Saturday 26 May 2012

Watch this space

My recent musings have led me to tentatively exploring a suspicion that the current thrust by radical left-wing as well as the 'green' ideological political entities, towards a one-world-government is the PoMo equivalent of an ancient biblical zeitgeist; specifically the sect of Nicolaitans (Rev 2:6) and their 'Mother Earth' heresy:
“Tertullian reports the lust and luxury of the Nicolaitans, cites evidence from Revelation, and adds that there was another sort of Nicolaitans, a satanic sect, called the Gaian heresy [worship of Mother Earth, which has reared its ugly head today]
...and looking back even further to the machinations behind the tower of Babel putsch:
Josephus, in Antiquities of the Jews, tells us, “Now it was Nimrod (the architect of Babel)who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God.  He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah – a bold man, and of great strength of hand.  He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it was through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage that procured their happiness.  He also gradually changed the government into a tyranny, -- seeing no other way to turn men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence upon his power” (Bk.I, iv, 2). Nimrod was the first great “victor of [or over] the people.”  He was the first “Nicolaus.”  He is the one for whom the WHOLE SYSTEM is named!  His name is stamped on the forehead of this “Mystery, Babylon,” religious system which seeks to bring the whole world into one unified religious system of belief, doctrines, and religious globalization. 

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