Friday 18 March 2011

No to the lies

The egregious mendacity of this government knows no bounds. Their speech is Orwellian in the extreme, they call independents stooges and stooges independent, they create a Brobdingnagian new tax and say that the 'little people' will be better off due to a redistribution of the bounty...I think not.

If you are at all tempted by the handouts they promise (but will almost certainly never deliver) understand that they are attempting to tie you and I more completely to the apron strings of government handouts thus negating the populations will and ability to create, sans government interference, wealth generation.(Marxism!)

What we are facing is a massive build up of bureaucratic power. Let us examine the example of Europe where the much hyped generation of 'green jobs' has in fact birthed little more than 'fly by night' opportunists who spring up overnight and disappear just as rapidly, often leaving chaos and bankruptcy in their trail...think of the comparable Australian roof insulation disaster! The only real jobs created have been for a 'green police force' who fine people for binning the wrong items in their rubbish (another tax!) and cause problems which need fixing by other green bureaucrats, reference the following website:

I am going to the Adelaide Tax protest on Wednesday the 23rd and I urge all others to do the same...we must stop this disaster before it becomes legislated policy.

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