Wednesday 20 December 2017


A sobering thought has just occurred to me whilst relaxing on my comfortable reclining chair.

As any student of history (no matter how superficially one might have studied history) will observe; the natural state of humanity has always been chaos. The reasons for this differ depending on your worldview and cultural bias.

I myself have held a few different worldviews over a reasonably long life but have not been able to arrive at a better or more rational perspective than the one offered by the Bible.

That is; that mankind is corrupted from birth and all of his/her twistings and turnings are at their very root sinful. Not a word that sits well with the consciences(seared?) of today's generation.
In fact the use of the word these days opens one up to accusations of, well, sinfulness!

Anyhoo....back to my musings from the reclining chair.

What we see from any study of history, no matter how cursory, is humanity in a state of chaos...and yet the Western cultures have manged to achieve a modicum of equilibrium in spite of history proving otherwise. The question remains How?

Well IMHO I believe that it has been the cumulative accretion of the Judaeo-Christian worldview as it managed to gain superiority through an application of what works over what fails during the past 2 millennia.

And it is this worldview that has been systematically dismantled and is under constant attack by the Utopianists of today.

Looking forward to the natural state of mankind being fully restored[sarc].

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