day rebelled and refused to kill these boys, undoubtably saving many lives.
Enraged, Pharaoh decreed it again, “Kill the male babies!” Multitudes of babies were thrown into the river Nile where they would most certainly have drowned or been eaten by crocodiles. However, Pharoah's daughter saved a male baby from the river, and that baby was Moses, one of the most significant figures in Israel's history. Imagine if Moses had been terminated.
Roughly 2000 years later, a different leader, King Herod, declared “You can kill the babies!”However, Mary and Joseph, warned in a dream, escaped the massacre of the innocents, and saved their son. That boy was Jesus, the Saviour of the world. Imagine if Jesus had been terminated.
Roughly 2000 years later, new leaders are making the same decrees. “Up until nine months in the womb, you can kill the babies!”
What will our response be? [CDD]

Saturday, 11 May 2019


Granted this story is from the ABC and which therefore cannot be trusted at face value, but it does indicate that the stranglehold which the left has on institutions in Australia as a result of their successful 'long march' is being shaken. 


Not broken I might add, but shaken, and they are fighting back with everything in their occultist arsenal of lies, innuendo, aggression and fakery, in other words they are 'doubling down' just as they have done with Brexit, with Donald Trump and with any other 'victories' (however small) that might have occurred or might be on the verge of occurring elsewhere in the West.

They have had such a smooth ride for the past fifty years that the single misstep has been the unmasking of their intentions over the last decade. It appears as if on the accession of Obama to the secular throne they believed that the agenda 21 aims had been achieved and ultimate victory was a foregone conclusion. Consider these words spoken in 1970 and how the internet has developed: 
“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. ”
― Zbigniew Brzezinski, 
Of course, as so often happens, there was an unexpected development with the 'total control'  scenario envisaged by the developers of the internet and that was that the mainstream media which had successfully been captured was now being sidestepped. Well, we can all see the battle being waged in that arena and how 'algorithms' ARE BEING DEPLOYED TO TAKE THE CONSERVATIVE VOICES OUT OF ACTION.



Tuesday, 7 May 2019


Orwell really nailed it when he cast Winston Smith as a re-writer of history in favour of Big Brother. In our age we see revisionist 'historians' constantly attempting, and unfortunately due to the surrender of the educational, media and entertainment spheres, largely succeeding in rewriting history to following in their narrow ideological footprints.

We often hear how the left scream and shout about the conservatives writing history in their own image (the victor writes the history etc!) all the while doing it on an enormous scale themselves. The USSR, East Germany, Mao's China, Cambodia etc...the list is a long one, and you have to hand it to these radicals because they did it on a grand scale. Stalin articulated the concept when he said that to kill a single man is murder, to kill a million becomes a statistic.

The big lie. The Marxists believed in it! Goebbels lived it, Saul Alinsky taught it as a strategy, and think of the story of Alger Hiss as an illustration of how America's Democrat Party deployed a weaponized version of it when they denied, denied, denied, truth even in the face of overwhelming evidence. Just as they rewrote history to put the blame for slavery onto the Republicans...Dinesh D'Souza has shown the world what a big, and continuing lie that is/has been.

Revisionist Historians from earlier centuries tried to taint the middle ages with the erroneous moniker 'Dark Ages', because of the profound and lasting affect of the Judeo-Christian worldview on the first millennium after Christ.

The period that followed has been named the 'enlightenment', a misnomer if ever there was because the ideologies that emerged during that period have plunged humankind into the bloodiest wars, the most savage uses and abuses of technology and devalued humans to the point of manufacturing a crisis in suicides, something fairly new in the history of the human race.

Many of the modernist/post-modern revisionist 'sages' have attacked the Industrial Revolution similalry:
“Paul Johnson says that the Industrial Revolution is ‘often presented as a time of horror for working men. In fact it was the age, above all, in history of matchless opportunities for penniless men with powerful brains and imaginations, and it is astonishing how quickly they came to the fore’.”
Or as another historian noted, “The nineteenth century, for the first time, introduced on a broad scale the state policies of public health and public education. The nineteenth century, by turning out cheaper goods, made possible the amazing climb of real wages in industrialised economies. The nineteenth century, by permitting the transfer of capital in large amounts, opened up the interiors of backwards countries for development and production”. [B Muehlenberg]
The attacks continue today in the form of 'Climate Change Catastropharians'. These are fools and shady characters who are making money and gaining power under the guise of 'saving the planet'.
Who wouldn't want to save this beautiful earth, but they use these natural and philanthropic urges to scare people into giving them more power, more money and allowing them to rewrite both history AND the future.

Don't let them.