Monday 7 May 2018


In 1794 the French 'revolutionary committee' banned the worship of God and replaced it with the 'cult of reason', and thereafter executed thousands of people it accused of 'heresy'. This man-centered cult of reason, the French revolution laid the groundwork and the intellectual foundation for the birth to two other 'egalitarian' cults; Fascism and Communism...both of which flourish in today's swamp of 'victim-hood'.

If history is any indicator, and I believe it is, then for us to merely stand around and hide our heads in the sand about the cultural war taking place in our midst, then we should not be surprised when the guillotine arrives to lop off said heads. 

Just as in South Africa we had to make a decision whether or not to obey the unjust laws or whether to become in the eyes of human law, outlaws, so in our present condition I believe we must find ways to counter the radical agenda of the left in our midst. 

If that means merely an occasional post on Facebook or to march in street protests or to voice your displeasure at a family gathering I have no idea...each person fights the good fight according to their own level of enlightenment, but fight we must, if only for the sake of our children. We need to pick a side because the division has become a chasm and our civilisation is being white-anted by the fifth columnists in our midst.

Although many of these hapless 'intellectuals', journalists, scientists, and politicians are little more than Lenin's 'useful idiots' they are participating in the destruction of a civilisation that has been a beacon of hope, rationality and peace for the greatest number of citizens for a substantial period of time. Sure, there have been and continue to be problems with the West, no human society is without them. 

The question we should ask is why? 

Not because of the 'rules' accredited to the civilisation itself per se, but because of the curse of mans fallen nature, something the Utopianists deny and are thus feted to repeat the error of the French revolutionaries and every revolutionary in the name of radical egalitarianism thereafter; that is to pursue their philosophy of the perfectibility of human society by the imposition of societal laws and regulations:
Both Communism and Fascism attempted to transform the world to create a perfected society. Both ideologies were deprived of their power with the defeat of Nazi Germany and the discrediting of Stalinism and subsequent fall of the Soviet Union. But the secular belief that man could perfect the world in his own image, and in ways that would brook no dissent, merely mutated in the latter half of the 20th century into what J.E. Talmon termed “cultural totalitarianism”. [M Phillips]

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