Tuesday 23 September 2014


The Greenies/loonies/lefties are celebrating that Japan has been refused a hunting license for a few whales while at the same time a truly atrocious animal slaughter is being perpetrated in Africa and India.
These are issues associated with a particular worldview, a mythology and a culture!!!!!
A fact that should effectively dispel (but won't because ideology/tribal loyalties always trump facts in leftieland) the politically correct bromide which claims that all cultures are equal.....pleazzzze....it doesn't take an Einstein to illustrate the flaws in that argument but try stating that to a room full of PC troglodites at a cocktail party and you are sure to be:
a) so radically abused that you have no choice but to leave,
b) looked at in a way that makes you think that your fly is open with tackle dangling insouciantly in the wine....or......
c) you will be immediately served with a lawyers letter roughly scribbled on the party invitation and advising you that your rights to free speech have been suspended in accordance with;
 the Human rights rule 401, sub-section 3766 of the 2014 Human Rights Committee of the United Nations on whom Kim Jong Un is the current serving chair (though currently off sick with suspected lactose intolerance) whereas his stand-in and acting chairperson is the exceptionally gracious, all-forgiving and most beneficent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:

Vultures      by NickM.

Yesterday I was at the Gauntlet Bird of Prey Centre in Cheshire.
I learned a lot. I learned how to handle a Harris Hawk called Pablo. I also learned that vultures are critically endangered. For a large animal they have had a decrease in numbers unparalleled in recorded history over the last few years.

Now this is a problem. Obviously it is a problem for the vultures but it is wider. As the primary garbolists of the Animal Kingdom they are a vital link in the ecosystem. They can eat almost anything. But in South Asia a generally banned (but of course freely available on the iffy market – consider the prohibition of heroin for example) cattle drug kills ‘em. They eat a bit of dead cow and they die. Now lots of people don’t like vultures but things that clear the land of dead things help prevent disease in other animals including humans.

Now that is bad in Asia but the situation in Africa is appalling. This is how it goes. Our fun-loving criminal mates, the Russian Mafia, have taken a strong interest in rhino and elephant poaching. Now obviously they take the horns and tusks and leave the rest. Alas, due to the size of the game reserves of Africa, the only way the rangers patrolling them are likely to get a chance of catching the poachers is by spotting the vultures hovering over the remains. Now, if you are the sort of scumbag who will unload a clip of 7.62mm into a rhino to flog the horn to the Chinese (it is apparently worth four times it’s mass in Au) you are pretty ruthless and obviously you don’t want to get caught. Note that the park rangers pack some heat. You have to against Russian Mafia sponsored types with AK-47s.
So, to reduce the chance of being caught the Russian Mafia has been systematically eradicating not just their prey animals but the vultures. They have been doing this by lacing the corpses of the dead rhinos and elephants with cyanide.

Vultures have essentially no sense of smell or taste. This enables them to eat things that would make you and me reflexively vomit profusely. It is their strength in the whole chain of life and also their weakness when it comes to Indians drugging cattle (apparently this is a Hindu thing – the beef is not good for people to eat but the milk is OK and of course Hindus don’t tend to eat beef) or the Russian Mafia deliberately poisoning vultures.

The truly shocking thing. Well, there are a number. Deliberately killing a truly useful animal (with all the knock-on effects) is dreadful. And they are of course magnificent and very friendly birds. And as you can imagine (if you are regular you will know) that as a fanatic about fighter ‘planes I have a soft spot for our pre-Wright Bros. winged warriors. But it ain’t just my soft spot that is agitated here. The ecosytematic damage is extreme and via disease it also kills people. Imagine how healthy you would be if no-one picked up the bins? You’d be pegging it from dysentery and cholera. And vultures do this service for free in some of the poorest parts of the World.

But they are deliberately being killed by the Russian Mafia to sell the Chinese stuff that should be banned. Well it is banned but has that ever helped anything? I mean US prohibition only boosted the Canadian whiskey industry. How were the Feds to patrol a 3,000 mile border? How does a Kenyan park ranger patrol an enormous game reserve without spotting the circling vulures?
I am not saying theses vile trades ought to be legalized but very clearly the illegality has not helped.
I do not know what the solution is. How could I? But shooting some of the buggers might help. I mean they won’t do it again will they?

I’m only saying this because I suspect many readers will not know about it. Because vultures have an undeserved bad-rep, because I just love everything that flies because I just do and always have and perhaps when it is properly explained you begin to understand how complex ecosystems are not just to the critters but to us. I don’t want to see a rhino being shot and a vulture being poisoned so some Mafia oligarch can flog the horn to a Chinese plutocrat. I really don’t want to see this so completely innocent Africans die from diseases that nobody in Europe ever gets.

I’m quite serious here. If you support one animal charity this year – make it the vulture.
Apparently, and the guy who showed of his vultures had done a lot of work in Africa, at least one Russian Mafia boss has a plan. He wishes to stockpile as much rhino horn and elephant tusk as possible before eradicating both species entirely so he gets to corner the entire market. The destruction of the vultures is merely part of this insane (but lucrative) scheme.
That is what it is about. Extinction for temporary profit done by very evil people.

While our comrade passionatas are off whipping up emotions on matters actually under control and relatively tiny in the larger scheme of things the really serious issues are going unnoticed. Just like how the anthropogenic global warming circus has distracted people and diverted money away from the many genuine ecological problems. Read Patrick Moore about that one.

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