Sunday 29 April 2012

Logic at work.

The European public debt crisis is a wake-up call to those who believe in running a country on ever more feel-good programs, welfare initiatives, and industry assistance. The crisis of Europe is a crisis of government that has become too big. This is where the massive debt burdens originate—only a small component of government debt is the result of the financial crisis. The financial crisis did not cause Europe’s problems. It only made them apparent.
Well said Oliver Marc Hartwich...I am so tired of well meaning friends who parrot the old: "It was unfettered capitalism that caused the financial meltdown", which is just (in my opinion) unfettered 'green-eco-nazi-speak' or rather if we really ferret away behind the mask of contemporary jargon, it is in reality the new neo-socialist/Gramscian philosophies which have been handed down from the acaneamic academic institutions and uncritically absorbed by the well intentioned but non-reflective molly-coddled, soft handed, generation who actually believe that the Western world's 'success' in vastly superior living standards (irrespective of the excesses in morality) is merely an evolutionary guarantee:
In the 18th century the Enlightenment thinker Condorcet wrote: "No bounds have been fixed to the improvement of the human race. The perfectibility of man is absolutely infinite..." In the 19th century Herbert Spencer, the apostle of Social Darwinism, similarly believed that life would get better all the time. He wrote: "Progress is not an accident but a necessity. Surely must evil and immorality disappear; surely must man become perfect." It was reason that would redeem religious superstition and bring about the kingdom of man on Earth.
What unmitigated Balderdash!
What it actually is in fact, directly attributable to the Judeo-Christian worldview and its concomitant work and administrative ethics and if you remove the former from the equation the latter also disappears and you are then faced with the results that we see happening in the world today.
Its merely logical Mr Spock!

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