Thursday 26 November 2015


Miranda Devines response to ponce Charles:
"Talk about fiddling while Paris burns. This is what psychologists would call a serious case of denial by displacement.
It’s been inconvenient for climate alarmists that, just three weeks before the UN’s upcoming talkfest, the host city was the scene of an Islamic State terrorist attack. On that very day, Al Gore, of all people, had to abandon a climate alarm stand-up outside the Eiffel Tower.
These rarefied folk would really rather ignore the whole messy business of Islamism but it came up and shouted in their face in Paris. Bit hard to avoid mentioning it.
So, rather than admit the politically incorrect truth that Islamic State is driven by a certain extreme religious ideology bent on creating a worldwide caliphate, leftists scour their barren craniums for any other explanation — and inevitably they have come up with climate change.
This issue has become the leftist’s ultimate wet dream. Understood only by an easily manipulated scientific priestly class, it is the latest vehicle to dismantle capitalism and halt progress. It requires a massive supranational bureaucracy and seamlessly provides a new elite with the tools of social domination. Control the means of energy production, control the world. That’s the dream, anyway.
Linking climate change to Islamic State perfectly suits those who live in a theoretical utopia in which you can feel good and fool yourself into thinking you are solving the most intractable threat of our time — genocidal Islamism — by telling other people to pay more for their electricity.
Trust Prince Charles to fall for it."

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