Friday 17 May 2019


The historical re-cycling of killing babies...the hidden holocaust:
Approximately 2000 years after creation, the government of Egypt made a decree, “You can kill the babies!”. However, the midwives of the day rebelled and refused to kill these boys, undoubtably saving many lives.
Enraged, Pharaoh decreed it again, “Kill the male babies!” Multitudes of babies were thrown into the river Nile where they would most certainly have drowned or been eaten by crocodiles. However, Pharoah's daughter saved a male baby from the river, and that baby was Moses, one of the most significant figures in Israel's history. Imagine if Moses had been terminated.
Roughly 2000 years later, a different leader, King Herod, declared “You can kill the babies!”However, Mary and Joseph, warned in a dream, escaped the massacre of the innocents, and saved their son. That boy was Jesus, the Saviour of the world. Imagine if Jesus had been terminated.
Roughly 2000 years later, new leaders are making the same decrees. “Up until nine months in the womb, you can kill the babies!”
What will our response be? [CDD]

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