Friday 27 April 2012

Colson translates

So Chuck is dead!
A Christian Sampson if ever there was, has gone to his reward and a significant one it will be I imagine.
As the creator of Prison Fellowship his good works will live on through the renewal and redemption of many, many prisoners and their families for decades to come if not the end of time. For 34 Easters Colson preached redemption to prisoners behind bars.
Through his many published works and his 'Point Break' broadcasts his words will continue to bring enlightenment and redemption to millions of human sufferers.
 A Transformer in our Day
In November of 2009, the Manhattan Declaration was born in the heart of Chuck Colson. This document encouraged Evangelicals, Catholics, and Orthodox Christians to stand for their convictions on the issues of the sanctity of human life, traditional marriage and religious freedom. With nearly 525,000 signatures including well-known religious leaders, this document clearly reminds us what Chuck Colson said in a speech at Harvard Business Schoolin 1991, “A society without a foundation of moral absolutes cannot long survive.”
Chuck Colson trained a new generation of church and lay leaders. He challenged us by warning, “There’s too much of the world in the church and not enough church in the world.” His message through books and orations always inspired Christians to be God’s change agents in this world. His latest book The Sky is not Falling: Living Fearlessly in These Turbulent Times, cautions us not to cower in fear, but boldly restore this culture to Christian principles. (Ginny Dent Bryant)

To those who refuse to acknowledge his change of heart and the amazingly redemptive life choices he made after his fall from the apotheosis of society...he would forgive them and continue on in his life work. I am sure that that heart of forgiveness has been rewarded by now and his future is like none that his critics could ever imagine.

Well done Chuck, but more than my congratulations I suspect those same words from the King of Kings goes a long way towards strengthening your forgiving heart towards those fools who refuse to acknowledge your contribution.

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