Friday, 24 October 2014


The re-writing continues unabated. The left are unapologetically mendacious with facts.

Winston Smith, a character in Orwell's dystopian novel 1984, was a member of the semi-elite (top 13%) 'outer party' and was employed in the 'Ministry of Truth' whose job it was to rewrite actual truth to fit the party line.

Never has a literary fictional world been more true than with the Labor party of today in Australia. Reading the book is like living in the now in Australia, its quite unsettling.

The re-writing of history that currently surrounds the death of Gough Whitlam has been expected even anticipated, but nevertheless it is reaching proportions beyond what even the most cynical of hagiographers could have imagined.

Aside from the incredible to the fantastic he has recently been credited with birthing political reforms that actually happened before he was even born; messiah-like:

 "As Nancy’s (male) co-owner advised in the Media Watch Dog Special which went out on Wednesday 22 October 2014, he spent much of Tuesday lying on the floor with a wet towel on his forehead. The hours passed as person after person appeared on radio and television offering praise for former prime minister Gough Whitlam whose death was announced around 8 am on Tuesday morning. As to be expected, the Conservative-Free-Zone that is the ABC was the worst offender in that there was only adulation without context.

Gerard Henderson had just risen from the floor at 7 pm when he heard – on ABC1 TV National News – a schoolgirl praising Gough the Great for making it possible for women “to get a vote”. So Hendo immediately resumed a horizontal position.

The North Sydney Girls High student comment was approved for running on the ABC1 News by an ABC reporter, an ABC producer and an ABC editor. Apparently all three were so caught up in the emotion of the occasion that they simply forgot that women voted in the 1903 Commonwealth election – more than a decade before Mr Whitlam was even born." [Media Watchdog. 24.10.14]

I wonder how he has explained it all to his Maker, with whom he has by now no doubt enjoyed a somewhat surprising (terrifying?) encounter.



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