Thursday 4 July 2019


Evan Sayets little book; The KinderGarden of Eden,(KGE)  explores the eccentricities and motivations behind the 'liberal left' that infests our modern culture. It is an enlightening and informative examination of what makes the modern left tick and as such is an invaluable resource for understanding the truly Machiavellian contortions that inform and instruct the lefts neo-Pravdian megaphone; the 'woke' media/entertainment/globalist disinformation complex.

This passage (one of many) deconstructs one of the largest lies that have been 'sown' into society by the Brobdingnagian liars of this complex:
Prior to the Modern Liberal era, the unrivaled success of Western Civilization was due to the healthy balance that was struck between the scientific and the extra-scientific, between craft and art, between the tangible and the imagination or, in my favourite locution, between Athens and Jerusalem.

This balance was not a s leftists portray it today, wherein science and the extra-scientific are mutually exclusive and wholly at odds with one another. Rather there was the recognition that both the scientific and the extra-scientific – both the cold, hard facts and the warmer human things like love, morality, decency, beauty, justice, and mercy were necessary for creating and maintaining a well functioning, happy, healthy, prosperous and progressing society.

In fact, in the Vatican – the supposed ground zero for religion’s war against science – there are, and have been, two spectacular murals of equal size and equal grandeur taking up the whole of opposing walls.

On one side are the great people and great moments from religious history, and on the other are the great people and the great moments form science. Far from Western religions ever being at war with science, they actually took great pride in how, time and again, science seemed to prove God’s majesty. [KGE, p.7]

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