Monday, 26 September 2022


I stand convicted of the many personal failures sown throughout my life. I speak as a gross and sometimes recalcitrant sinner and therefore not from a Pharisaical position, Lord guard my heart I pray. But if we as Christians are not prepared to stand against the debauchery, degradation, and obvious evils of our culture, if we refuse to speak out against the political thuggery being perpetrated on everybody, but most importantly on too many Christians in our culture(most quite subtlety as yet but in some cases less so), even if our voice is small and seemingly insignificant. If we use as an excuse; “I don't want to be political, I just want to preach the gospel” I ask ‘what gospel is it you want to preach that does not affect the lives of those being persecuted?’ I ask what is ‘political’ other than involvement with issues and circumstances that affect people?

Did you stand against the vaccine mandate which grossly violated our bodily autonomy(what happened to ‘my body my choice’)? Do you speak up against the Abortion ‘Murder Inc’ industry and encourage those of your congregations or friends to do likewise? Are you speaking up against the cult of climate change and its impoverishment of whole nations, mostly the poor ones(e.g. Sri Lanka) and encouraging your friends and/or congregants to do like wise? Did you vote for or against the trashing of God’s order for marriage? Have you been seduced into believing that pushing the LGBTetc agenda is the ‘loving’ thing to do when statistics show the inordinate amount of degradation, debasement and suicides that result from this sexual addiction, aside from God’s calling it an abomination? Do you believe that God created us ‘man and woman’ or did God make a whole series of mistakes with the result that there are multitudes of ‘in-betweeners’?

I realise that it is much easier for some than for others, but ultimately do we really believe that Jesus died for our sins and rescued us from death? Do we live as if that were true? I am trying to, and I pray often that God grants me the courage at the correct and appropriate moment to do what He expects me to do and to say. I pray you do too.

Saturday, 24 September 2022


We should not despair at what is happening in the world at the moment. Yes, we can all plainly see that evil has been unleashed (perhaps it would be more accurate to say it has been exposed because it has always been at work) and the results thereof are that we are regressing at an enormous rate in morals, ethics, self restraint etc, and the resultant zeitgeist is one of mounting chaos as the cities and towns of America and around the West in general implode under the effects of…..unrestrained sin! But! And while I stress that it is my opinion only, it is an opinion shared with a number of believers around the world... I believe that God is allowing all of this to happen so that it lights a fire under the church and torches the apathy that the ‘good/easy/complacent times’ have allowed to flourish in our midst. I will elaborate more on this in future musings. Please disagree with me and correct me if you have a compelling reason as to why this is not the case.

Friday, 16 September 2022


“Unless a man becomes the enemy of an evil, he will not even become its slave but rather its champion.” ― G.K. Chesterton