Tuesday 5 December 2017


The following tax advice from Michael Barone illustrates how overt government control of the economy constricts economic growth by causing the tax payers to seek ways of avoiding paying taxes rather than looking at ways of growing their businesses. Its Human Nature to do so!:
"Currently, the top one percent of earners account for about 40 percent of federal income tax revenue; the next nine percent provide about 30 percent more. You could make the system more progressive with more progressive income tax rates or by raising the amount of income subject to the payroll tax, but at the risk of redirecting high earners' attention from productivity to tax avoidance. Such changes tend to reduce economic growth, just as tax cuts tend to increase it."
My family, small tax payers in the wider scheme of things are nevertheless looking at all sorts of legal ways to avoid paying tax. Instead of being open to paying taxes as we should be, we like many conservatives, are piqued at paying the lions share towards programs and systems that are undermining everything we believe in. 

In fact the Socialists in charge of the circus; a.k.a. government, are usually more concerned with those who don't pay their way. Why? Because these folk are dependent on government largess and other 'freebies' so they keep voting the socialists back into power. The real tragedy of course is that these 'freebies' are not free at all and keep those who are gullible enough to believe in the system firmly entrapped within the system. 

Does the ruling oligarchy care? Not at all...because most of those making the decisions on ideological grounds are buttressed against the negative results of their sociopolitical experiments. Most government bureaucrats enjoy safe sinecures and padded benefits, and as a result they do not have to worry about the real-world effects of their failures and those left to suffer are merely the peasants and serfs of the new, neo-feudalists. 

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