We have lived in comfort and relative peace in the West for so long that we now take it for granted that this is the 'normal' state of affairs.
If you are any student of history you will have observed that this is very far from the truth. The 'normal' state of human doings has always been that of strife, discord, treachery and upheaval.
Yes the West has been fighting almost continual wars over the last 100 hundred years, but America, Australia, Canada, New Zealand; i.e. our most important frames of reference outside the UK, have not had a conflict in their lands for more than a century. Even Englands conflict was confined chiefly to the European continent and in saying that I do not in any way depreciate the aerial warfare waged over British soil during the 2nd World War. Equally I do not exclude those parts of Europe who used to adhere to the Western 'culture' but who have slipped almost entirely away over the past few decades. In fact the European continent was the main stage of the last big war, WW2.
Which brings me to the debt of gratitude that we today owe our forefathers, who fought for the peace we now take for granted, or as George Orwell so eloquently put it:
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.Too many soft-boiled snowflakes in today's world pay no homage to those men and women, and in fact are contemptuous of them as 'warmongers', 'murderers' and the too often repeated journalistic mendacity 'terrorists'. The fact that contemporary journalism conflates terrorism with those defending Western culture against 'actual' terrorism, is one of the greatest betrayals of press integrity in the 21st Millennium.
Another seed of our moral flaccidity is because the ideology of 'evolution' has penetrated to the very core of our being. Many actually believe that the 'peace' we enjoy is because the human race has 'evolved' past the slavish, warlike mode, thus we see the 'elite' castigating those 'rough men and women' who defend our shores.
Sadly the truth is that human nature is the same as it was in the garden, down through the centuries and remains the same today. History teaches us that those who ignore history are bound to repeat it; and I believe that our soft-boiled elites are going to suffer the same fate as their Eloi doppelgangers did in H G Well's Time Machine.
Thankfully I will not be around to see it because even if it were to occur in the next year or two, I for one will not surrender my soul for a little peace and prosperity on this, the dark side of eternity.