Thursday 11 April 2013

Watching the Barabarians

Another short extract that highlights the defective thinking behind many of the neo-Marxist 'progressives' in western society today.
Consider also that assault rifles are rarely used by criminals, because they are neither easily portable nor easily concealed. In Chicago, the murder capital of America—a city with draconian gun laws—pistols are the weapon of choice, even for gang-related executions. But of course there are the horrible exceptions—the mass shootings in recent years—and certainly we must keep assault weapons with high-capacity magazines out of the hands of people who are prone to commit such atrocities.
The shooters in Arizona, Colorado, and Newtown were mentally ill persons who, by all accounts, should have been incarcerated. Even the Los Angeles Times admits that “there is a connection between mental illness and mass murder.” But the same progressives who advocate gun control also oppose the involuntary incarceration of mentally ill people who, in the case of these mass shootings, posed obvious dangers to society before they committed their horrendous acts of violence. From the point of view of the progressives who oppose involuntary incarceration of the mentally ill—you can thank the ACLU and like-minded organizations—it is better to disarm the entire population, and deprive them of their constitutional freedoms, than to incarcerate a few mentally ill persons who are prone to engage in violent crimes.
Truth be told these activists are not concerned with creating a 'better world' as their catch cry would suggest, they like those of their ilk who preceded them, are committed to reducing western civilisation to rubble in order to rebuild it so that they can usher in the ideological utopia wherein they are the elite.
The problem with that is that just as soon as they have succeeded in destroying the culture the true barbarians will take over and the first to go will be the 'useful idiots'.
If the consequences for all were not so diabolical it would almost be amusing.

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