Wednesday 2 March 2011

The new Inquisition

You have to check out this blog:  to see how the judiciary in England are shaping the country's philosophy towards their own bias'. This self-same scenario is being enacted in every western country around the globe and is being driven by radical lawmakers who are in fact acting as law breakers as they fashion society after their own worldviews.

When you take the absolute out of the equation only human law remains as a 'moral' arbiter which means that power falls into the hands of a tiny minority, most of whom live in ivory towers and have little to no interaction with real life. Someone once said that without that 'inner policeman' no amount of 'exterior' policemen can control human sinfulness. We are witnessing that decline in our society.

When will we in the church wake up to and begin to encourage our bright young people to enter these professions with a view to influence, but realising as well, that we need to equip these young folk with both spiritual and  intellectual self-confidence before we send them into the lions den which is the university and legal professions as they currently exist.

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