Friday 1 March 2019


Beware of what you believe you want.

Post modernist activists today who operate usually without an deep understanding of what they believe, strive towards a Utopian future where everything is free and all people are 'equal' (of course history has shown us how in these 'societies' some are more equal than others [refer: Orwell's Animal Farm]). 

What we're all actually going to end up with (if history is any indicator and I believe it is) is more along the lines of Huxley's Brave New World  wrapped in the skin of Orwell's 1984 and filled with the essence of Golding's Lord of the Flies.

The 'god' of postmodernism is a brilliant madman whose entire life work focused on hatred, banality and the 'will to power':
Postmodernism of every kind owes a debt to German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). For Nietzsche, as with postmodernism in all its hues, consciousness and will are the only things of note in determining social outcomes. The only useful endeavours are those that strengthen human will. What therefore counts is not whether purported accounts are composed of lies but rather, as Nietzsche declared in The Anti-Christ, “to what end the lie is told”. [Bradley Bowden]
The will to power is what motivated Hitler and Mussolini, Mao and Stalin...why should we expect anything less?

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