Wednesday 16 May 2018


If you have read Orwell's 1984 you will understand how Big Brothers indoctrination of citizens is hard at work today in the West for example; there are many in the Western university system who would say that 2 + 2 = 5, or 6 or any number the 'elites' want them to say without a second thought. 

These are the same people who have been brainwashed into believing that on the one hand they live in the most oppresive culture on earth:
If there are luckier young women in the world than those who attend Cornell and other American universities, it is hard to imagine who they might be. Yet, they have been so effectively indoctrinated by their left-wing instructors in elementary school, high school, and college, they walk around thinking of themselves as victims – of “systemic oppression” in what is probably the freest and most opportunity-giving society in human history. [D Prager]
...and yet on the other hand many claim that today's kids are the most intelligent cohort of human beings to ever walk this earth because so many of them now attend university. The reality is that it is precisely because of the latter that the former is a big joke:
The nation’s public schools are a mess. Only 37 percent of 12th graders tested proficient in reading and only 25 percent in maths. Yet the inability to read or do maths seems to be no barrier to college. Unprepared students are flooding into college in record numbers. The Bureau of Labour Statistics says 70 percent of white high-school graduates and 58 percent of black graduates in 2016 enrolled in college. In his syndicated column, Walter E. Williams asks, “If only 37 percent of white high school graduates test as college-ready, how come colleges are admitting 70 percent of them? And if roughly 17 percent of black high school graduates test as college-ready, how come colleges are admitting 58 percent of them? It’s inconceivable that college administrators are unaware that they are admitting students who are ill-prepared and cannot perform at the college level.”
From the Walter Williams article quoted above:

College professors dumb down their courses so that ill-prepared students can get passing grades. Colleges also set up majors with little analytical demands so as to accommodate students with analytical deficits. Such majors often include the term “studies,” such as ethnic studies, cultural studies, gender studies... The major for the most ill-prepared students, sadly enough, is education. When students’ SAT scores are ranked by intended major, education majors place 26th on a list of 38.

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