Thursday 14 March 2019


When something goes wrong in society the cynic/unbeliever/agnostic's parrot; "how can you believe in a god that allows ........... to happen?"

All the while murderers escape justice, politicians enact laws to annihilate lives on a daily basis:
"Globally, there are something like 56 Million abortions every year. It is the leading cause of death worldwide.
It may be popular, accessible, socially accepted, clothed in smooth language, and justified by an entire ideology, but the human conscience cannot totally ignore something this grave." [ACL]
Celebrities denounce 'perverts' and morality in the same breath then live la vida loca themselves.
Billionaires who made their money from fossil fuels denounce the 'immorality' of money and fossil fuels.
Young men and women are raped, abducted, tortured and imprisoned illegally while 'Western' councils, local government and police forces turn away from the truth in order to not offend 'multicultural' differences.
Young women in Australia are savagely mutilated as the result of a medieval belief system and all the so-called 'Feminists' rail against are unfair salary differences that have been exposed as lies anyway.

And worst of all the main stream media ignore uncomfortable truths and instead spend their time attacking those who dare to expose the atrocities and the flood of untruths which are blinding the eyes and wrapping the souls of many in ideological concrete.

Whether you believe in him or not it appears that 'God' is the convenient whipping boy for the failures of humanity.

On the other hand, many of the architects of the above crimes (and more) are the very ones who shout from the rooftops that they are the ones whom you should elect to usher in the socialist Utopia to replace the 'capitalistic horrors' of western society.

How stupid are we?

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