Friday, 31 October 2014


There is something spiritually profound in the works of Theodore Dalrymple and even though he is an avowed atheist, I believe his interactions with people from all works of life and from such an 'exposed' perspective has provided him with an unconscious/unacknowledged (?) grasp of a deeper reality.
The following quote has nothing to do (directly) with my musings of his work above, but it does reflect a noticeable cognitive dissonance amongst the 'progressive' classes (the chatteratti or perhaps these days more fittingly; the twitteratti) in Australia today and is contributing towards a polarisation of 'tribal' loyalties amongst young people in the country.
On the one hand we observe young, urban dwelling, university left-wing indoctrinated (except the engineers yet!) morally superior (in their eyes), eco-fanatical, 'stolen-generation/invasion' believing, latte sipping, vegan eating, multi-sexually-identifying, pacifist loons and on the other we observe a burgeoning nationalistic movement with kids flocking to Gallipoli, the Kokoda trail and  remembrance day ceremonies. How much of this exploding 'nationalism' is actually the result of true-blue, based on reality and well researched facts or is a direct result of the 'Oprahfication' of life, only history will tell. 
One thing is for sure, the left's capture of the educational and media high grounds has enabled it to sow dangerous myths into the lives of many people and in the schools; at their most vulnerable.
“A belief that one’s history contains nothing good or worthwhile leads either to utopian dreams of a new beginning, or a failure to resist those utopian dreams: in other words to fanaticism or apathy. Fanaticism is resentment in search of power; consumerism is apathy in search of happiness. [Theodore Dalrymple, p.xi, THE NEW VICHY SYNDROME]

How to shoot yourself in the foot

The following link contains an interesting story about the on-going Nova Peris debacle, but what struck me at the very outset was an opening statement in the article which stated that the writer of the original piece that Philippa Martyr is arguing against, is claimed to have been; "a former Liberal [party] advisor."

The pin then dropped as to why the Liberal party has been less than stellar regarding the ‘cultural wars’ in Australia. If any ideological organisation employs people with diametrically opposed views in positions of influence it is going to neutralise its advances. Sort of like employing a player on your footy team whose intention it is to score goals for the other side.

In war such a person would be hanged for treason, in Australia these people are celebrated as ‘whistle-blowers’:

Friday, 24 October 2014


The re-writing continues unabated. The left are unapologetically mendacious with facts.

Winston Smith, a character in Orwell's dystopian novel 1984, was a member of the semi-elite (top 13%) 'outer party' and was employed in the 'Ministry of Truth' whose job it was to rewrite actual truth to fit the party line.

Never has a literary fictional world been more true than with the Labor party of today in Australia. Reading the book is like living in the now in Australia, its quite unsettling.

The re-writing of history that currently surrounds the death of Gough Whitlam has been expected even anticipated, but nevertheless it is reaching proportions beyond what even the most cynical of hagiographers could have imagined.

Aside from the incredible to the fantastic he has recently been credited with birthing political reforms that actually happened before he was even born; messiah-like:

 "As Nancy’s (male) co-owner advised in the Media Watch Dog Special which went out on Wednesday 22 October 2014, he spent much of Tuesday lying on the floor with a wet towel on his forehead. The hours passed as person after person appeared on radio and television offering praise for former prime minister Gough Whitlam whose death was announced around 8 am on Tuesday morning. As to be expected, the Conservative-Free-Zone that is the ABC was the worst offender in that there was only adulation without context.

Gerard Henderson had just risen from the floor at 7 pm when he heard – on ABC1 TV National News – a schoolgirl praising Gough the Great for making it possible for women “to get a vote”. So Hendo immediately resumed a horizontal position.

The North Sydney Girls High student comment was approved for running on the ABC1 News by an ABC reporter, an ABC producer and an ABC editor. Apparently all three were so caught up in the emotion of the occasion that they simply forgot that women voted in the 1903 Commonwealth election – more than a decade before Mr Whitlam was even born." [Media Watchdog. 24.10.14]

I wonder how he has explained it all to his Maker, with whom he has by now no doubt enjoyed a somewhat surprising (terrifying?) encounter.



Thursday, 23 October 2014

The roots of evil

The New York Times, home to American left-wing 'heroes' once again makes whoopee in the us vs. them class wars so favoured by these elite (effete?) 'revolutionaries'.  Their despised prey on this occasion are the...bankers....whilst the real irony resides in the reality that many of these same left-wing intelligentsia are in fact Bankers and inhabit said lending halls out of all proportion to conservatives.
But lets not let facts spoil a good story shall we! 

"The New York Times is again on the warpath against what it calls "predatory lending."
Just what is predatory lending? It is lending that charges a higher interest rate than people like those at the New York Times approve of. According to such thinking -- or lack of thinking -- the answer is to have the government set an interest rate ceiling at a level that will be acceptable to third parties like the New York Times.
People who believe in government-set price controls -- whether on interest rates charged for loans, rents charged for housing or wages paid under minimum wage laws -- seem to think that this is the end of the story. Yet there is a vast literature on the economic repercussions of price controls."
Thomas Sowell (an economist btw) uncovers the real motives behind the NYT's hubristic 'compassion' for the 'poor':
Editorial demagoguery against "predatory" lending might well be called predatory journalism -- taking advantage of other people's ignorance of economics to score ideological points, and promote still more expansion of government powers that limit the options of poor people especially, who have few options already.
And there we see it.
These numbats are less concerned with lending to the poor than they are with setting up a 'fair' system where they (the numbats that is) are the ones calling the shots. Why? Because they actually believe with all of their cynical hearts that they alone are capable of making the 'right' choices for the majority. This is the hubris behind all big government posers, and it is nothing less than deliberate and blind hubris because history shows us clearly that big government (socialism) just does not work because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Thursday, 16 October 2014


If I have said it once I have said it numerous times; "welcome to our Brave New 1984".
Because so many of our current cultural forms mirror a twisted amalgamation of Orwell and Huxley's dystopian prophecies, that's why!

However in the light of the prophetic nature of these two novels perhaps it might be more accurate to say; "welcome to the coming 6th Century mindset a.k.a. the caliphate.

I say this not because I am morbidly sceptical of all things post-modern, nor am I particularly pessimistic, but because circumstances have allowed me the time and opportunity to research and cogitate fairly widely on current affairs.

These and my subsequent meditations on current Western cultural 'norms' have led me to conclude that the left-wing nut-jobs we have allowed to infiltrate Western culture (hat-tip to the Gramscian doctrine) via the governments, educational faculty's, established churches and main-steam-media outlets have inculcated such a wimpish mentality into the average westerner that the death-cult currently referred to as ISIL, should have little trouble converting the majority of western urban-dwelling, gaian-worshipping, limp-wristed, tofu-latte sipping, licra-encased, vegan sissies into subservient dhimmi's.

Speaking of which, here follows the latest news on an issue which might be of some interest to those of us in the non-establishment church, and instigated no doubt by some of the aforementioned luvvies:

"The city of Houston has issued subpoenas demanding a group of pastors turn over any sermons dealing with homosexuality, gender identity or Annise Parker, the city's first openly lesbian mayor. And those ministers who fail to comply could be held in contempt of court.

That's to say, the government is using the law to harass religious institutions critical of a political figure. Which sounds like First Amendment 101. I had to read it through a couple of times to check that I hadn't missed some crucial element. But on a close reading it gets even better. The government is demanding the right to inspect not merely sermons, which are texts written for public consumption, but private speech, too:
Among those slapped with a subpoena is Steve Riggle, the senior pastor of Grace Community Church. He was ordered to produce all speeches and sermons related to Mayor Annise Parker, homosexuality and gender identity.
The mega-church pastor was also ordered to hand over "all communications with members of your congregation" regarding the non-discrimination law.
The impetus for all this is a municipal ordinance:
The subpoenas are just the latest twist in an ongoing saga over the Houston's new non-discrimination ordinance. The law, among other things, would allow men to use the ladies room and vice versa.
When Rush Limbaugh interviewed me the other day, I airily used "transgendered bathrooms" as an all-purpose shorthand for the kind of peripheral cultural issues that cumulatively add up to far more profound societal changes than anything most conservative politicians fuss over. And so in Houston it has proved: When the transgendered bathroom ordinance runs up against the First Amendment, it's the First Amendment that gets left for roadkill.
~Meanwhile, in Kentucky, a Lexington T-shirt company has fallen afoul of the local "human rights commission" for declining to print T-shirts for the gay pride parade that it found offensive. As part of his ruling, the "human rights" commisssar, Greg Munson, has sentenced the T-shirt refuseniks to re-education camp:
The second demand is that Hands on Originals — a company with around 30 employees — would need to participate in diversity training within the next 12 months.
Or, as Laura Rosen Cohen says, "Off to Diversity Gulag": The more we celebrate diversity, the more we have to enforce it with ruthless conformity. Big Gay has won most of its battles, and could surely afford to be magnanimous in victory. But it has a totalitarian urge to hunt down the last holdouts: Nobody cares if the T-shirt guy really has a change of heart; all that's necessary is to force him to pretend to believe and to drone the mandated pabulum in public.
~Insofar as either of these stories gets any traction, they'll be presented in the mainstream media as haters vs gays. That's another example of how the left has conquered the cultural space: after being marinated in narratives of racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, transphobia et al since kindergarten, fewer and fewer people even pay lip service to ideas of "free speech". Why, if free speech is being used to attack transgendered bathrooms, then it's part of the problem and has to go. And note that these stories are not from blue-state la-la lands like Massachusetts and California, but from supposed red-meat red states. How red do you suppose they'll be looking by, say, 2030?

Tuesday, 7 October 2014


The dangerous (some might say treasonous) propaganda sown into the worldview of the West's young minds by left-wing ideologues who have captured the 'high grounds' of education and the mass media, creates an illusion that says; we can choose to fight a war or not.

One of the primary reasons behind the relentless, 'progressive' attack on history under the rubric of Post-Modern deconstruction and the resultant  're-writing' of historical facts to demean that which we ought to have been proud of, has been part of the  mission to weaken our collective resistance through existential doubt.

The truth is that there will always be domineering groups of people who will never be appeased by reason alone. This fact is true of the singular bully in the school-yard as much as it is of the political bully in charge of an army. The only language such people understand or respond to is force. The reason why the West has enjoyed a relative peace for so many years is because of the doctrine of Mutually Assured winners.

Unfortunately the West has been drained of the will to resist, our civilisation has been white-anted from within by weak and wilful ideologues who view the Judeo/Christian civilisation as a blight upon the world and who actively work to undermine our civilisation from within the power structures that they have infiltrated. Sadly such 'useful idiots' will only discover their error once the culture has collapsed and the truly evil 'other' takes control.

Many will perceive no reason to resist because their worldviews have been distorted,  others will lack the necessary courage, having been reared on mythological 'rights' and the pursuit of comfort. Some will lose their lives, particularly the turncoats amongst us because everyone mistrusts traitors even those they serve, others will be killed as examples to those who remain but most will quickly surrender without a fight to become slaves and proles, history bears witness to this ad nauseaum.

"When Hitler stationed troops in the Rhineland in 1936, in violation of major international treaties, the military commanders in charge of those troops had orders to retreat at the first sign of French military opposition, since France alone at that point could have overwhelmed the German army as it existed then.
Although France at that point was militarily capable of stopping Hitler in his tracks, and preventing World War II, politically the French government dared not move. The French people, with the horrors of the First World War still painfully vivid in their memories, wanted no part in military operations.
The net result was that Hitler grew stronger militarily over the years and then invaded France at a time of his choosing. The French then found themselves at war, whether they wanted to be or not. And they soon found themselves defeated and subjugated under Nazi rule."

P.S.  For my children's sake I hope I am completely and utterly wrong and nothing more than a deluded conspiracy theorist.


When the state is top heavy and the will of a single man (or woman) takes precedence over the will of the majority as usually happens within a bureaucracy where the blame shifters and yes persons have become the 'top dogs' (see the Rudd/Gillard era), the extreme end of the continuum is inhabited by evil beings such as Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc, and the consequences for the country ruled are dire:

"The scale of this gigantic act of social engineering, 1928-1933, unique in world history, affected more than 100 million people living in villages and on the nomadic steppes. About five million of them, many of them highly productive, were forcibly "dekulakised", enclosed in cattle trucks and exiled in far-off regions of Siberia and elsewhere in the remote Russian countryside. Millions of others, to escape removal, sold or abandoned their properties. In many cases, those forced into collective farms burned their crops, slaughtered their flocks and did their best to kill the officials and troops who dragooned them.

The losses were quite unprecedented. In the hunger that followed — the longest, by far, man-made famine in history — between five and seven million died, and 40 million more came close to starvation. The number of sheep fell from nearly 22 million to under two million, cattle from 70 million to 28 million, horses from 35 million to 17 million and pigs from 26 million to 12 million.

The whole colossal exercise was without any rational justification. Tsarist Russia was an inefficient country but, under the impact of rapidly expanding capitalism, was becoming less so with impressive speed. Agriculture was modernising itself without undue suffering. All this was taking place without any interference from the state. Collectivisation halted and reversed the process of improvement, and the losses were not made good for half a century, indeed in some cases never. To collectivise was a specifically political decision, without any economic, demographic, cultural or humanitarian reasoning. It was an absolutist piece of theorising, undertaken without preparation or practical planning, in the arrogant belief that this form of socialism was right.

To take such a decision, and to carry it through, year after year, against all the evidence that it did not work, and was wasting life and property in vast quantities, required a sustained act of will of an unusual kind — one is tempted to say a unique kind. Stalin was capable of such an extraordinary act of will and, in Professor Kotkin's opinion, that set him apart from others at the summit of Soviet power at the time. He goes through all the available alternatives. Nikolai Bukharin was hopelessly muddled, especially on agriculture, and believed that the Soviet Union would somehow "grow into socialism" through the New Economic Policy (NEP). In addition, he lacked political skills and an organisational power base. Alexei Rykov, who had been behind the NEP, chaired Politburo meetings, and had been the key figure at the 15th party congress, was a skillful politician but did not believe in collectivisation — he predicted its dire consequences but had no alternative to offer if NEP failed, as it was beginning to do by 1928. Grigory Sokolnikov, the deputy chairmain of the State Planning commission, who had a doctorate from the Sorbonne and spoke excellent French, was a financial expert who defended Soviet policy skilfully at international conferences. But he was a mere individual, with no faction behind him, and no following in the military or the secret police. No one else was in a position to take over Stalin's vote.
This is the sort of collectivist vision that the left-wing in Australia would have us adopt. Perhaps they would balk at such lunacy if placed before them in it's entirety before the fact, but the problem with politics of the extreme is that such a scenario would not be placed on the table until after the fact, somewhat like Mugabe who believes in Democracy...once!
Given the record in many countries of one-vote-once we do not have the luxury of 'experimenting' with collectivist ideology at all. It has never proven to be a just system nor has it proved successful at running an economy. Unfortunately the best system that shows any historical success is 'capitalism', as flawed as it is and becoming more so by the day as our Judeo-Christian morals are jettisoned at an alarming rate, nonetheless it is it is still the best model the world has ever seen.


The insidious and destructive ideologies arrayed against the Australia we know and love are being fed and nurtured by really stupid people. Stupid because if they think that their lives are going to be improved by the forces they are helping to seed chaos and disorder then they are no students of history....oh wait! These 'useful idiots' are indeed ignorers of history even re-writing history much like those portrayed in Orwell's Brave New World

The following excerpt is from one of the lies being fed to the population by those who lust for the destruction of Australia:

"This idea that Australia’s treatment of Muslims is to blame for terrorism is so fanciful you would wonder how anyone could believe it. But it is standard-issue opinion among university academics, ABC journalists and Greens senators. They act on the principle that “My enemy’s enemy is my friend”. Since they don’t like open liberal Western capitalist society, they feel natural support for those who regard themselves as at war with Western civilisation. The brutality of Islamic State does not seem to worry them nearly so much as the imagined “brutality” of the Australian Government."

".....“If you tell a LIE big enough and KEEP REPEATING IT, people will eventually come to believe it..."  Joseph Goebbel, Hitler's Minister of Propaganda

Monday, 6 October 2014


Is there any wonder that the country is in trouble regarding the 'cultural war' foisted on us by the Gramscian apostles of Labor, by that I mean the Fabian's* who populate the Labor hierarchy.

These reprobates [their organisational logo is a wolf in sheep's clothing#] hate the Western, Judeo/Christian influences in Australian history and have sought for many years to gain positions whereby they are able to influence the curriculums of secondary and tertiary schools, i.e. the 'long march' through the institutions.  They have succeeded beyond Gramsci's dreams.

"At some point in the 1970s, Australia lost touch with its heritage.
The educational establishment severed ties with the British Empire and embraced an ideology of ‘cultural-relativism’. Education academics swung from understanding Australia’s British origins to being extremely anti-British and anti-Western Civilisation in general. It became fashionable for some academics to dismiss anyone who encourages the study of Australia’s Western roots and the origins of democracy as ‘nationalist’ or ‘anti-multiculturalist’. As a result, many school-age students now cannot see the value in our system of government." [IPA, 1.10.14]
# Matthew 7:15 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.
* The Australian Labor Party are Fabian Socialists. So, what is Fabian Socialism?
Fabian: Of, relating to, or being a member of the Fabian Society, which was committed to gradual rather than revolutionary means for spreading socialist principles. Seeking victory by delay and harassment rather than by a decisive battle as in the manner of Fabius Maximus: Fabian policy.
Socialism: (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.
Socialist: One who adheres to the principals of Socialism.
So, plainly put Fabian Socialists are those who seek to transform a Capitalist state into a Communist state by process using Hegelian Dialectical reason.

Sunday, 5 October 2014


As this article by Terry Mcrann notes, post-modern deconstruction of the language has so taken hold of the Fairfax (Fauxfacts?) 'journalists' that they now publish outright lies in place of truth.

In our former culture such liars masquerading as reporters would have been publically shamed and then lost their jobs...these days one or more will probably win a prize at the next reporters love-in.

In the meantime undiscerning readers (of which there are many within the socialist ranks) will swallow wholesale the lies and use them in their own assault on the values that have made Australia the wonderful place it still is (just). These are the useful idiots who believe that the benefits we currently enjoy somehow magically happened as a result of cultural 'evolution', and most specifically the Grassby criminal enterprise termed 'multiculturalism'.

Unfortunately by the time that this rainbow mentality has been exposed the culture will have tanked, the economy trashed and bureaucracy will be ruling with its totalitarian grasp on all things:

Terry McCrann:
A NEWSPAPER which had any sense of its integrity would have published a public withdrawal of and apology for running a story that was so completely false and viciously defamatory as the one on purported company tax avoidance last Monday, splashed across the front pages of the Fairfax Media duo, The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald.
This needed to be an apology directed at both the companies which the Age and the Herald, collectively and individually and without the slightest shred of substantive evidence, falsely accused of massive and sustained tax avoidance; and to their readers for feeding them such provocative and simply untrue nonsense…
Anyone who had even the vaguest understanding of tax should have instantly realised the story and the so-called report on which it was based, were quite simply complete and utter rubbish…
(T)he report from the union United Voice and the collective of odds and sods, the so-called Tax Justice Network, purported to analyse the effective tax rates of the top 200 companies listed on the ASX over the last ten years, as against the 30 per cent company tax rate.
It purported to find that the average effective tax rate (ETR) of the 200 companies over the ten years was just 23 per cent. It then concluded that the failure to pay 30 per cent had cost tax revenue of an average $8.4 billion a year or a staggering $84 billion in total.
The report — and the guileless Age and Herald — listed the key ways big companies could avoid tax: by routing income through tax havens, by ‘transfer pricing’ with overseas affiliates, and by loading up the local company with debt to get a tax deduction.
So did they then specifically identify the use of these techniques by any — all — of the 200? Not a bit of it; all the report did was add up the reported pre-tax profits and tax provisions of the 200 over the last ten years, divide the second by the first, and out popped that 23 per cent ETR. And the conclusion of massive tax avoidance…
Astonishingly, the report claims and the Age/Herald breathlessly retailed that News Corp (now 21st Century Fox) underpaid an extraordinary $16 billion of tax in total over the ten years — fully 20 per cent of the tax purportedly avoided by the entire 200!.
Even more astonishingly, the report just made that figure up. The annual reports of News Corp show that it recorded a total profit of $US36 billion over the ten years and provided $US8.3 billion in tax. That’s an effective tax rate of 23 per cent, somewhat higher than the claimed 1 per cent.
The authors and the Age/Herald seem unaware that News Corp was a US company over the entire ten years; that something like 90 per cent of its business and quite normal profits — and so any tax payments — were in the US. So even if that completely fictitious figure of $1.6 billion a year was tax really lost, it would have been tax lost to the US internal Revenue Service and not to the ATO, as both the report and they claimed