Friday, 28 February 2025


I was looking for some information on the Encyclopaedia Britannica network and I spotted this section: "Ethics, philosophy. 
  • Also known as: moral philosophy:
  • Written by Peter Singer
  • Fact-checked by Editors of the Encyclopaedia Britannica
  • Last Updated: Feb 13, 2025 • Article History"
If you are unfamiliar with who Peter Singer is, I refer you to, in brief: 
"Peter Singer is the atheist utilitarian philosopher who is full on about animal rights,and is a committed vegetarian. He has even written serious articles informing us that there is really nothing wrong with bestiality. For this bioethicist, the golden rule seems to be this: feel free to have sex with animals as long as you don’t eat them afterwards.
And Singer has explicitly stated that the newborn have no inherent right to life, but must earn that right if they pass various tests for personhood which he has laid out. He says it is unreasonable to expect the newborn to be classified as persons, and we should not automatically assume they have some basic right to keep living.
As he notoriously wrote with Helga Kuhse in the 1985 volume, Should the Baby Live?: “We do not think new-born infants have an inherent right to life”. Or as he wrote in a July 1983 edition of Pediatrics: “Species membership in Homo-sapiens is not morally relevant. If we compare a dog or a pig to a severely defective infant, we often find the non-human to have superior capacities.”(B Meuhlenberg)

That this fellow is the Britannica's choice to write on 'Ethics' speaks volumes about how careful we need to be about researching on the internet.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Solidifying the divide!

The divide is becoming very obvious. There is a clear and focussed division between those who want a 'global community' and those who want to maintain a distinctive culture.

Those who wish to globalise are trying every trick in the book to blur the differences between cultures; ergo the subversive 'diversity is our strength' meme. We who believe in a small government apparatus servicing the needs of an electorate pursuing the same or similar ends are becoming more and more alienated from the intellectual mainstream (unfortunately, often because of apathy regarding the 'ordinary' mainstream).

Therefore when we do manage a breakthrough, and gain a 'power base', we need to capitalise on that foundation and push through laws, rules and systems that support the ideals of small government as quickly as possible and ignore the bleating's and shrieking's of the 'other'. This is what is happening in America and Trump is leading the way.

We can only pray that there are those who have the same gumption hiding in the wings of Australian politics.

Friday, 24 January 2025

Gnostic Utopia

I am becoming more and more convinced that the 'spiritual influence' behind so much of post modern culture today is a form of religious Gnosticism. On one hand it explains the origins of the 'Love is Love' ideology as well as the ready acceptance of violence/war on the other. 

An easy introductory text on Gnostic principles is Derek Morphews book 'The Spiritual Spiderweb'. It provides an erudite and comprehensive understanding behind the 'strands' of thought running through so many 'worldviews' today, and even ominously, particular patterns of thought behind some church movements as well.[Romans 12:2]