Tuesday 20 March 2018


One of Gramsci’s most influential theory’s to have been adapted by the political left is this one; the idea that:
…..revolutionary practice and theoretical correctness are identical attributes, that learning equal’s wisdom and that wisdom equals the right to rule. (Scruton R, Fools Frauds and Firebrands, p. 199)
As a result of Gramsci’s acolytes successful ‘long march through the institutions’ the ‘organs of meaning and influence’ in the West today; politics, education, organised religion, the media, entertainment, the arts etc, have been infiltrated and occupied by left-wing totalitarians who have locked the doors of access behind themselves and bar everyone but fellow believers access to these institutions.

This has given rise to an orthodoxy of opinion that brooks no deviations, and the ruthless ‘culling’ of dissenting views, usually by means of intimidation and mockery rather than through epistemological rigour.

The end result is that we now have in the West, governments staffed by petty bureaucrats who have paid for worthless degrees[1] and are therefore unable/unwilling to find employment within the actual, real-world business environment but who think that because they have a ‘higher education’, and are therefore ‘wise’, they are the logical ‘rulers’ of society and are willing and able to put their theoretical ideologies into practice regardless of which political party is actually ‘elected’. What America is currently discovering and calling the ‘deep state’.

Thus we have a bunch of people completely unqualified to run any real-world organisation running the national economy, and in an increasingly socialistic governmental paradigm these are the people who oversee everything from farming to health to the defence sector and unsurprisingly, they are making an almighty mess of things.

And here is where the real genius of Gramsci clicks into high gear. With the capture of these ‘organs of meaning’ left wing activists have insinuated themselves into positions where they are promoted as the knowledgeable rescuers of the failing society. They are presented as the ones who are the hereditary rulers because they are the ‘experts’. They cause the problems then they step in as the saviours and the situation only gets worse, but the cycle continues because the ‘normals’ are constantly fed the line that it is the right-wing fundamentalists, the greedy capitalists or the Jewish illuminati that are the real villains.

Trump has upended that linear progression that has been on an unbroken trajectory for the past 40 plus years and it infuriates the powerbrokers/The neo-feudalists, and that is why they are so determined to bring him to his knees.

[1] https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2017/11/australias-increasingly-worthless-university-degrees/

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