Wednesday 24 September 2014


In the following brief excerpt the country name could just as well be Australia because the same 'forces' are at work here. Many of the same 'type' of people who work against the society they inhabit are not particularly evil, merely what Lenin called 'useful idiots'. Some on the other hand are just plain evil and usually misanthropic to boot.

The former folk genuinely believe that we need a new civilisation and that our Judeo-Christian worldview is restrictive, moralistic and should be eradicated, the problem being that it is precisely the  freedoms of  the J/C worldview that allows such disparate visions to live in relative harmony. When and if the system that most of them envisage takes over they will almost certainly be the first to 'disappear' if history is any judge of the matter, and it usually is.

The problem with these fools is that they believe that freedom is an evolutionary by-product (Utopia) and  we as a human race have 'evolved' to the point where we can determine our own destiny's aside from a (mythical), transcendent being and they are willing to risk a revolution to achieve those aims. Of course this applies mainly to the Western nations whose internal decadences have blinded them to most forms of reason, even the very 'reason' that they claim to represent.

Here then is the brief extract from an article by JR Dunn on dhimmitude and the multicultural hell that many in the UK live under:

"But keep in mind, the same forces are at work here as in the UK. PC and multiculturalism are just as powerful, the media and the educational establishment just as corrupt. The elite care no more here than they do in Blighty. Furthermore, our government is headed by a man with an obsession over the reputation of Islam that is inexplicable if we fully accept the assurances of his supporters. Official America has largely acquiesced to the Rotherham mindset.

It remains for the basic America to hold the line.

There are places in this country that would fold as quickly as Rotherham. There are Americans -- you can’t call them “citizens” -- who exist as proles, living from handout to handout, willing to follow orders and turn their backs. Some would give up their daughters as a dhimmi tax without even a whimper.
Rotherham is a warning sign. Corrupt government and ideology, it seems, possess the power to undermine the most basic instincts, the most deep-set relationships, at least among the weak. The people of Rotherham have joined the gute Deutsche, looking the other way as their neighbors vanish into the cattle cars, and the New Soviet Man, drowning his self-loathing in gallons of vodka as his country slides into terminal stasis."

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