Wednesday 22 November 2017


The West is collapsing from within like a hot-air balloon whose burner has exploded and we are plummeting towards a harsh reality.

What might that 'burner' have been you ask? 
Might I suggest that foundational worldview of the West; the Judaeo-Christian worldview! 

By moving away from this foundational belief system we have not stopped believing, we have merely shifted our object of belief from a transcendent being to ourselves as the font of all wisdom, benevolence and meaning.

We now view ourselves as god, able to make every decision for ourselves. Able to differentiate good from evil based on our own opinions and desires. We no longer even bother with the concept of 'truth'...whats that (of course that is not new, even Pontius Pilate struggled with that one). We have long been able (with the help of the God given talents of surgeons) to change our exterior appearances to coincide with what is most in vogue amongst the 'important' people, and now we have even convinced ourselves that we can change our biology dependant on what we want it to be.

In short we have moved into a mode of subjective, self-delusional, mass induced madness unparalleled in human history. [Comment in brackets mine]: 
The reason for this existential collapse is that the relativist west has so heavily bought into the belief that reality is merely what we decide it to be. Ours has become a culture of radical subjectivity in which there is no such thing as objective truth. Everything is instead a matter of opinion and individual perception.
Feelings trump facts every time. No-one’s lifestyle is to be considered wrong or inferior to anyone else’s. No judgment is to be permitted, except for the judgment that judgmentalism is wrong. What is right for me is what is right. What I declare something to be is what it is. I feel, therefore I am.(et tu Descartes)
The ostensible aim of all this is to end discrimination, prejudice and social exclusion. This is untrue. The aim is unilaterally to change the entire basis of society from one governed by external moral rules and duties to one in which the only rule that has any authority is the duty to actualise our own inner potential and fulfil our own desires. [M Phillips]
Such delusional thinking must have this space.

 A read of this short article by the former Left-wing (now conservative) journalist Melanie Phillips charts well the deconstruction of humanity that our Western elites have committed our once free and prosperous society to.
It makes for sobering reflection.

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