Saturday, 28 November 2015


A major issue with our contemporary culture as I see it, is that we have become 'soft-boiled'.

We have lived in comfort and relative peace in the West for so long that we now take it for granted that this is the 'normal' state of affairs.

If you are any student of history you will have observed that this is very far from the truth. The 'normal' state of human doings has always been that of strife, discord, treachery and upheaval.

Yes the West has been fighting almost continual wars over the last 100 hundred years, but America, Australia, Canada, New Zealand; i.e. our most important frames of reference outside the UK, have not had a conflict in their lands for more than a century. Even Englands conflict was confined chiefly to the European continent and in saying that I do not in any way depreciate the aerial warfare waged over British soil during the 2nd World War. Equally I do not exclude those parts of Europe who used to adhere to the Western 'culture' but who have slipped almost entirely away over the past few decades. In fact the European continent was the main stage of the last big war, WW2.

Which brings me to the debt of gratitude that we today owe our forefathers, who fought for the peace we now take for granted, or as George Orwell so eloquently put it: 
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
Too many soft-boiled snowflakes in today's world pay no homage to those men and women, and in fact are contemptuous of them as 'warmongers', 'murderers' and the too often repeated journalistic mendacity 'terrorists'.  The fact that contemporary journalism conflates terrorism with those defending Western culture against 'actual' terrorism, is one of the greatest betrayals of press integrity in the 21st Millennium.

Another seed of our moral flaccidity is because the ideology of 'evolution' has penetrated to the very core of our being. Many actually believe that the 'peace' we enjoy is because the human race has 'evolved' past the slavish, warlike mode, thus we see the 'elite' castigating those 'rough men and women' who defend our shores.

Sadly the truth is that human nature is the same as it was in the garden, down through the centuries and remains the same today. History teaches us that those who ignore history are bound to repeat it; and I believe that our soft-boiled elites are going to suffer the same fate as their Eloi doppelgangers did in H G Well's Time Machine.

Thankfully I will not be around to see it because even if it were to occur in the next year or two, I for one will not surrender my soul for a little peace and prosperity on this, the dark side of eternity.

Friday, 27 November 2015

Cowards all....

It is both unnerving and dismaying that our elected public officials lack the courage or the will to make uncomfortable decisions. Few things illustrate this more than the willing surrender academics and politicians such as Di Natale, Shorten, Bishop and others make to Islam, when they blame jihadi terrorism on Western nations. To call such a response cowardly is but a part of its true nature. Its real name is 'dhimmitude' and it means submission and servanthood towards Islamic rule.

Never will I nor my family become slaves to this demonic structure.
This insistence that the latest Paris outrage is the result of the actions of the West has been repeated by Clive Hamilton, a Greens candidate for parliament and Professor of Public Ethics (sic) at Charles Sturt University. According to Hamilton, “our political leaders must carry much of the responsibility for the dangers Australians are now exposed to.” Islamic State made it clear it would carry out terrorist attacks against anyone who opposed its attempts to establish a global Caliphate and so, apparently, we must accept that we have none to blame but ourselves. As Hamilton puts it:
After all, IS identified France’s and Russia’s roles in the Syrian conflict as the reason for the Paris outrages and the downing of the Russian airliner departing Sharm el-Sheikh that killed 224 people.
And so Australia must expect to be punished by Islamic State for our resistance to its campaign for global domination, just as Russia and France have been punished.
The leader of the Greens, Richard Di Natale, echoed Hamilton’s call for capitulation in the fight against Islamic State, demanding an end to the Australian bombing campaign and an easing of anti-terrorism laws designed to control jihadists: “We can’t make Australia safer by making other countries more dangerous, but that’s exactly what the citizenship laws and our air strikes do.”

Thursday, 26 November 2015


Miranda Devines response to ponce Charles:
"Talk about fiddling while Paris burns. This is what psychologists would call a serious case of denial by displacement.
It’s been inconvenient for climate alarmists that, just three weeks before the UN’s upcoming talkfest, the host city was the scene of an Islamic State terrorist attack. On that very day, Al Gore, of all people, had to abandon a climate alarm stand-up outside the Eiffel Tower.
These rarefied folk would really rather ignore the whole messy business of Islamism but it came up and shouted in their face in Paris. Bit hard to avoid mentioning it.
So, rather than admit the politically incorrect truth that Islamic State is driven by a certain extreme religious ideology bent on creating a worldwide caliphate, leftists scour their barren craniums for any other explanation — and inevitably they have come up with climate change.
This issue has become the leftist’s ultimate wet dream. Understood only by an easily manipulated scientific priestly class, it is the latest vehicle to dismantle capitalism and halt progress. It requires a massive supranational bureaucracy and seamlessly provides a new elite with the tools of social domination. Control the means of energy production, control the world. That’s the dream, anyway.
Linking climate change to Islamic State perfectly suits those who live in a theoretical utopia in which you can feel good and fool yourself into thinking you are solving the most intractable threat of our time — genocidal Islamism — by telling other people to pay more for their electricity.
Trust Prince Charles to fall for it."

Tuesday, 24 November 2015


Leave it to one of the world's great statesmen to nail the problem of Islam:
"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.
A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome." [Winston Churchill]

Saturday, 21 November 2015


The politics of seeming rather than doing:
" Equally embarrassing are the frivolities of tragedy, which include the pointless colouring of our Opera House and other landmarks red, white and blue, peace signs made out of the Eiffel Tower, platitudes of ‘solidarity’, twitter hashtags, Je Suis Charlie’s, weeping pop stars, mountains of rotting flowers, candle-lit vigils and all the other post-Diana trashy modern rituals of mass grieving. (Note: no such outpourings for dead Israelis). The endless, tiresome, empty symbols of our ‘compassion’ stand in stark, terrifying contrast to our inability to actually do anything concrete to obliterate the menace of extremist Islam." [ Rowan Dean

Friday, 20 November 2015


Merv Bendle makes a point that is not only deeply worrying, but demonstrably true and my singular fear for my children, is that with such 'chamberlainistic' chi at the helm, we are doomed to chaos:
"Our leaders have failed us. Paris confirms it. Make no mistake, at the end of the day their loyalties lie not with the people who elected them, nor with the societies that they govern or the civilisation of the West that has dragged the world out of poverty and barbarism and onto the path of progress. What loyalty they possess is only to their own careers and ambitions and to the special-interest groups they serve."

Thursday, 19 November 2015


The (Labor & 'others' including an increasing cohort of 'liberals') 'tribalism' of the voting bloc which votes Labor irrespective of how damaging the incumbents might be to the country or to the economy or to any of the disastrous policies we have witnessed over the years of Labor government is little other than soviet collectivism in a mild disguise, which in academic terms is also called 'cultural Marxism' and as a worldview it has successfully brainwashed a large segment of Western culture. 

It involves the insertion of certain ideas into the culture, the removal of restraints, and a breakdown of personal morality and economic independence as taught by the Judeo-Christian worldview, towards a culture where people turn instinctively to the State or the governing bodies for support on all things including morality.
If you are dismissive of this you are probably one of the useful idiots Lenin was so scathing about but who are also entirely necessary to change society into the image of cultural marxism's poster child; Antonio Gramsci whose stated aim is:...."to cut the roots (of Christianity), to change the culture, a long march through the institutions is necessary, only then will power fall into our laps like a ripened fruit" [Gramsci's Prison Diaries].  

We are currently in freefall.

Sunday, 15 November 2015


The manipulation of Western youth by militant mullahs and leftist academics who ironically enjoy the freedom's of the West are succinctly captured in this article:

A Personal experience of such factual manipulation
I remember going to a religious debate many years ago; 1979 actually, between Ahmed Deedat the head of the Islamic Propagation Centre in Durban and Josh McDowell, Christian apologist.

Some friends and myself had prepared ourselves to listen to both sides of the debate with as much objectivity as we could muster and be prepared to pass  a sound philosophical opinion on the outcome regardless of who 'won'.

The actual event was a total anti-climax.

Ahmed Deedat was not only a completely incompetent debater, he was also extremely emotional and succeeded only in abusing McDOwell and ranting at him. McDowell in fact ceased trying to reason with the man and ended by trying to console Deedat with his(McDowell's)personal conversion experience and the love of the Gospel of Christ. The actual 'debate' was an embarrassing and illuminating experience.

But that is not where the story ends.

My wife who was the Marketing manager of a large clothing company in Durban as well as overseeing the staff of the company's factory floor, that is; a staff of many hundreds of personal, told me what ensued on the monday morning at work.

The staff who were predominantly Muslim, were each given a cassette tape of the 'debate' by someone from the Propagation centre. The tape had been cleverly manipulated, doctored and edited in a way that appeared to give Ahmed Deedat a resounding victory over the infidel MCDowell. How this was accomplished given the actual content of the interaction will be forever a mystery for me.

The re-writers of the story had obviously toiled through the night to edit and copy a vast number of tapes, because her factory was not the only recipient, it was widely distributed throughout the rather large Muslim community of Durban.

It was for me a very powerful, experiential, illustration of Winston Smith's job in Orwell's distopian novel: 1984. Spooky and very sinister.


Many years ago the late, great Francis Schaeffer wrote that the citizens of the Western Nations had become so addicted to soft living that they would at some time in the future sacrifice their freedom in order to obtain a "personal peace and prosperity" hindsight it appears that time has come and gone:
"Writers and journalists keep recalling the turbulent New York of the 1970s, when budget cuts and crime and unemployment had brutalized the city. I lived through those days, and the place was more fun than now. The cops were mostly white, wore their hair long, and had droopy mustaches. Blacks did the muggings and the arson attacks were daily. The place was gritty and magnificent. It was like living in a war zone. One had allies, the cops and others like oneself, law-abiding souls. No one, but no one took the side of the bad guys. Al Sharpton was in the future, as were all the “ community activists” who have sprung forth. Media types did not dare take the side of the bad guys. They now climb the ladder of success by doing just that. Bring back the ’70s anytime. Down with Disneyland New York."

Thursday, 12 November 2015


A perspicacious comment on an article that I have just finished reading.

It is a comment that I consider worth reproducing for the simple reason that it captures the contrary/suicidal worldview of the average Western, left-wing 'bird-brain' so effectively........apologies to the nameless swot who penned it:
The ‘left’ just loves totalitarianism, be it secular as espoused and practised by Lenin, Stalin and Mao, etc. or the theological totalitarianism of the Islamic variety. Most leftists have a sado-masochistic suicidal delusion that they will be able to take and establish their wonderful secular socialist workers totalitarian Nirvana after the Islamists have weakened the ]semi] capitalist west sufficiently. In centuries past the parasitic/non-wealth producing elite were connected to the aristocracy or the clergy. Today's parasitic elite are inner city government funded/subsidised bureaucrats haunting academia, the judiciary and the media, and other government bodies interfering with or controlling/regulating the wealth producing sectors of the economy.


Relative truth makes room for fakery (nature abhors a vacuum)...witness this excerpt and of course the whole fake 'warming controversy':
"There is something of Salem about this:
Dr. Dale Brigham, considered one of the most beloved professors at the University of Missouri, has resigned after initially refusing to cancel an exam for students who claimed to feel “unsafe.”
“If you don’t feel safe coming to class, then don’t come to class,” Dr. Brigham told his students. “I will be there, and there will be an exam administered in our class,” he continued, imploring his students to stand up to the bullies on campus. “If you give into bullies, they win. The only way bullies are defeated is by standing up to them.”
Dr. Brigham was sharply criticized in the media for requiring his students to attend class and take their exam. Salon ran a story with the headline “White Missouri professor shames black students for heeding violent threats."The Washington Post featured similar coverage of “a white professor” who “challenged his students to come to class.”
Those upset with Dr. Brigham’s decision to hold class took to Twitter calling for Brigham to be fired and calling him “a failure as a human being.”
And so much of it based on fake scares, professional offence takers, victim politics and lies. For instance:
It was a rough night on the campus of the University of Missouri, thanks in large part to Student Body President Payton Head. Head posted on Facebook earlier in the night that the KKK was confirmed on campus and that he was working with “the MUPD, the state trooper and the National Guard.” Here’s a screenshot:   image
The only problem with that terrifying statement is it wasn’t true and Head was forced to delete the post and apologize...


Bolt nails it:
I’M no tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist. But I wish the Left would stop talking about a one-world government. Scarier still, the United Nations bureaucracy seems to be preparing for one at next month’s Paris Climate Conference on global warming.
Already in 2012, then Greens leader Bob Brown proposed an “Earth Parliament … under the grand idea of one planet, one person, one vote”, somehow forgetting China and India would then outvote the rest of the world.
The Global Greens Congress then backed a “United Nations Parliamentary Assembly … directly elected by the world’s citizens” to be involved in “all important intergovernmental treaty negotiations”.
Now I read the draft agreement for the Paris climate talks, which will include Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Article 11 has three options up for discussion to make countries do what they’ve promised to “stop” global warming — promises that fundamentally affect their economies and their finances. Control those and a UN world body has a country by the throat.


Dennis Prager is a perspicacious debater and quite unafraid of how he is perceived by the world's press which makes him very courageous as well. This small extract from his latest article exposes the lie of the 'Israeli conflict' for what it is:
Israel, it ought to be recalled, is the only country in the world targeted for annihilation. That has been true from the day it was proclaimed as a state in 1948 until today. It was true before Israel was forced to conquer East Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank, where the Palestinians (outside of Jordan) live. It was true before there was a single Jewish settlement on the West Bank. It was true after three Israeli prime ministers -- Yitzhak Rabin, Ehud Barak, and Ehud Olmert -- agreed to give up virtually all of Gaza and the West Bank to Palestinians to set up a Palestinian state. It was true after Israel gave every inch of Gaza to the Palestinians.
All of which proves that when Palestinian spokesmen say they want peace, they do not mean peace with Israel. They mean peace without Israel.
This is a related, concise, and excellent debate from the heart of academia:

Friday, 6 November 2015


For those who stand amazed at the rank hypocrisy, the vile tantrums and the potty-mouthed denunciations of Tony this excerpt by the historian Paul Johnson concerning the conspicuous animus directed against Margaret Thatcher during her term in office.

The essential difference was that for the first two terms at least, her colleagues supported her against all the evil, unlike Tony's and to their eternal shame.

Unfortunately over the preceding years these 'fifth columnists' have gained more power and influence in Western society due to the success of Gramsci's 'long march' and much of what went on as a sort of fringe rebellion in Britain during Thatcher's years is now mainstream...a hint as to why our civilisation is in such strife!

I have little doubt that some of my left-leaning friends still bridle at her name. So be it!
I for one believe that she was the last bulwark against civilisational collapse and managed to push back the apocalypse a decade or two for the UK.

Unfortunately those who succeeded her did not learn from her courage or her morality, instead they learned how not to 'poke the bear'. Politicians have learned that in order to be 'liked' they must toe the line of the minority activists, they learned that popularity (and therefore keeping your job) means adapting to populist trends and giving the eternal needy what they want, when they want it and in the exact form that they want it regardless of the greater majority who pay the bills. That is until civilisational collapse reaches full term, the you-know-what-hits-the-fan and it is too late to do anything about it.

I am still hopeful of the fourth man in the furnace. Daniel 3:25

Thursday, 5 November 2015


Merv Bendle on the future of Australia if Victoria is any concerns the walking out of 40 muslim students during the national anthem:
"It’s not surprising that this attack was mounted in this fashion. Firstly, it occurred in Victoria, which has slipped in four decades from being the jewel in the Liberal crown to the jewel in the pommel of the sword of the barbarians, led by a Socialist Left government beholden to the unions and other corrupt bodies, and where the population has become accustomed to comprehensive statist intervention and social engineering. Secondly, it was at a primary school, where the crucial early years of socialisation are undertaken and the future worldview of children is shaped. Progressivists know it’s vital to undermine any developing sense of national identity at this early age. Thirdly, the attack involves teachers who are taught in the most politically radical faculties in the country, supported by the most extreme unions, and endowed with a fierce anti-Western animus, along with a deep sense of ideological purity and moral self-righteousness."


Ditto the Greens in Australia and an increasingly larger slice of the new Green-lite party; Labor:
"....the Democrats are no longer a working-to-middle-class party but an alliance of ultra-rich capitalists with liberal social views, middle-class progressives, and public sector unions with a membership tilted towards low-paid immigrants."