Saturday, 22 February 2025

Solidifying the divide!

The divide is becoming very obvious. There is a clear and focussed division between those who want a 'global community' and those who want to maintain a distinctive culture.

Those who wish to globalise are trying every trick in the book to blur the differences between cultures; ergo the subversive 'diversity is our strength' meme. We who believe in a small government apparatus servicing the needs of an electorate pursuing the same or similar ends are becoming more and more alienated from the intellectual mainstream (unfortunately, often because of apathy regarding the 'ordinary' mainstream).

Therefore when we do manage a breakthrough, and gain a 'power base', we need to capitalise on that foundation and push through laws, rules and systems that support the ideals of small government as quickly as possible and ignore the bleating's and shrieking's of the 'other'. This is what is happening in America and Trump is leading the way.

We can only pray that there are those who have the same gumption hiding in the wings of Australian politics.

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