We live in a world that has been prophesied about, not only by the biblical writers but by those more prescient amongst the left-wing who witnessed the degradation brought about by socialist dictators, were alarmed by the directions that the left in the West was heading and had the courage to write about it. I speak here of course about Huxley and Orwell whose prophetic utterances about the direction the world would take is almost so accurate that I am sure that the two of them would not have imagined that they could have been so exact.
I know from his extended writings that Orwell did not want the world to head in the direction it now has, that his writings were intended as a warning about how we could end up where we are headed if we followed blindly long the path of the socialist utopia. Unfortunately his warnings fell on deaf ears and his books became mere curiosities, works of 'literature' who raison detre was lost in the fog of Post-Modernism's assault on deconstructing all meaning out of texts. The end result is that we now inhabit Winston's World.
Winston Smith worked at 'Minitrue' (the Ministry of Truth in 'newspeak') and his job was to rewrite history. What do we see happening everyday on the news and in the press? People rioting about historical statues and the desire to rewrite history according to the 'rules' of today (the radicals rules of course). Think about these inventions of Orwell's and how they might apply to life today:
Orwell's invented language, Newspeak, satirises hypocrisy and evasion by the state: the Ministry of Love (Miniluv) oversees torture and brainwashing, the Ministry of Plenty (Miniplenty) oversees shortage and rationing, the Ministry of Peace (Minipax) oversees war and atrocity and the Ministry of Truth (Minitrue) oversees propaganda and historical revisionism. [Wikipedia]What inspired me to write this short piece was reading a political rant in the Washington Times today by Eric Holder the former Attorney General of the United States wherein he stated:
“The president sets a moral tone, and I think in that regard President Trump has not done the job we expect of our leaders,” Mr. Holder said. “The election of Barack Obama did not magically transform us as a people and eradicate bigotry, eradicate neo-Nazis and white nationalists. They were still there, but they didn’t feel empowered in a way that I think they do now.”He states that America now is not what he wants, that he "wants to go back to the America of Obama", indeed he refers to Trump as that 'Orange man'. Can you imagine what the press during Obama's kingship would have done to anyone who referred to his majesty as that 'black man'?
Obama's reign sent racial disharmony into the stratosphere. Corruption between government and crony capitalism reached new heights and Obama's assault on the basic liberty's of everyday Americans went into overdrive, and who was the man who wielded the big stick, why Eric Holder of course. Its no wonder he wants to go back to the Obama administration. Consider Holders role in this attack on the constitutions second amendment:
The Left loathes the idea that citizens have the right to keep and bear arms and has engaged in an ugly campaign against it. In his contribution, former House member Bob Barr details the non-legislative, extra-legal means employed by the Obama administration to undermine that right.Holder's tenure was so corrupt that Tom Fitton, attorney and President of Judicial Watch called Eric Holder: ‘One of the worst attorneys general in history’. Holder was called Obama's 'attack dog', his 'enforcer' and Ben Shapiro likened Holders reign to that of the Mafia kingpins. Now many of these voices could be dismissed as conservatives calling a left-wing radical names but the actual evidence of corruption and failure fly far beyond narrow political divides.
One of them was “Operation Fast and Furious,” a gambit undertaken by the Department of Justice to sell firearms to Mexican drug cartel figures with the intention of demonstrating the supposed need for a greater crackdown on arms sales. Some of the weapons involved in this rogue plan were used in the gun battle that cost a border patrol agent his life in 2010. But when Congress investigated and sought information about Fast and Furious, Attorney General Eric Holder refused to turn over documents and was then held in contempt of Congress. That, however, had no impact at all.
In all reality, what's posted below is the tip of the iceberg concerning Holder's lawlessness.

Holder is nobody's idea of a person of good character and I image that Martin Luther King Jnr. is spinning like a turbine in his grave at what America became under Obama's regime. Thank goodness the limitation of two terms still holds water in America, and thank goodness so many citizens of that country still have the weapons to defend their liberty, because if Obama and his minions like Holder had had the chance I have no doubt that America would have become like Zimbabwe on steroids.
Which is why reading Holders diatribe against Trump made Orwell's novel come to life for me.
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