Thursday, 23 October 2014

The roots of evil

The New York Times, home to American left-wing 'heroes' once again makes whoopee in the us vs. them class wars so favoured by these elite (effete?) 'revolutionaries'.  Their despised prey on this occasion are the...bankers....whilst the real irony resides in the reality that many of these same left-wing intelligentsia are in fact Bankers and inhabit said lending halls out of all proportion to conservatives.
But lets not let facts spoil a good story shall we! 

"The New York Times is again on the warpath against what it calls "predatory lending."
Just what is predatory lending? It is lending that charges a higher interest rate than people like those at the New York Times approve of. According to such thinking -- or lack of thinking -- the answer is to have the government set an interest rate ceiling at a level that will be acceptable to third parties like the New York Times.
People who believe in government-set price controls -- whether on interest rates charged for loans, rents charged for housing or wages paid under minimum wage laws -- seem to think that this is the end of the story. Yet there is a vast literature on the economic repercussions of price controls."
Thomas Sowell (an economist btw) uncovers the real motives behind the NYT's hubristic 'compassion' for the 'poor':
Editorial demagoguery against "predatory" lending might well be called predatory journalism -- taking advantage of other people's ignorance of economics to score ideological points, and promote still more expansion of government powers that limit the options of poor people especially, who have few options already.
And there we see it.
These numbats are less concerned with lending to the poor than they are with setting up a 'fair' system where they (the numbats that is) are the ones calling the shots. Why? Because they actually believe with all of their cynical hearts that they alone are capable of making the 'right' choices for the majority. This is the hubris behind all big government posers, and it is nothing less than deliberate and blind hubris because history shows us clearly that big government (socialism) just does not work because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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