Friday 29 March 2019


Unfortunately the sort of institutionalised antagonism against the people of ones own nation now seems to be a predominant feature of our 'higher education establishments':
What about Americanophobic racism? Although there is nothing original—or perhaps because there is nothing original—about the polemics of Ward Churchill, his notorious essay “Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens”, posted the day after September 11, reveals something of how radicalised Americans have come to view their own country. The vividness of Churchill’s writing and readiness to follow his anti-America creed to its logical (or illogical) conclusion is disturbingly instructive. Only an American citizen with an extraordinarily disconsolate view of his homeland could write this about the fate of 3000 murdered compatriots as the site of their horrific killing still smouldered:
If there was a better, more effective, or in fact any other way of visiting some penalty befitting their participation upon the Little Eichmanns inhabiting the sterile sanctuary of the twin towers, I’d really be interested in hearing about it.
[D MacCann] 
As with most things, what happens in America very soon happens in Australia, although in this particular instance I would say that after having read a fair bit of history about Australia, the negative perspective towards the Western origins and dare I say it; 'male, white, middle-aged Australians in particular.........Australia has pioneered in institutionalised antagonism.

However, in my humble opinion, the university's radicalisation merely adds a veneer of  (increasingly doubtful) 'respectability' to the age-old envy and desire for dominance that inhabits the left-wing of all as yet un-bowed Western nations.

Thursday 28 March 2019


The Left are following Alinsky to the letter.
Rule 9: "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
"....the Green New Deal is an aspirational document that says we recognize the science behind climate change unlike Trump and the Republicans and all the climate deniers who wants to stick their heads in the sand and make believe that climate change is not happening and all of the growing number of natural disasters that are taking peoples' lives and costing our cities, our businesses, our people billions of dollars."
The truly remarkable thing about the left and their lemmings who follow blindly, is that they really believe that the 'science' is on their side.
It is a faith expression for sure. 
Most of them have read little to nothing about the 'science', in my experience at least, and very few are aware of the many scandals and downright lies that have been uncovered that show beyond a shadow of doubt how much the left lie and cheat and manipulate to keep this scam going. 
Think of the Climate-gate scandal, the '97% of scientists nonsense', the 'Hockey-stick scandal', the BOM altering historical temperature readings for no reason, etc, etc...the list is very long and continues to grow.

Increasingly the science is confirming just what big a scam the whole thing is and many scientists are beginning to find the courage to stand up for the alternative science positions, even those who remain believers in 'Climate change'.
Yep. We’re back to this again: Predictions of doomsday and then…nothing. Remember the Arctic Ice Cap? It was supposed to disappear by 2013. It ended up growing by some 538,000 square miles. This is why betting on these folks’ predictions are straight trash. No, I’m not willing to bet trillions in economic output and activity on people who have been dead wrong. In the 1970s, the Earth was supposed to be undergoing a cooling period that could see periods of glaciation breakout across the Northern Hemisphere. It didn’t happen. As for the wild weather touting the pro-global warming crowd clamors about on an annual basis, yes, we’ve had some bad storms. Yet, in 2013, it was the calmest hurricane season in 30 years and the quietest Tornado season in six decades. It’s a mixed record and I’m not willing to kill the U.S. economy from people who have predicted disaster for decades only to be proven with the hard fact that we’re still here and alive. The glacier is growing everyone. That’s good news. [M Vespa]

Thursday 21 March 2019


In spite of the ever increasing quantity of scientific data which indicates that much of the climate scare is a furphy, the powers-that-be (elite) insist on proceeding with punishing 'ordinary' citizens (deplorables) with ever increasing and excessive energy costs. 

The increasingly maniacal claims that 'renewables are cheaper' and 'the debate is over', that the 'evidence is in' and the false claim of  '97% of scientists agree' all point towards extreme propaganda tactics reminiscent of the USSR at the height of its cultural psychosis...and like then it appears to be working.

In spite of reason, logic and the massive amounts of scientific evidence that dispute if not deny these claims of catastrophe, and of our own lived experiences; the lemming-like rush towards a suicidal self-immolation of all that our culture/civilisation has achieved continues along a seemingly unstoppable arc of stupidity.

Isaiah had it so right many thousands of years ago when he observed that:... truth has stumbled in our streets, honesty cannot enter. truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey.

I believe that the continuing pressure being exerted on; the poorest members of our society, the workers who suffer at the coalface (pun intended), on full employment and prosperity for all, and on our educational institutions is nothing short of a great evil, and to even more light of the accuracy of Isaiah's perspicacity we observe that those who speak out against this massive scam being perpetrated on Australia do indeed become 'prey'.

Friday 15 March 2019


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [AOC] (why is it that most assassins have double barrelled names?) is doing a hatchet job on the US and trying to reinvent it into a socialist state something like those exampples of Utopia that have gone before; USSR, China, Cambodia, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Venezuela et this a good idea?
Many millennial's think so...but that is because they are an under-educated, self obsessed, narcissistic, exceptionally pampered and ill mannered generation and these are my observations afforded before I begin to criticise them...of course all generations have good and bad, but currently the bad appears to be outweighing the good and that's bad.

AOC's latest brain fart:
Finally, she settled on her most damning line of attack: America as it currently stands is "garbage," because in the United States, "if you don't have a job, you are left to die."
That's an odd critique given the long history of death associated with socialism -- some 45 million deaths under Mao, some 30 to 40 million under Stalin and some 2 million under Pol Pot, for starters. But it's an even odder critique given the fact that life expectancy has radically increased under capitalism: In 1850, the average European life expectancy was 36.3 years, while today, the average life expectancy across Europe stands at approximately 80. Furthermore, the United States currently boasts effective full employment. Our poor are in danger of dying of obesity, not starvation. And we spend, on a state and federal level, at least $1.1 trillion per year on means-tested welfare programs. By census data, that amounts to nearly $9,000 per household in the United States annually, or nearly $28,000 for every person living in poverty in the United States.[BS]
The West is in an existential war against neo-socialism and those on the right side (pun intended) had better wake up.

Thursday 14 March 2019


When something goes wrong in society the cynic/unbeliever/agnostic's parrot; "how can you believe in a god that allows ........... to happen?"

All the while murderers escape justice, politicians enact laws to annihilate lives on a daily basis:
"Globally, there are something like 56 Million abortions every year. It is the leading cause of death worldwide.
It may be popular, accessible, socially accepted, clothed in smooth language, and justified by an entire ideology, but the human conscience cannot totally ignore something this grave." [ACL]
Celebrities denounce 'perverts' and morality in the same breath then live la vida loca themselves.
Billionaires who made their money from fossil fuels denounce the 'immorality' of money and fossil fuels.
Young men and women are raped, abducted, tortured and imprisoned illegally while 'Western' councils, local government and police forces turn away from the truth in order to not offend 'multicultural' differences.
Young women in Australia are savagely mutilated as the result of a medieval belief system and all the so-called 'Feminists' rail against are unfair salary differences that have been exposed as lies anyway.

And worst of all the main stream media ignore uncomfortable truths and instead spend their time attacking those who dare to expose the atrocities and the flood of untruths which are blinding the eyes and wrapping the souls of many in ideological concrete.

Whether you believe in him or not it appears that 'God' is the convenient whipping boy for the failures of humanity.

On the other hand, many of the architects of the above crimes (and more) are the very ones who shout from the rooftops that they are the ones whom you should elect to usher in the socialist Utopia to replace the 'capitalistic horrors' of western society.

How stupid are we?

Saturday 9 March 2019


I thank the good Lord for warriors like the one quoted below and I echo George Orwell who pointed out that ordinary people sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
“I will always believe in Peace through strength. I am also glad that even the inexperienced, ignorant critics like Ocasio-Cortez have the ability and right to be critical of our countries foreign and domestic policy. It’s one of the many things that make us so great. I’m even more thankful that when it’s time to kick some ass and send our enemies to their graves that our finest still step up and say, ‘Send me!’”[Eli Crane: SEAL)


Its a dilemma...the more the rest of the world implodes as a result of socialism and radical islamification, the more people suffering under these regimes want to escape to the West.

Peculiarly the West itself is importing more and more ideological activists (adding to the home-grown 'useful idiots' intellectual class) from these failed states and adopting ameliorating influences designed to placate the 'beast'...erroneous and egregiously mistaken, because the inevitable result is that we are merely adopting more and more of the 'cultural norms' of these very dictators the innocent are fleeing from...the living examples are becoming to numerous to ignore.

Soon we will not be able to tell the trees from the woods and then where will all the 'escapees' flee to?

Friday 1 March 2019


Beware of what you believe you want.

Post modernist activists today who operate usually without an deep understanding of what they believe, strive towards a Utopian future where everything is free and all people are 'equal' (of course history has shown us how in these 'societies' some are more equal than others [refer: Orwell's Animal Farm]). 

What we're all actually going to end up with (if history is any indicator and I believe it is) is more along the lines of Huxley's Brave New World  wrapped in the skin of Orwell's 1984 and filled with the essence of Golding's Lord of the Flies.

The 'god' of postmodernism is a brilliant madman whose entire life work focused on hatred, banality and the 'will to power':
Postmodernism of every kind owes a debt to German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). For Nietzsche, as with postmodernism in all its hues, consciousness and will are the only things of note in determining social outcomes. The only useful endeavours are those that strengthen human will. What therefore counts is not whether purported accounts are composed of lies but rather, as Nietzsche declared in The Anti-Christ, “to what end the lie is told”. [Bradley Bowden]
The will to power is what motivated Hitler and Mussolini, Mao and Stalin...why should we expect anything less?