Friday 18 October 2024


Too many main-stream commentators rise up with a misplaced anger whenever the true barbarity of Hamas and Hezbollah is exposed. These leftist shills try to excuse the barbarism as 'legitimate payback' for years of oppression, or as tit-for-tat for some imagined persecution by Jewish 'occupiers'. Even a superficial evaluation of these claims reflects the paucity of reliability, not least the claim of a Palestinian 'occupancy' of the land as opposed to the 'recent colonisation' by Israel...who in reality have lived there for millennia with the receipts to prove it. Even the calling of the land 'Palestine' almost 2THOUSAND YEARS AGO was an insult to the then Jewish inhabitants of the land who were forced out by the Roman Emperor Hadrian.

Hamas and Hezbollah are certainly as barbaric as the Nazis ever were, given the video evidence of the attacks. However, the Nazis were ashamed of what they did, they tried to hide their deeds and in the case of Police reserve Battalion 101 they drank themselves into a stupor every night after 'work' because of their guilt. 

The evidence from Gaza shows something quite different. Videos captured from the perpetrators themselves shows young terrorists filming their gruesome handiwork in vivid detail and then phoning home to brag to their parents about how successful they were in killing the Jews and that they would never stop until they had eradicated every Jew from the face of the earth. 

This is a completely demonic display of hatred that can never be satisfied by a 'two state solution'.

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