Friday 6 November 2015


For those who stand amazed at the rank hypocrisy, the vile tantrums and the potty-mouthed denunciations of Tony this excerpt by the historian Paul Johnson concerning the conspicuous animus directed against Margaret Thatcher during her term in office.

The essential difference was that for the first two terms at least, her colleagues supported her against all the evil, unlike Tony's and to their eternal shame.

Unfortunately over the preceding years these 'fifth columnists' have gained more power and influence in Western society due to the success of Gramsci's 'long march' and much of what went on as a sort of fringe rebellion in Britain during Thatcher's years is now mainstream...a hint as to why our civilisation is in such strife!

I have little doubt that some of my left-leaning friends still bridle at her name. So be it!
I for one believe that she was the last bulwark against civilisational collapse and managed to push back the apocalypse a decade or two for the UK.

Unfortunately those who succeeded her did not learn from her courage or her morality, instead they learned how not to 'poke the bear'. Politicians have learned that in order to be 'liked' they must toe the line of the minority activists, they learned that popularity (and therefore keeping your job) means adapting to populist trends and giving the eternal needy what they want, when they want it and in the exact form that they want it regardless of the greater majority who pay the bills. That is until civilisational collapse reaches full term, the you-know-what-hits-the-fan and it is too late to do anything about it.

I am still hopeful of the fourth man in the furnace. Daniel 3:25

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