Monday 31 December 2018


In a stable environment we take many things for granted.
Unfortunately society is a lot more fragile than we think (if we think about it at all) and the consequences of complacency are profound.
Beware creeping totalitarianism.
I would posit Victoria as a collectivist petri dish worth watching to determine just how such potentially ruinous policies will affect us in the future. 
If the truth doesn't fit into the official policy then we change the 'truth'. Nothing to see here, move along (gang violence), when things go wrong blame anyone else (the murderous bush fires), waste billions on useless policies and constructions that are motivated by false scares, the consequences of which propel living expenses into the stratosphere (climate change?), all of these examples, and there are many more that represent the sacrificing of ordinary middle and working class people on the altar of ideological claptrap by the current Victorian Labor government. 
And it has only just begun. 
Watch this space.

The lame-stream-media would have us believe that Donald Trump is the face of a new Fascism. 
Only history illiterates would conceive of such a notion never mind believe it.
The real dangers lie in those politicians who are at the coal face but are too interested in their own careers, goals and ambitions to challenge the increasingly hostile lawfare that is straight-jacketing ordinary Australians in so many professions. 

I was regaling some friends with my wife and my early escapades into retailing our own brand of clothing during the early 80's. 
As we were sharing stories and experiences it became very evident to all that to be able to recreate such events today would be impossible given the legal strictures and workplace requirements that strangle business these days. The only bodies capable of undertaking much new business today are those with large human resource departments capable of dealing with the debilitating amount of red-tape and governance requirements that local, State and Federal governments place on business development in Australia.  

The end result; free enterprise as we used to know it has almost been eradicated from our society. 

Oh sure, there are still some industries and small businesses that exist against all odds because of tenacious and the sometimes brilliant entrepreneurs behind them. But you speak to the average small and mid-range business owners these days and you will hear horror story after horror story of how bureaucratic busy-bodies are incapacitating the marketplaces.

Soon only crony 'capitalism' as experienced in the communist and 3rd worlds will be able to survive.

That is but one example of creeping totalitarianism in our 'free' society today.

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